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Expected Traffic
The anticipated operating vehicles along internal roads are maintenance pick up, however;
construction and heavy haul demand should be met. Therefore, a truck trailer with load capacity of 60
ton is considered as the design vehicle (however this load exceeds the limits of weight rules on
Egyptian roads). This vehicle is assumed to run over the same spot along road twice per day.

The truck is a six axle vehicle; front Single axle single tyre of 6 ton, tandem axle of 16 ton and rear 3 x
single axle dual tyre with 10 ton load capacity each


In order to estimate the effect of each axle and its load, the truck factor formula could be estimated
based on the fourth power rule, where each load could be correlated to the standard equivalent axle
load by the formula:( load/ standard) 4

- For single axle single tire (SAST), the standard load is 5.4 ton
- For single axle- dual tire (SADT), the standard load is 8.2 ton
- For tandem axle-dual tyre (TADT), the standard load is 13.6 ton

Design will consider the truck will pass once fully loaded and returning empty. Therefore, truck factor is
the average of two cases along pavement section over the entire design life.

Hence, axle load and truck factor for the fully loaded case as per Table1 below:

Gross vehicle Load on axle, P (t) Equivalent Single Axle Truck

weight (t) (P/Standard)4 factor
Truck Trailer Fully loaded 69 6 16 16 1.52 1.91 14.49 46.9
(60t load) Empty 19 3 5.5 3.5 0.09 0.03 0.03 0.15

Equivalent Single Axle Load (ESAL)

(ESAL) = Number of daily passes x 365 x design life x Truck factor

= 2 x 365 x 20 x 23.5

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= 343,465

Design ESAL = 350,000

2. Design Main Parameters:

The basic design equation used in AASHTO Guide is as follows:

W18 = predicted number of 18-kip equivalent single axle load

ZR = standard normal deviate

SO = combined standard error of the traffic prediction and performance prediction

ΔPSI = difference between the initial design serviceability index, p o, and the design terminal serviceability index,
pt, and

MR = Sub-grade Resilient Modulus as derived from the CBR values

SN = the structural number indicative of the total pavement thickness required: SN= a 1 D1 + a2 D2 m2 +a3 D3 m3,
ai = ith layer coefficient

Di = ith layer thickness (inches), and

mi = ith layer drainage coefficient

2.1. Reliability
There are many sources for uncertainties in pavement design problems – e.g., traffic prediction,
material characterization and behaviour modelling, environmental conditions, etc. – as well as
variability during construction and maintenance. The uncertainty comes not only from data collection,
but also from the lack of input parameters required to better characterize traffic, materials and
environmental conditions.

Therefore, as per the classification of roads in the plant (local roads); a 80% of reliability is adopted,
and corresponding standard normal deviation (ZR) = -0.841

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2.2. Standard deviation
As per the AASHTO design guide, the overall standard deviation (SO) is 0.45 for flexible pavements.

2.3. Serviceability
The serviceability of a pavement is defined as its ability to serve the type of traffic, which use the
facility. The primary measure of serviceability is the present serviceability index (PSI), which ranges
from 0 (impossible road) to 5 (perfect road). The aim is to design a pavement based on a specific total
traffic volume and a minimum level of serviceability desired at the end of the performance period.

Selection of the lowest allowable PSI or terminal serviceability index (P t) is based on the lowest index
that will be tolerated before rehabilitation, resurfacing, or reconstruction becomes necessary. An index
of 2.5 or higher is suggested for design of major highways and 2.0 for highways with lesser traffic

The recommended initial serviceability index (Po): 4.2, assuming paving job with moderate quality
And, terminal serviceability index (Pt): 1.5 (Consistent with the deferred maintenance interventions for
less important roads found at similar facilities).

2.4. Sub-grade Modulus of Resilient

The resilient modulus is a measure of the elastic property of the soil recognizing certain nonlinear
characteristics. CBR and R-value test results can be correlated to the resilient modulus (M R) value
through the use of well-established correlations. The best estimate for the resilient modulus for fine-
grained soils can be obtained using the following AASHTO equation (AASHTO 2002) as a fair conversion
over a wide range of values:

MR = 2555*CBR0.64

MR = Resilient Modulus in psi

CBR= California Bearing Ratio
Accordingly, MR Value for design CBR= 2555*(10)0.64= 11,152

2.5. Layers Coefficient (a)

Layer coefficients are selected based on material type, density, vehicle speed, project location, and
asphalt temperatures.

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The layer coefficients for the Granular materials are obtained from charts of AASHTO 93 Design Guide.
Value of (a3) reflects layer coefficient of aggregate sub-base material to be used for surface layer.

2.6. Layers Drainage Coefficient (m)

Drainage coefficients are selected based on the quality of drainage on the pavement system. These
coefficients are used for modifying the structural layer coefficients for sub-base (m 3). It reflects the
drainage quality and the percentage of time during the year the pavement structure would normally be
exposed to moisture levels approaching saturation.

The recommended drainage coefficient (mi) for pavement layers is 1.25 (fair drainage quality and less
than 1% exposure to moisture.

2.7. Material Properties

Using selected gravel as a surface layer

 CBR=60%
 Layer Coefficient (a) =0.125
 Modulus of resilient (MR) = 26,000 psi

3. Design Structural Number (SN):

The AASHTO method utilizes the term structural number (SN) to quantify the structural strength of a
pavement required for a given combination of soil support, total traffic, reliability, and serviceability
level, the required SN is converted to actual thickness of surfacing base and replaced subgrade, by

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means of appropriate layer coefficients representing the relative strength of the construction
materials. The design equation used is as follows:

SN = a x D x m

A: Layer coefficient
D: Thicknesses of layer
m: Drainage coefficients

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For Aggregate Roads
 SN1 (Subgrade) = 2.0
SN1= 0.125 x 1 x D2
Aggregate layer = 16” = 40 cm

The 40 cm aggregate base could be splitted into two layers (15 cm gravel surface layer CBR
60%, and 25 cm Aggregate Base CBR 60%).

For Asphalt Roads

The 2.0 SN Structure number, generates a minimum section of 5cm hot mix asphalt surface
layer and a minimum 10 cm aggregate base course.


Asphalt Roads
 5cm HMA Wearing surface
 Prime coat (MC-70)
 10cm Crushed Aggregate Base course (CBR 80%)
 30cm Compacted sub-grade (min CBR 10%)

Aggregate Roads
 15cm Gravel Surface course (CBR 60%)
 25cm Aggregate Base course (CBR 60%)
 30cm Compacted sub-grade (min CBR 10%)

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The Gravel Wearing course has a definite gradation in order to provide bond between its
components. Ideal gradation shall be as follows:

Sieve Gravel Surface % passing

¾” 100
½” 100
No. 4 50-78
No. 8 37-67
No. 40 13-35
No. 200 4-15

Plasticity Index 4-12

Gravel surface layer shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density at the optimum
Moisture Content (OMC) resulted from modified proctor test.

For Soil stabilization: Calcium and Magnesium Chloride can be very effective if applied properly after

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