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I. PROCLAMATION STATEMENT: I will be joyful always!

II. VALUE: Joyful


• To teach the kids that Easter is the greatest celebration of the Catholic Church
• To remind the kids to celebrate Easter joyfully because Jesus has saved us from
our sins and has risen from the dead.


Time Activity Remarks

5 mins Registration
We teach the Suggested Song of
10 mins Teaching of Song
the month.
End the prayer with the
10 mins Opening Kids Praise intercession of the Featured Saint
this month.
10 mins Games
- Previous month’s Proclamation
Statement and Featured Saint
5 mins Recap
- Check their Take Home Activity
on the previous month
Announce the
2 mins Proclamation
Ask everybody to stand up and
5 mins Reading of the Gospel
read the Gospel.
Creatively use PowerPoint or
10 mins Narrate the Gospel
Separate activity for Junior and
15 mins Activity
Senior kids.
Separate processing for Junior and
2 mins Processing
Senior kids.
2 mins Featured Saint
To be checked the following
2 mins Take Home Activity
Include the Suggested Song in the
2 mins Closing Prayer


(Note: Please ask everyone to stand while reading the Gospel.)

The Resurrection of Jesus

After the Sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and
the other Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake;
for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, approached, rolled back the stone,
and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning and his clothing was white as
snow. The guards were shaken with fear of him and became like dead men. Then the
angel said to the women in reply, “Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking
Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said. Come and
see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has been raised
from the dead, and he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him.’ Behold,
I have told you.” Then they went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed,
and ran to announce this to his disciples. And behold, Jesus met them on their way
and greeted them. They approached him, embraced his feet, and did him homage.
Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and
there they will see me.”


(NOTE: The Speaker can use the storyline to better explain the Gospel to the kids.
Be creative! It may be delivered interactively through photos or role playing.)

▪ This month, the Catholic Church celebrates Easter! Do you know what Easter
is? (Let them respond) Easter is when we celebrate Jesus who rose again
from the dead and came back to life. Easter is the celebration of Jesus
resurrection from the dead. This is the end of the season of Lent.

▪ Our story starts early morning on that following Sunday when Jesus died.
Mary Magdalene and another woman named Mary went to visit the tomb of

▪ Suddenly, there was an earthquake and an angel of the Lord came down
from heaven. The angel went to the tomb, rolled the stone away and sat on

▪ The guards that were guarding the tomb were afraid of the angel that they
cannot even move.

▪ Then, the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid! I know that you are
looking for Jesus but He is not here because He was raised from the dead
just as he told you.”

▪ The angel showed the empty tomb saying, “Come and see the place where
He lay.” Then, he told them to go and tell the followers the great news that
Jesus has risen from death.

▪ The women left the tomb. They were afraid but they were also very happy.

▪ But along the way, Jesus met with them. They were very happy to see Jesus!
They embraced his feet and worshipped him. Then, Jesus sent them to tell
the disciples that He is indeed alive!


Materials Needed:
- Printed pictures (see Appendix B)
- Prizes for Winners (optional)


1. Ask the kids to gather at the center of the hall.

2. Instruct them to dance only when you show them a joyful picture.
3. When you show them a sad picture, instruct them to pause and pose like a
4. Kids who will be caught dancing even when a sad picture is shown, will go back
to his/her seat.
5. After you’ve shown all the pictures, the kids who are still at the center wins the
6. The speaker may now proceed to the Pep Talk.

1. During Easter Sunday, we celebrate the great news of Jesus’ resurrection. Do you
know what the word ‘resurrection’ means? (Let the respond) It is when Jesus
rose from the dead and came back to life. Catholics mark Easter as the greatest
celebration of faith (a celebration is an occasion of an important event where
everybody gathers to celebrate)!

2. Since Easter is a celebration, it reminds us to remain joyful every day because we

believe that:
• God loves us so much.
• God saved us from our sins.
• God promises us eternal life with Him in heaven.

3. Who wants to go to heaven someday? (Let them respond) Do you know that we
can already experience heaven every day? (Let them respond) Do you want to
know how? (Let them respond) It is by being joyful all the time in everything that
we do. And when we are joyful, God can also use us to be a source of joy for
other people.

4. In our activity earlier, we realized that we have so many things and events in our
lives that makes us happy. Let us thank God every day for these and use it to
bring joy to other people as well. Remember, whenever we make someone
happy, we also make Jesus happy!


IX. FEATURED SAINT: Saint Bernadette

Feast Day: April 16

• Bernadette was the eldest of nine

children from a poor family in Lourdes,
France. At a young age, she got sick
with cholera and extreme asthma.
Unfortunately, she was very, very
• When she was 14 years old, Bernadette
with her younger sister and a friend
was out gathering firewood when a
beautiful lady appeared to her above a
rose bush in a grotto. This was the first
apparition of Mama Mary. (An
apparition is when a ghostlike image of
a person appears like something
remarkable). She received 18
apparitions with Mama Mary.
• The Virgin Mary told Bernadette to ask the priest to build a chapel on where she
stood. Today, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is one of the most visited
Catholic pilgrimage sites in the world.
• She spent the rest of her life with the Sisters of Charity as an assistant and then,
later on, as a sacristan. She was very humble and has the spirit of sacrifice.
• Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She died while praying the
Holy Rosary at the age of 35 on April 16, 1879. Up to this day, her body remains
intact and incorrupt (meaning, after many years, it does not decay).




1. Share to your parents what you learned today.

2. You will be given a “My Joyfulness Card” (see Appendix A). In this card, ask
help from your parents to list down three (3) people whom you want to
share your joy with. Also, write down at least one (1) good deed that you
would want to do or give to that person in order to make them happy.

3. After writing on your Joyfulness Card, make sure to write the date when you
were able to accomplish your task.

4. Pray for each person you write in the card.

XI. PARENTS FORUM (Print out as Hand Outs for Parents)

• The topic for this month’s assembly is about being joyful always. This joy is
brought about by the lessons of the Easter celebration because Easter is when
Jesus rose again from the dead and came back to life. This is the triumph of God
over sin and death and the fulfilment of God’s promise of eternal life to
mankind. That is why all Catholics mark Easter as the greatest celebration of our
• Here are some tips that you can use to help your child be joyful always:
o Be joyful yourself.
Children learn from us. They learn by watching how we react. Learn to
control how you will react to different situations and be sure to show it
with joy.
o Teach your child to help others.
Helping others is one of the purest joys in life. There is no joy like
watching a person become really happy and knowing we did something
to make that happen.
o Show your child the beauty in everyday things.
Everywhere in this world, there is beauty. Make time to admire the little
things and this will truly bring joy.
o Laugh.
Don’t be too serious all the time. Watch hilarious movies with your child,
draw funny things and let your imagination work. Laughter and joy go
hand in hand.
o Teach them the joy of hard work.
Joy can also be received when you work hard to earn your own things.
Finding ways to do things on your own and being able to do it makes one
feel a sense of fulfillment which brings joy.
o Hug your kids always.
Hugs bring joy and warmth to others. Whenever you give hugs to your
child, they will also learn to give hugs all the times.

• For their Take Home Activity, they are supposed to fill up their “My Joyfulness
Card”, do a good deed for the names that they will write, and identify the date
when they are able to do the good deed.

• Aside from their Take Home Activity, take time to discuss the Featured Saint of
the month during Family Time (Family Household). Please ask the intercession of
the featured saint during your Family Prayer Time.

1. Birthday

2. Baptism
3. Confirmation

4. Christmas
5. Holy Mass

6. Wedding
7. Parade

8. Feast (Fiesta)
9. Family Beach Outing

10. Family Picnic

11. Hunger

12. Poverty
13. Natural Calamities

14. Sickness

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