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Case Study of One-on-one interview conversation with

Bongbong Marcos

Interviewer: lisa araneta marcos is showing up more in the campaign rallies of her
husband bong bong. bong bong gives a hint on what will be lisa's role in his
administration should he win the presidency.

Marcos: ayaw na ayaw niya sa public capacity, she wants to be independent in the in a
sense now she's working privately, to help the educational systems.

Interviewer: Bongbong also answered the question on whether or not his mother
Imelda, was the one who pushed him to pursue his presidential bid. Bongbong also
says his mother wants to campaign for him but they want her to stay home due to the

Marcos: yes, she's very very very involved in everything that we're doing, but the
decision was mine I really have to say that the decision was mine.

Interviewer: Bongbong revealed he was avoiding politics when he was young and he
wanted to be an astronaut or musician. But it seems he is fated to enter politics.

Interviewer 2: you would always say na malaking influence ng dad niyo and your mom,
pero meron bang differences with your father or was can you remember a time that you
had a disagreement.

Marcos: no, he's the boss you don't disagree if he tells you to if we it because he's
always right anyway as far as far as in our situation.

Interviewer: marcos also admits he live a comfortable life in malacanang, he was only
eight when he first resided at the palace.

Marcos: you're a little spoiled when you're in a palace because anything, especially as
a kid I remember the first night that we spent there ahh... it was New Year’s Eve and
we were allowed to stay up late, somebody came in and said “is there anything you

Interviewer: marcos said his parents were always telling them that all the things that
they have are from the people something that they need to work hard for and give back
to them.


Discourse Markers
The use of discourse markers when communicating helps to make you sound
more fluent, helps to engage the listener and helps to successfully communicate how
you feel about the conversation. In my case study the discourse is used properly during
the interview conversation of Bongbong Marcos as it was more on answering the
questions of the interviewer, because their conversation is only short and I was able to
understand properly the uses of discourse markers in the conversation.
My chosen case study has only two speakers, the interviewer and the candidate
for the presidency. The speaker is trying to know more about Bongbong Marcos
specially the process and strategy of their campaign. The interviewer also seeks more
about the lifestyle of Bongbong Marcos when he was little and when they were living in
Malacañang palace. The interviewer here is trying to see if Bongbong Marcos is good in
leading the country if ever that he will win as the president of the Philippines during their
campaign last election of May 2022.
The discourse structured in this case study was question and answer that they
used during the interview. During the interview it was good and the main topic of the
interview is more on politics specially the presidency of Bongbong Marcos. And we
really need to know if their purpose in politics is good specially that Bongbong Marcos
was called dictator because of the behavior of his late father Ferdinand Marcos, who
also led the Philippines on December 30, 1965 – February 25, 1986.
The tone of their conversation is good as we can hear properly their voices
during the interview, the rhythm of the conversation is good as I was able to understand
properly the conversation because they talk calmly. And it should be like that because
the interview should be formal as it was about politics and the candidacy of Bongbong
Marcos as the next president of the Philippines.
The discourse markers during their interview conversation are slightly being used
the whole interview. There are virtually no discourse markers utilized when he
expresses, explains, and talks about the campaign and being the presidential candidate
in the Philippines. The speaker always finished her statement abruptly, without
connecting sentences with discourse markers.
As I was able to finish watching ang listening to their conversation it was good
and the discourse is effective in achieving the purpose of the interview conversation.
This sort of conversation is vital to have with any presidential candidate or any type of
political thing, especially if it's formal for an authority to be the next leader or who is the
appropriate and qualified for the position. It is also an effective technique to choose
whom you would vote for in the government, as if they are decent individuals who will
contribute to economic progress or will be a barrier and burden in the future.
The purpose of this discourse is to enlighten the insights of the Filipinos about
Bongbong Marcos as they have to know more about his life and doings of Bongbong
Marcos. Filipinos should know first the life and background of the next president that
they want to role or who will be the next president of the Philippines. In conclusion,
having this type of conversation is essential for all authorities and organizations in order
to obtain a successful leader who is capable of leading in the long term. The interviewer
just had a brilliant idea to have this type of conversation in order to set up interviews
since it has a significant influence in determining who has the potential for the position.
It is quite beneficial to use the global language in interviews since it is a serious talk,
and I must add that English is a formal language to hear.

Case Study
The summary of this discourse is about the interview conversation of Bongbong
Marcos and it’s all about politics. It is an interview if he’s a good leader or if he can lead
properly the Philippines. The purpose of the discourse was to have and accomplish the
question and response in the formal dialogue of the two speakers. It was not a question
designed to gather replies that would surprise others, but rather one about yourself and
your leadership talents. So, that was an easy conversation, but you still need to present
yourself properly and bravely since there is where the stability of your career and future


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