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Émile Durkheim, a key figure in the field of sociology, is known for his theories on social facts,

solidarity, and the study of religion. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Durkheim

discusses his foundational work in the field, including his emphasis on understanding social

phenomena as objective realities that have an impact on individuals.

In The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Durkheim explores the role of religion in society,

particularly focusing on the concept of collective consciousness and the ways in which religious

rituals and beliefs work to reinforce social cohesion. By examining the rituals and symbols of

religion, Durkheim argues that religious practices are essential for maintaining social order and

solidarity within a community.

In light of the reading materials for this unit, Durkheim's work serves as a valuable perspective

on the importance of social institutions and practices in shaping individual behavior and beliefs.

His focus on the role of religion in reinforcing social cohesion aligns with the themes of the

readings, which explore the ways in which culture and society influence the development of

individuals and their beliefs. Through Durkheim's analysis, we can gain a deeper understanding

of the connections between social structures, cultural practices, and individual experiences.

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