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There is no reason, no question, no answer, no logic why I love YOU.

When I came across the feeling of love, everything seems beautiful and I fell
in love with everything.

Among all the thorns of life, love is just like a beautiful red rose.

I wish I could tell you about my feelings, in the morning, middle of the night,
when I eats, during sleep, in happiness and in sadness. I just want to tell you
that I love you.

Three words could change my life. I can do anything just to hear those three
words. Please tell me that YOU LOVE ME.

Among billions and millions of people, I choose one person. The person I want
to be my soul mate. It is You, My True Love.

No matter which stage of life you are at. If you are in love, it will keep you
young and energetic.

I want to love you all my life. Together we are like a strong bond and I wish
it never breaks or destroys ever.

I dreamed of you and in my dream I hugged you, kissed you and said I love you.
Would you please allow me to live that dream?

I feel warm, safe, happy and special in your arms. I want to stay near your
heart forever.

When I thought of you I can feel pain in my heart and smoke of burning dreams.
You were my painful past and the lost moment.

Your presence gives me power to face my problems and keeps me going. Your smile
makes me strong and your love gives me feeling of completeness. Thank you My Love!
For being there with me every time.

I am the lucky one to have such good friends, great parents and have a sweet
and loving admirer like you. Love you.

I have come to know the meaning of life and happiness, just when I met you. I
am lucky to have you. I love you.

I don�t just like your appearance, I like your heart because its really pretty.
And its enough for me.

There is only one sweet heart for me. He is near my heart and in my eyes. He
will be remain there till my life ends. He is my best friend, my love.

Never run after love, if someone is in love with you truly. You never need to
even say something and its yours.

My sweet secret of life is you. My true mate, my heart beat, golden moment and
my only good luck is you.

I just simply say that the only thing I want most from life is true love. True
love from YOU.

The most precious gift for me is your face with a sweet smile. Because I know
you smile when you think of me.
You are my dream I see every night. You are first thought I think every
morning. You are my happiness I feel every time. You are my most favorite memory I
never want to forget.

I want to tell you that I will hear all your stories, wipe your tears, take
care of your heart and I will love you and live with you all my life.

There is not a single night, without a dream of you. I dream of you day and
night, Monday to Sunday, eyes open, eyes close, every moment and every instant, I
just dream to have you in my life.

This day is as special as you are. I want to tell you that there is something
magical about you. When you are here with me I feel strong, happy and lucky. Thanks
for being in my life.

Be in love with me and make my life heaven. You are the only essential part of
my life. So don�t even think about leaving me alone. I am nothing without you.

Whenever I look up to the sky full of shinning stars, only thought comes to my
mind is YOU.

The best thing happens to me in my whole life is LOVE. Loving you is my passion
and spending my life with you is my dream. Please let my dream come true.

I want to remember each and every moment we have spent together. They are like
beautiful dreams I ever have.

In bad and sad moments, just remember that I LOVE YOU.

You are my first thought in morning and last thought before sleep. You are my
love in life and after life.

My love would never fade or change, even if you forget the promises. Whenever
you look back I�ll be there for you.

I love you like words in silence, like a speech of air, like a songs of lake,
like sweetness of cake.

My true story is that I don�t have a heart any more. Please check inside
yourself, I believe that you have two.

Your shoulder is my favorite place to cry on. Your heart is my favorite place
to live in and your arms are my favorite place to fall.

I knew it from the very first moment, when I saw your eyes and your cute smile,
that you are mine and only mine.

I want to touch your soul and have you in my heart and in my arms. You are a
hero of my love story. Love you.

I came to know about soul mate, the moment I have met you. You made me realize
how special the feelings are, when someone is in love. I love to love you.



When we are in love, we always think about how to see a cute smile on our lover�s
face. The best way to make your loved ones smile is to send romantic and lovely
love sms. I am sure you like our new collection very much.

Love is what you cant think or explain. It can only be felt so feel the spark
of love in my eyes for you. Its just for you.

The words I said and the feelings I shared were the purest. You can peep in my
heart so that you can see the purity. I Love You.

I put my heart on fire by making it fall in love with you. I can feel the
flames and pain. I wish you would feel it too.

Some words are very magical. They have the power to heal, bring hope and
happiness in life. I want to say them to you because I Love You.

I never felt that way before. The happiness, the joy, the special feeling of
that moment is unforgettable. It was the moment I start feeling that I am actually
alive. It�s the moment I saw you first. You are my first and the last love.

My heart is not empty; it carries a tremendous burden of your love. And I want
to bear that burden till the last moment of my life.

Love for you, is in my soul, in my eyes, within my heart. I just want you to
explore it.

You did not care for me ever, even for my heart. But I want to tell you I have
a heart that not only cares for you but it really beats for you. I love you.

Love is a sweet feeling. It changes you from inside, even from outside. You
start loving everything, wind, flowers, day, night, moon, stars. So be in love

The moment I saw you, I fell in love with you. The happiness, the joy of being
with you is the most precious thing for me. Please let me live in this happiness
forever with you.

If ever I ask to wish for something, I wish for you to be mine. I wish to live
my dream.

Today I was thinking about the most special person in my life. And I have felt
very lucky. I want to thank you for being therein my life.

My love for you cannot be judged or measured from number of times I say I love
you. It is in my heart and can only be felt, if you want to feel it. It is always

There is only one moment in life when you feel the real warmth of love and it
is the time you see your true love.

Words might be important for some people, but no word is precious enough to
explain my love.

Love is priceless, unmatchable and unbelievable. I wish I would tell her.

One day you will know about my feelings, my passion, my dream. But then It will
be too late.

My heart is like an empty bottle without you. Which may look good but of no
I want to enjoy life, summers, winters, spring with you. And want to share all
my success, my failures, my worries, all happiness, all sorrows and all my love.

Love does not need special time, special event, special place. It just

Sometimes I think of giving you all my life and all my happiness, then I
realize I have given you all these as I have given you my love.

I wish someday your heart sees what is in my heart. I wish you will not cry

I never think I become so lonely without you but you make me lonely with your

I value our relation and put spice of love in it. I hope you like it and take
it for the rest of your life.

Love for me was just like a fairy tale. But when I found you I realize how real
it is with actual happy ending.

May God bless us with more love, more reasons to love and more nights to do

You bring happiness in my life with your presence, your love, your laugh, your
warmth and care. Love You.

First time when I saw you, I felt that these are the arms I will cry on, these
are the hands I will hold forever, this is the heart I will live forever.

You are just like song of my heart. Whenever I hear you, it feels like someone
is healing my soul from inside. I think I am falling for you. I am actually in

You are my fire. Just ignite me and burn me in ashes and take those ashes with

You are just like a precious stone in a ring for me. Without that stone ring
will become incomplete and ugly. Just is the case for me.

Love is like a flame of candle, that burns in the heart of lover. My heart is
also on fire sweety.

I remember that day when I have gone flat. Because you crush me badly.

If you would not feel the way I feel, then you will feel this way when I die.

When you hold me and come near me, the feelings of your touch cannot be
expressed in words. Keep your grip tight on me and never let me go.

There is no glue or a clue in the world that can stick two pieces of the broken
heart. So be careful and protect your heart.

You are my only dream, my only desire, my passion, my fire.

My destiny is taking me where my love is. I just want to be where you go and
where you keep me.
Life is not fair for everyone. Sometimes it takes everything by taking love
from you.

Whenever I think of you, I realize how important your presence is, in my life
and for my heart. You are my true love and only life.

You shall understand the meaning of love and value of the relation we are in,
after I die.

I want to be with one who makes me smile, who makes me happy all day and love
me a lot.

I am sending my sweet love sms to my sweet heart just to see her smile.

Love does not hurt any one. Its feeling of loneliness, breakups, lies, breaking
trust that hurts.

Love is the only healing agent that can heal any kind of pain and makes us feel
special again.

Your presence and your love give me the reason to live in this cruel world. You
are my strength and power, My love!

I wish your heart melt one day just for me. I will pray for you and love you

There is no reason to love someone, so I love you without any intentions and

You are my only dream, the dream I wish to come true.

I miss the moments we shared, we laughed, we spent together. Here is a token of

love for you. That will make you remember me.

I want you to hold me in your arms. Kiss my head and tell me how much you love
me. It will be the greatest gift ever.

If anyone ask me to who would I like to wish for. My answer will be same
everytime. You and only you are my one and only wish. Love you.

The only person I will love most will be my best friend and my best husband. I
will go through all the difficulties of life with him. He will make it more
beautiful and happy.

You are my dream. I know my dream will come true one day. You will be mine with
all your heart and become my soul.

You are just like a path to the road of love. I want to travel and keep my
journey continue till my last breadth.

Whenever you will remember me, you will smile, feel and think about me. You
realize that you are in love with me.

The Moment

I miss the moment you said �I LOVE YOU�. Your eyes was sparkling and your heart
was sinking. Your smile make me fall in love with you. Keep smiling and remember I
Love You Too.
My Love For You

My love for you will remain forever, I will love you in life after life, in age
after age.

Love is the solution of all difficult questions, your love makes me strong and
takes me out of all the problems and becomes the solution of all my difficulties.

Your Love is like a magic for me, it penetrates in my soul, delight my heart,
peep in my eyes and whisper in ears like an angel. Love You.

Love is like fire, the fire that warms the heart, that lightens the soul.

Its Your Smile

I pray day and night for my dream to come true, the dream of my life, the dream
of watching you around me all day and night. I love you.

Its your smile that makes me strong, Its your love that makes me face the
world. May our love remains the same forever.

The day I saw you� I felt that I know you�The day I met you�I realized that you
are the one I want to share my life. The day I kissed you�I decided to live with
you for the rest of my life.

You are the only person

You are the only person, because of you I know the real meaning of Love and
affection, sadness and happiness, life and death. I love you.

Love the one who could forget your past, hope good for your future and accept
your present with open heart.

If I can give you one flower every time I thought of you, all the gardens will
be destroyed by me.

Don�t let people hug you. I love you so much, you are my whole world. dont let
them hold my world darling.

Life without you

Life without you is just like a tree in autumn, without any flower, without any
leaf, just a hope� that after autumn spring must come.

What is this feeling� its in my heart� it makes me sad� it makes me happy� it

makes saying bye so hard. Let me know when you find out. Have a lovely day.

Sometimes I sit and think about you and whenever I think about you I find out
you as my soul mate. I love you and I wish you fall in love with me some day.

I like everything about you� the way you look at me, the way you talk to me,
the way you touch me. I want to experience other things too. For example the way
you kiss me. I am sure I like it too.

I love to love you, O My Love� love your lips when you kiss, Love your eyes
that says you are mine.

Life is All About Love

My life is all about love. My days and nights are full of life, full of energy
because of you and your love. Thank you for loving me, for giving me reason to
live. In this world of darkness, you are my shinny star. I Love You.

You don�t know how pretty you look when you smile. I used to fall in love with
you again, whenever I imagine that smile. Keep smiling all your life and make me
falling in love with you madly.

You are the first thought of the day, when I wake up. You make my day
successful and happy. You are the last thought of the day too, come to me when I go
to bed and makes my night so peaceful and carefree.

Love is the only feeling in which no words required. Eyes can speak out whats
in your heart. I can read your eyes and I hope one day you will read mine too.

Love is a Blessing

My love for you is very special, it is not like a drop of ink on the paper that
can be erased by a drop of tear. It is inside the shell of my heart like a precious

When no other way has been found. Remember that I will be there to take you out
and make you realize that you are not alone.

The time you said that you love me was the time I gave my heart and it is and
it will be yours forever.

Everything will change with time, age, face, views, friends except one thing
and that�s Love.

Love is like a beautiful painting, painted with the colors of our imagination.

If you have love in your heart, then it doesnt matters how much difficult the
life is.

If your love is true, the pain of your heart must be felt by your loved one.

Love is like a beautiful flower, whose beauty and fragrance makes the earth a
place like heaven.

Love is a blessing of God and I am very lucky to be the one who is blessed with
it. I Love You.

I love you because you love me with all my weaknesses, my failures and
mistakes. You are very special for me.

The most beautiful and amazing feeling on earth is love�but the most painful
and dreadful feeling is losing that love.

Hold A Star

If I could reach up
and hold a star
for every time you made me smile,
I would have
the whole night
sky in the palm of my hand.
I love you

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