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Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Topicals [ June 2009-Nove 2018]

Paper 1
Compulsory Questions
Section 1. Passages

Q.1 Surah Fathiha , Baqarah (21-22),Alaq (june 2009)

Q.1 Surah Kausar ,Maida ,Baqarah ( Adam) [Nov 2009]

Q.1 Surah Anam 101-103, Ikhlas , Fussilat [June 2010]

Q.1 Surah Anam ( Ibrahim), Maida ,Duha [Nov 2010]

Q.1 Surah Baqarah (21-22),Zilzaal, Naas [June 2011)

Q.1 Surah Fussilat ,Baqarah (21-22) Alaq [June 2011]

Q.1 Surah Shura , Fatiha ,Kausar [June 2012]

Q.1 Ayat al Kursi ,Zilzaal ,Ikhlass [Nov 2012]

Q.1 Anam [101-103],Fussilat , Zilzaal [June 2013]

Q.1Ayat ul Kursi ,Shura ,ikhlass [Nov 2013R]

Q.1 Anam (Ibrahim), Baqarah (Adam) ,Kausar [Nov 2013]

Q.1 Anam (Ibrahim) ,Ikhlass ,Dhuha [June 2014]

Q.1 Fussilat ,Fatiha,Zilzaal [Nov2014]

Q.1 Anam (101-103), Baqarah ( 21-22),Dhuha [Nov2015]

Q.1 Maida ,Shura ,Dhuha [June 2016]

Q.1 Ikhlaas ,Nas ,Zilzaal [Nov 2016]

Q.1 Ikhlaas ,Baqarah (21-22) ,Baqarah (Adam) [June 2017]

Q.1 Fussilat , Fatitha ,Dhuha [Nov 2017]

Q.1 Surah Anam (101-103) , Surah Fussilat (37 ), Surah Nass. [June 2018]

Q.1Surah Nas ,Surah Maidah, Surah Kausar [Nov2018]

Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Allah in Himself : Ikhlas (x7) ,Fussilat (x6) , Shura (x4) ,Ayat –al- Kursi (x2) ,Anam (x3)

Allah relation with his Creation: Zilzaal (x5) ,Baqara v 21-22 (x5) ,Fatitha (x4) Alaq , Nass

Allah relation with his Messengers: Dhuha (x5) , Anam –Ibrahim (x3), Baqara –Adam , Maidah –esaa
(x3) , Kausar (x3)

Note: There can be more than one Passage from same central idea in CAIE exam.

Section 2. History and Importance of Quran

Q.2 a) Write an account of the ways in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet between the years
610 and 632 . [10] [Nov 2009]

b) What does the Prophet’s first experience of revealation tell us about the nature of Prophethood is
Islam [4 ]

Q.2a) The first revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad in 610.Describe his experience of the
event.[10] [ Nov 2016]

b) Why do you think the revelation was sent to a person who could not read or write? [4]

Q2 a) Write an account of the different ways in which revelations came to the Prophet . Include example
in your answer. [10] [ Nov 1018]

b) Muslims around the world memorise /recite the Quran in Arabic even though they might not
understand the meaning.What do you think are the benefits of this?

Compilation of Quran
2 a) Give an account of how the Quran was compiled in the years following the Prophets Death .[10]
[June 2010]

b) Explain why the first community of Muslims thought it Quran. [4]

Q 2 a) Give an account of how Quran was developed in the book form ? [Nov 2011]

b) What is the significance to the Muslim’s today of having the Quran in the book form ? (4)

Q2 a) Write about the methods used to compile the Quran into a book after the death of the Prophet.
[10] . [ Nov 2014]

b) Why is understanding the teachings of the Quran important to Muslims? [4]

Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Q2 a) Write about the preservation of the Quran in the form of the mushaf held by Hafsa . [10]
[Nov 2015]

b) Memorising the Quran is no longer important because the Quran is preserved as a book .Discuss
whether you agree or disagree with this statement ,giving statements ,giving reasons for your answer.

Q2 a) The Quran has been preserved in writing for over 1400 years.Give an account of the way in which
it was compiled in the written format. [10] [ Nov 2017]

b) Do you think ,for Muslims nowadays ,having the Quran in a written format outweighs the benefits of
having the oral tradition? Give reasons for your answer. [4]

Legal thinking
Q2 a) How are the Quran and Hadith used together in Islamic legal thinking? [10] [ juune 2009]

b) Why do some legal scholars reject the use of analogy (qiyas) ?

Q2 a) describe how the two main sources of legal thinking are related .[10] [ Nov 2010]

b) Give an example to show how qiyas can be used in the exercise of Qiyas. [4]

Q2 a) Write about the way in which the two primary sources of Islamic Legal thinking are used . [10]
[ Nov 2012]

b) How is the use of ijma (consensus) important to Muslims today ? [4]

Q2 a) The sunna is often used with the Quran as a primary source of Islamic law. Describe the ways in
which they are used together. [10] [june 2014]

b)” The Quran is not as relevant to Muslims now as it was 1400 years agao” .Give two reasons to agree
or disagree with this statement . [4]

Q2 a) The Quran is the main source of Islamic law. Write an account of how it is used with each of the
other three sources. [10] [June 1016]

b) Do you think that both ijma and qiyas are equally important for solving present day issues:? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]

Compound Question
Q2.a)From the Quranic passages you have studied , outline the relationship betweenGod and two of His
messengers who were sent before the prophet Muhammad. [10] [ June 2011]

b) Explain why God sends his revelations through messengers. [4]

Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Q2 a) From passages you have studied from the Quran, write about God’s relationship with humankind.
[10] [June 2012]

b) Explain the significance of the Quran being revealed to humankind. [4]

Q2 a) Describe what the following surahs tell Muslims about the circumstances in which they were
revealed: 112 (al ikhlas) and 108 ( al kausar). [ 10] [June 2013]

b) To what extent is the Quran the basis of legal thinking in Islam? [4]

Q2a) Write about the relationship between God and two of the prophets you have studied in the Quran
(not including the Prophet Muhaamad ) . [10] [ June 2013 R]

b) Why do prophets go through difficulties in their lives? [4]

Q2.a) Using passages you have studied, write about the main teachings about God in the Quran. [10]
[ June 2013]

b) How might these teachings affect a Muslim’s life today? [4]

Q2.a) Using Quran passages from the syllabus, describe what the Quran teaches about God’s

Responsibility to His creatures and their duties towards Him. [10] [ June 2015]

b) ‘The Quran teaches that humans should be responsible towards the environment.’ Give reasons to
agree or disagree with this statement. [4]

Q2.a) From the Quran passage set for special study in the syllabus describe the ways in which God gave
knowledge of Himself to His Messengers. [10] [Jnue 2017]

b) ‘Understanding hardships brings a person closer to God.’ Agree or disagree with this statement ,giving
reasons for your answer.[4]

Q2.a) The Quran teaches Muslims about their relationship with God.Write about this relationship using
the passage you have studied.[10] [ June 2018]

b) God gave human kind guidance and teachings .Why does the Quran lay emphasis on the nedd to gain
Knowledge. [4]

Optional Questions
There can be one or two questions from section 3 and section 4

Section 3 : Life and Significance of Holy Prophet

Life in Mecca
Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Q4.a) Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims to Abyssinis.[10] [June 2009]

b) Why did the people of Makkah pursue these Muslims ? [4]

Q5.a) Trace the events that led up to the prophet’s migration (hijra) . [10] [ Nov 2009]

b) Explain the importance of the Pledges of ‘Aqaba to the Prophet in the period leading up to the
migration. [4]

Q3.a) Write about the life of the Prophet until the first revelation. [10] [June 2010]

b) Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him? [4]

Q4.a) Describe the events relating to the Prophet’s experiences in caves. [10] [ June 2010]

b) Explain the significance of one of these experiences for the development of islam. [4]

Q3.a) Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet Himself during his time in Mecca after
his call to Prophethood. [10] [ Nov 2010]

b) How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide example for Muslims today? [4]

Q5.a) Outline the main events of the Prophet journey from Mecca to Medinah. [10] [ Nove 2010]

b) What was the significance of this journey for Muslims [4]

Q3.a) Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension [isra wa miraj]. [ 10]
[ June 2011]

b) Explain the importance of this event to the Prophet himself. [4]

Q5.a) Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makka. [10] [ June 2011]

b) What can these stories teach Muslims in their everyday lives today? [4]

Q3.a) Write about the Prophet Muhammad interaction with the Quraish while he lived in Mecca before
and after revelation. [10] [ Nov 2011]

b) Why did Quraish feel they needed to reject the prophets message [4]

Q4.a) Describe the main events relating to the first migration ( hijrah) of the Muslims to Abyssinia. [10]
[ June 2012]

b) What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4]

Q5.a) Describe the persecution faced by the first Muslims in Makka . [10] [ Nov 2012]

b) What can Muslims in modern times larn from these stories? [4]
Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Q4.a) Describe the events of the conquest of Makkah. [10] [ June 2013]

b) Why are the actions of the Prophet after the conquest important for Muslims to learn from? [4]

Q3.a) Abu Talib died in 619. Describe the events following this that led to the Prophet’s migration (hijra)
to Madinah. [10] [ June 2013 R]

b) Why was this migration important for the Muslims community? [4]

Q5.a) Give an account of the persecutions faced by the early converts to Islam in Makkah. [10]
[ Nov 2013 r]

b) How are these accounts relevant Muslims now? [4]

Q3.a) Give an account of the hijra of the Prophet from Makka toMadinah. [10] [ June 2014]

b) What is the significance of the Prophet establishing mosques as a first task after the hijra? [4]

Q3.a) Write about the Prophet’s activities in spreading Islam outside Makkah , before the migration to
Madinah [10] [Nov 2014]

b) Chosse one quality shown by the Prophet in these activities and explain how Muslims today can learn
from it .[4]

Q4.a) Outline the Prophet’s experience in the caves of Hira and Thawr. [10] [ Nov 2014]

b) In what respect were Prophets experiences in the cave of thawr important for his prophethood? [4]

Q3.a) Give an account of the way in which the Prophet started to preach Islam in the first few years after
he first received the revelation. [10] [ June 2015]

b) Was it significant that the Prophet began preaching the message in secret? [4]

Q3.a) describe the main events in the Prophet’s life before he was granted prophethood .[10]
[ June 2016]

b) ‘The Prophet’s family was important in preparing him for prophethood.’ Agree or Disagree ,giving
reasons for your answer. [4]

Q3.a) The Prophet Muhammad was taken on a night journey and ascent to the heavens ( al- isra wa-l
–miraj).Write an account of this journey. [10] [Nov 2016]

b) What was the significance of this journey to the Prophet ? [4]

Q3.a) The Pledges of Aqaba wew made in the Prophet’s last years in Makkah.Outline the reasonsfor
these pledges and write about the details in them.[10] [June 2017]
Revision Session BLL Islamiat

b) In your view , why should Muslims provide a safe heaven for others? Give reasons for your answer.

Q4.a) The Muslims in Makkah faced a lot of hostility after the Prophet began preaching openly.Describe
the persecutions against the followers of the Prophet at this time.[10] [June 2017]

b) In today’s world how practical are the reactions of the Prophet’s followers to these persecutions? [4]

Q3.a) The Prophet went to Taif to teach the people there about one God.Write about his experience of
this event.[10] [ Nov 2017]

b) The Prophet showed great forgiveness despite the cruelty of the people of Taif .Do you think Muslims
now can follow this example? Give reasons for your answer. [4]

Q5.a) Describe in detail the stories of Halima and Abu Talib in the early years of the Prophets life? [10]
[June 2018]

b)From these relationship, what can be learnt about keeping family ties. [4]

Q3.a) The Prophet had different experience in the cave of Hira and Thawr.Give an account of his
experience in both caves. [10] [ Nov 2018]

b) How did the events in the cave of thowr help strengthen the Prophets relationship with God ? [4] [
Nov 2018]

Q4.a) The Prophet Muhammad brought the message of Islam to Makkah.Describe the ways the main
Clans treated him after hearing this message. [10] [ Nov 2018]

b) Why did the Quraisg fear the Prophet and his message even though he was not violent or aggressive
towards them.[4]

Q3.a) How did Islam grow in the years between the Prophets first revelation and his first public
preaching in Makkah? [10] [ june2018]

b) How can the behavior of the first converts to Islam provides an example for muslims today? [4]

Life in Maddinah

Q3.a) Describe the events of two of the battles fought by the Prophet while he was leader of the
community at Madinah.[10] [ June 2009]

b) How does his conduct in one of these battles provide a model for Muslims today when they face
difficulties? [4]

Q4.a) Describe the Prophet’s conduct as a leader in two of the battles he fought .[10] [Nov 2011]
Revision Session BLL Islamiat

b) What can Muslims leaders learn today from the conduct of Prophets in their relations with other
states? [4]

Q3.a) Give an account of the battles of khandaq (Treanch) and Khyber. [10] [ June 2012]

b) What lessons can Muslims learn from either of these battles? [4]

Q3.a) Give an account of the events surrounding the pledges of Aqaba and the main details in them .[10]
[Nov 2012]

b)How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims? [4]

? [10] [ June 2013]

b)What lessons can Muslims learn from the brotherhood that was created in Madinah. [4]

Q4.a)Write about the Prophet Muhammad ‘s interaction with non- muslims in Madinah. [10] [ june 2013

b)What can Muslims learn from this interaction? [4]

Q3.a) Write an account of the battle of Badr.[10] [ Nov 2013]

b) Can the Prophet’s conduct during this battle contain lessons for the military leaders today? [4]

Q4.a) Describe the events of the final year of the Prophet’s life. [10] [Nov 2013]

b) Explain how any two teachings given in the Prophet’s Farewel Sermon can help Muslim communities

Q4a) write about the mai events of the battles of khybar and Muta.[10] [June 2014]

b) Choose one of these battles and explain why it was important for the Muslims of Madinah to fight in
it ? [4]

Q4.a) Write about the main events of two of the following battles: Khayber, Muta, Hunain ,Tabuk. [10]
[ June 2015]

b) Choose one of the four battles mentioned and explain what Muslim leaders now can learn from it. [4]

Q4.a) Write about the main events of two of the following battles: Khybar , Muta , Hunain ,Tabuk. [10]
[June 2015]

(b) Choose one of the four battles mentioned and explain what muslim leaders now can learn from it. [4]

Q4(a) Write about the events surrounding the treaty of Hudaibiya and the main terms in it. [10] [June

(b) From this event , what can muslims learn about the importance of keeping their word? [4]
Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Q4 (a) With reference to the conduct of the Muslims, describe the events of the conquest of Makkah.
[10] [Nov 2016]

(b) Can Muslims today learn from the prophet’s treatment of his former enemies? Give reasons for your

Q4(a) Write about the battle of the trench (Khandaq) fought in 627. [10] {nov 2017].

(b) What can Muslims learn from the prophet’s involvement in the digging of the trench? [4].

Qualities and Behavior of Prophet (PBUH)

Q3(a) Describe two events from the life of the prophet that illustrate the way he treated non
muslims.[10] [Nov 2009].

(b) How can these examples help Muslims today in their relationships with non Muslims? [4].

Q3(a) The Quran says the prophet is of ‘great moral character’ (68.4).Identify events from his life that
show a range of his moral characteristic.[10] [ Nov 2015]

(b) which of the prophet’s characteristics you have written about in part (a) is the most important in
your opinion and why? [4].

Section 4: First Islamic Community

Prophet’s (PBUH) Descendants

Q5(a) Write accounts of the lives of the prophet’s two grandsons al hasan and al husayn.[10] [june 2009]

(b) Explain why they each died in the way they did.

Q5(a) Outline the main events in the lives of the prophet;s grandsons al hasan and al husayn. [10] [

(b)Explain how al husyn’s death remins important to Muslims today.[4]

Q5(a) Give an account of the lives of the prophet’s four daughters. [10] [ june 2013]

(b) can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s bond with Fatima? Give reasons for your answer.[4]

Prophet’s (PBUH) Wives

Q5(a) Write abiut the life of Ayesha during the Prophet’s lifetime.[10] [nov 2011]

(b) How can she be seen as a role model for Muslims today? [4]
Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Q4 (a) Write about the lives of any two of the following wives of the prophet: Sawdah binte Zama , aisha
binte Abu Bakr , Hafsa Binte Umar and Umme Salama. [10] [Nov 2012]

(b) What can the life of any one of these wives teach muslims about marriage? [4]

Q5(a) Write about the life of the prophet Muhaamd’s first wife khadija . [10] { june 2014]

(b) Taking two aspects of their relationship , explain how the marriage of the Prophet and Khadija sets a
good example for Muslims marriages today? [4]

Q5(a) Write about the Prophet’s wife Aisha during the lifetime of the Prophet. [10] [june 2015]

(b) Aisha is a role model for Muslim women around the world,’say whether you agree or disagree with
this statement, giving reasons for your answer. [4]

Q5(a) Write about the lives of two of the Prophet’s wives whom he married after the death of
Khadija.[10] [Nov 2015]

(b) ‘The best of you is the one best to his wife’. Explain what the prophey meant by this statement and
how it is relevant to Muslims now. [4].

Q5(a) Khadija Binte Khuwalid was the prophet’s first wife .write an account of her life in the period she
knew the prophet. [10]

(b) The Prophet’s employer was a woman who was successful in business. what lessons can be derived
from this for Muslims now? [4]

Companions and Scribes.

Q4(a) Write briefly about the conversion to islam of abu Bakar , Umar , Uthman and ali. [10] { noc 2009]

(b) In what ways did the conversion of umar help the young muslim community? [4]

Q4(a) Write about the major contributions made to islam by Abu bakar during the prophet ‘s life time.
[10] [ nov 2010]

(b) Why was Abu Bakar given the title of ‘Savior of Islam’ [4]

Q4(a) Write an account of the following figures during the lifetime of the prophet : Hamza , Abu Bakr
and Ali .[10] [June 2011]

(b) Explain why one of these figures was important in the development of the Islamic community [4]

Q5(a) Write about the lives of umar and Uthman during the lifetime of the Prophet. [10] [june 2013]

(b) Why was umar’s conversion important for the early Muslim? [4]
Revision Session BLL Islamiat

Q5(a) Give an account of the lives of abu sufyan and Khalid bin waleed during the time of the prophet.
[10] [Nov 2014]

(b) In your opinion , can Muslims today learn anything from abu sufiyan’s involvement with the Prophet?

Q5(a) Write about the lives of the Prophey’s uncles hamza and Abu sufiyan .[10] [june 2016]

(b) Many of the people who had been enemies of the prophet accepted Islam .Whhat lessons can
Muslims learn from this? [4]

Q5(a) Give account of the lives of uthman and Ali during the lifetime of the Prophet, [10] [nov 2016]

(b) uthman was known to be generous with his wealth.How can Muslims now apply traits of generosity?

Q5(a)Outline the tasks performed by the prophet’s scribes during his lifetime. [10] [June 2017]

(b) The scribes had the Prophet as a source of information. How useful is the internet as a source of
information about islam? [4]

Extended Question

Q5(a) describe the teachings of islam about the position of women as wives , mothers and daughters.
[10] [ june 2010]

(b) What do these teachings tell us about the relationship between men and women? [4]

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