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PAGE 177

1. Why should we put the highest value to our forest ecosystem?

ANSWER: We put the highest value to our forest ecosystem because it provide habitat
for plants and animals. This is the place where they can produce and obtain their food. It
also serves as watersheds. Bring us to be safe from much rain.

2. Predict what might happen if a tropical rainforest receives little rain for a long period of

ANSWER: It is the highest biodiversity in our planet. I think it will lessen the huge
support of different organisms from plants, animals and even fungi. It will become dried
and many plants that require lots of water for survival will die if a tropical rainforest receives
little rain for a long period of time.

3. Explain what would happen if decomposers are absent in a forest ecosystem?

ANSWER: The forest ecosystem would support no life. Wastes and the remains of dead
organisms would increase and the nutrients in it would not be released back into the
ecosystem. Producers would not have enough nutrients.

4. How do living things react to one another?

ANSWER: Living things tend to react and interact to one another as well as the
nonliving things that surround them. By an ecosystem, it will interact the biotic factors or
the living things and the abiotic factors or the non-living things.

5. How does competition among plants exist in a tropical rainforest? What do you think are
some of the adaptations of smaller plants to properly compete with the taller trees?

ANSWER: They are competing by their nutrients, water, sunlight, and territory
necessary for survival. Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. They also
require soil for their anchorage, and they need water to survive.
PAGE 182

1. Why are producers important in the coral reef ecosystem? What could happen if they will
not be present in the coral reef ecosystem?

ANSWER: Coral reefs are natural habitats and breeding grounds of marine organisms
which provide rich sources of food. They also protect coastlines from waves. It might
affect the home and an amazing number of creatures.

2. Predict how the absence of phytoplankton in the coral reef could affect the entire

ANSWER: Phytoplankton, the food web, represent a fundamental food source in coral
reef ecosystems. It could cause death of the population in the reef community. It is the
food for the small fishes, clams, zooplanktons, sponges and other organisms there.
Without it, community here will be dying.

3. Why should we put our highest value to our coral reefs? What are some of the possible
things that will happen if our coral reefs will be greatly damaged?

ANSWER: Because it is the part of marine biome and serves as home for a variety of
marine organisms. If coral reefs will be greatly damaged the number of fish begin to die.
It will have food crisis. Climate change and bleached coral will make coral-based tourism
unappealing or non-existent, which will lead to job losses. There will be rapid erosion of
coastlines and many small island countries might even vanish from the world map.

4. As a student, what are some of the means you can do to promote the protection and
preservation of coral reef ecosystems?

ANSWER: Always clean our coral reef ecosystem supports the program of keeping it
alive and safe. Joining and interact to the organization where we can promote protection
and preservation of coral reefs.

PAGE 187

1. How important are mangrove swamps in the population of fishes?

ANSWER: Mangroves serve as breeding or nesting grounds and habitat of different


2. How do mangroves and coral reefs show mutual relationships?

ANSWER: Their relationship affects the reef communities in many interesting ways. It
serves as shoreline protection. It provides food and shelter for a range of organisms.

3. Why should we put a high value to our mangrove swamp ecosystem?

ANSWER: Because they act as natural barriers and flood defenses and serve as sources
of livelihood for people.

4. What adaptations do mangroves possess to live in salty waters?

ANSWER: The roots of the mangrove plants are adapted to filter salt water. Their leaves
can excrete salt, allowing them to survive where other terrestrial plants cannot.

5. Construct a food chain and a food web in a mangrove swamp ecosystem. Include yourself
in the food web.

PAGE 192

1. Identify ways to conserve wildlife ecosystem.

ANSWER: Protection of sanctuaries, Support projects, do not support the purchase of

materials made from animal part and help raise funds. And in my own words, we can
protect and conserve wildlife ecosystem by planting more trees, keeping our environment
clean, taking an action by donating and spreading the word to conserve and protect the

2. How can your family help conserve the resources needed by living things?

ANSWER: Keeping the environment clean and reducing plastic wastes can help in
conserving ecosystem.

3. Why are leguminous plants essential in soil nutrition?

ANSWER: These kinds of plants can be attributed with the activity of the nitrogen fixing
bacteria that converts unusable gas into ammonium in protein making.

4. Predict what could be the outcome of continuous usage of fishing nets with small holes in
obtaining fish for food production.

ANSWER: Continuous usage of fishing nets with small hole can conclude to extinction
of marine animals that will affect the ecosystem.

5. Why is biodiversity in a certain environment important?

ANSWER: Biodiversity provides functioning ecosystem with healthy air, pollination of

plants, pest control and many more.

6. State five practices to promote the conservation, protection, and rehabilitation of our

ANSWER: In promoting conservation, protection and rehabilitation of our ecosystems

we can do practices like, reducing wastes, maintain healthy soil, respecting wildlife,
being a responsible human, and cleaning waterways.

PAGE 196

1. What is biodiversity? Explain its importance.

ANSWER: Biodiversity is said to be the existence of different species such as plants,

animals, fungi, and other forms of life in a particular area and environment. The
importance are maintaining food chain, protecting natural resources, maintaining
ecosystem balance, good health of all living beings and provision of food resources for

2. What are the differences between tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps?

ANSWER: Tropical rainforest is biome which possibly has the highest biodiversity in
our planet. It can support a huge number of different organisms from plants, animals and
even fungi. The coral reef ecosystem is an interactive area of coral reef development
containing many individual reefs and associate habitat like sea grass meadows. And
mangrove swamps is composed of plants which are mostly mangroves and animals like
crustaceans and migratory birds.

3. What are the different methods of soil and habitat restoration?

ANSWER: reforestation, riparian buffering, prairie restoration, and coral reef restoration

4. What are coral reefs referred to as “rainforests of the sea”?

ANSWER: Coral Polyps with million tiny animals

5. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?

ANSWER: A food chain is a linear flow of energy and nutrients from one organism to
another. While a food web can be termed as the combination of many different food
chains and the relationship that exists between each organism. A food chain is a basic
network that shows the linear flow of nutrients and energy from one trophic level to
another. A food web is a multitude of food chains that are interconnected at many trophic
levels. Furthermore, a food web accurately represents all the various food chains that
exist in an ecosystem.

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C

PAGE 209

1. Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces

2. Electric Force
3. Nuclear Force
4. Nuclear Force
5. Nuclear Force
6. Magnetic Force
7. Frictional Force
8. Nuclear Force
9. Electric Force
10. Frictional Force

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