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Activity 2.

Using Sound as a Signal

1. Keeping in mind that signals and senses have evolved by natural selection, Write
down your ideas about what advantages and disadvantages Communicating with
sound may have over communicating with the other Senses. Advantages of Low-
Frequency Sounds

Communicating with sound, particularly through the use of low-frequency sounds, offers
unique advantages over other senses. These advantages include the ability to travel long
distances, convey information without direct line of sight, penetrate obstacles, maintain
signal strength over distance, and remain resilient in noisy environments. These
characteristics make sound-based communication an effective and reliable means of
conveying messages in various environments and situations.

2. Describe the advantages of using low-frequency sounds for communication. What

aspect of an elephant’s life makes it important to use low-frequency Sounds?

Low-frequency sounds offer advantages such as long-distance reach, obstacle

penetration, and noise resilience for communication. For elephants, the use of low-
frequency sounds is crucial due to their complex social structure and habitat. The ability to
communicate effectively over long distances and through dense vegetation allows
elephants to maintain social connections and navigate their environment.

3. Describe another example of “hearing” by bone conduction. It could include Your

personal experience.

An example of "hearing" through bone conduction is the use of bone conduction

headphones, which transmit sound vibrations directly to the bones of the skull. This allows
the sound to be perceived by the inner ear and provides a unique listening experience.
Personally, I have used bone conduction headphones during outdoor activities,
appreciating the safety benefits of keeping the ears open while still enjoying audio. It’s a
fascinating technology that combines audio enjoyment with situational awareness.
4. How do the hearing ranges of birds compare to those of bats, elephants, and
Humans? What does this tell you about the evolution of the communication
Systems of birds and humans compared to those of bats and elephants?

The hearing ranges of birds, bats, elephants, and humans differ. Birds and humans have
similar hearing ranges, while bats have a broader range in higher frequencies and
elephants have a unique ability to detect low-frequency sounds. This suggests that the
communication systems of birds and humans have evolved to utilize similar frequencies,
while bats and elephants have developed communication systems that align with their
specific hearing capabilities. The evolution of communication systems in these species is
influenced by their hearing ranges and the environmental factors that shape their
communication needs.

5. Describe how the wavelength of sound and the frequency of sound are Related.
The wavelength and frequency of sound are inversely related. The wavelength refers
to the distance between two consecutive points in a sound wave, while the
frequency represents the number of cycles per second. As the frequency of sound
increases, the wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described
by the equation: Speed of Sound = Wavelength x Frequency. Understanding this
relationship is important in fields such as acoustics, music, and
telecommunications for analyzing and manipulating sound waves.

6. What is the wavelength of a 1-kilohertz (kHz) sound traveling in water? Show Your
To calculate the wavelength of a sound wave, we can use the formula:

Wavelength = Speed of Sound / Frequency

The speed of sound in water is approximately 1,484 meters per second.

Given that the frequency of the sound wave is 1 kilohertz (kHz), or 1,000 Hz, we can
substitute these values into the formula:

Wavelength = 1484 m/s / 1000 Hz

Wavelength = 1.484 meters

Therefore, the wavelength of a 1-kilohertz (kHz) sound traveling in water is

approximately 1.484 meters.

7. Describe two ways by which a higher-frequency sound is attenuated as sound

Waves travel through forests. What implications do you think this has for the
Evolution of communication among forest-dwelling elephants?
As sound waves travel through forests, higher-frequency sounds are attenuated
through absorption and scattering. The dense vegetation in forests absorbs the
energy of higher-frequency waves, causing them to be dampened. Additionally,
obstacles in the forest scatter higher-frequency waves, dispersing the sound energy
in different directions. These forms of attenuation have implications for the
evolution of communication among forest-dwelling elephants. To overcome the
challenges of communication in dense forest environments, elephants may have
evolved to utilize lower-frequency sounds, such as infrasound, which can travel
through the vegetation more effectively. By relying on lower-frequency
communication signals, elephants can maintain effective communication within
their social groups despite the obstacles presented by the forest environment.

8. Write down your ideas for how the ability to communicate using low- Frequency
sounds may provide an adaptive advantage for survival and Reproduction to
The ability of elephants to communicate using low-frequency sounds provides
adaptive advantages for their survival and reproduction. It allows for long-distance
communication, facilitates communication through obstacles, supports mating and
reproductive strategies, and aids in territorial defense. These communication
abilities enhance social cohesion, reproductive success, and overall survival in the
complex environments where elephants reside.
9. Write down your ideas for how species-specific songs might provide an Adaptive
advantage in survival and reproduction.
Species-specific songs provide adaptive advantages in survival and reproduction.
They enable species recognition, attracting mates, establishing territories,
promoting social cohesion, and adapting to specific environments. These songs
play a critical role in reproductive success, genetic integrity, and the overall survival
of species.

10. Write down your ideas on how ultrasound provides an advantage to bats And moths
in their particular habitat.
Ultrasound provides advantages to both bats and moths in their habitats. Bats use
echolocation for navigation and hunting efficiency, while moths have evolved to
utilize ultrasound for predator evasion and confusion tactics. These adaptations
demonstrate how these species have harnessed ultrasound to thrive in their
specific ecological niches.


1. How Do Salinity and Competition Affect the Distribution of Plants in an Estuary?

2. Give examples of human actions that could expand a species’ distribution by

Changing its (a) dispersal or (b) biotic interactions.

Salinity and competition are key factors that influence the distribution of plants
in an estuary. Salinity levels determine the types of plants that can tolerate
different salinity conditions, while competition among plants for resources like
light, nutrients, and space further shapes their distribution. The interplay
between salinity and competition creates distinct habitats and ecological niches
within the estuary, impacting plant distribution and the overall ecosystem

3. If global warming increases average temperatures on Earth by 4°C in this

Century, predict which biome is most likely to replace tundra in some locations
As a result. Explain your answer.
If global warming increases average temperatures by 4°C in this century, it is
likely that the boreal forest biome, also known as taiga, would replace tundra in
some locations. Warmer temperatures would result in longer growing seasons,
increased moisture availability, and the release of nutrients from thawing
permafrost. These factors would facilitate the growth of trees and the expansion
of the boreal forest into former tundra areas. However, the specific changes in
vegetation would depend on local factors such as topography and soil

4. Many organisms living in estuaries experience freshwater and saltwater

Conditions each day with the rising and falling of tides. Explain how these
Changing conditions challenge the survival of these organisms.

The changing conditions of freshwater and saltwater in estuaries, caused by tidal

fluctuations, pose challenges to the survival of organisms. These challenges include the
need for osmoregulation, physiological stress, limited resources, competition and
predation, and the requirement for adaptation and tolerance. Organisms must adapt to
cope with fluctuating salinity levels to maintain proper cellular function, avoid stress,
compete for resources, and survive in estuarine environments. The ability to tolerate and
adapt to changing conditions is crucial for the successful survival of estuarine organisms.


1. What are some types of symbiotic interactions among animals? Is mutualism

Always a symbiotic relationship?

Symbiotic interactions among animals include mutualism, commensalism, and

parasitism. Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship where both species benefit.
Examples include pollination and cleaner fish and host fish. Commensalism is a
relationship where one species benefits while the other is unaffected. Examples include
remora fish and sharks and birds nesting in trees. Parasitism is a relationship where one
species benefits at the expense of the other. Examples include fleas on mammals and
tapeworms in the intestines. While mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship, not all
mutualistic interactions are considered symbiotic, as symbiosis specifically refers to a
long-term, close association between species.

2. Contrast exponential and logistic growth of a population. Under what Conditions

might you expect a population to exhibit exponential growth? Why Cannot
exponential growth be perpetuated indefinitely?
Exponential growth occurs when a population increases at an accelerating rate,
while logistic growth occurs when a population initially grows exponentially but
levels off as it approaches the carrying capacity. Exponential growth is expected
under conditions of abundant resources, minimal competition and predation, and
favorable environmental conditions. Logistic growth occurs when resources
become limited, intraspecific competition increases, and density-dependent
factors come into play. Exponential growth cannot be perpetuated indefinitely due
to limited resources, environmental constraints, and density-dependent regulation.

3. Population growth may be hindered by either density-dependent or density-

Independent mechanisms. Define and contrast these two mechanisms. Offer
Examples of how the human population growth might be curbed by either Agent.
Population growth can be hindered by density-dependent and density-independent
mechanisms. Density-dependent mechanisms, such as competition for resources
and disease/predation, operate based on population density. Density-independent
mechanisms, such as environmental factors and habitat destruction, affect
population growth regardless of density. The human population growth can be
curbed by increased competition for resources and reduced fertility rates (density-
dependent), as well as by natural disasters, climate change, and habitat destruction
(density-independent). These mechanisms can lead to reduced reproductive
success, increased mortality, and environmental disruptions, impacting population

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