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Talkshow Title: “Building Career Towards Success”

In a rapidly changing world, it’s crucial for individuals to continuously develop their skills
and knowledge to achieve success in their careers. This talkshow aims to provide insights,
strategies, and practical advice on how to build a successful and fulfilling career.
Program Objective:
- Inspire and empower the audience to take proactive steps in developing their careers.
- Provide insights into current industry trends and the skills needed to thrive in today’s
job market.
- Provide a platform for sharing experiences, tips, and advice from experts and
professionals who have succeeded in their careers.
Program Format:
- Opening: Brief introduction about the talkshow’s objectives and the speakers.
- Segment 1: Panel discussion on current career trends and required skills.
- Segment 2: Interviews with successful professionals about their career journey and
tips for success.
- Segment 3: Interactive Q&A with the audience or questions from social media.
- Closing: Summary and closing remarks.
Target Audience:
Young professionals starting their careers, soon-to-be graduates entering the job market,
and anyone interested in advancing their careers.
Program Benefits:
- Expand knowledge and understanding of industry trends and required skills.
- Inspire to take proactive steps in career development.
- Provide networking opportunities with successful professionals and fellow
- Offer practical tips and strategies for achieving career success.
Production Plan:
- Production Plan
- Resource person briefing
- Scheduling the interview with the resource person
- Preparation of materials and questions for the interview.
- Video shooting and editing.
- Video uploading

Program Duration
This podcast will last for 10 -15 minutes.
(Visually appealing design with an image or logo of the talkshow, catchy title, and event
information including date, time, and venue of the broadcast.)

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