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-Ampiclox:- 200mg/kilogram body weight/day in 4 divided doses (maximum 500mg 6 hourly)

-Amoxycilline :- 50mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses

-Cotrimoxazole :- 30-50mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses

-Amoxycilline-clavulanic acid :- 50-80mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses

-Metronidazole :- 7-10mg/kg/dose given every 8 hours

-Gentamycin :- 3-5mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses

-Erythromycin :- 30-50mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses

-Cefuroxime :- 50-100mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses

-Cefixime :- 8mg/kg/day either once daily or in 2 divided doses

-Ceftriaxone :- 50-100mg/kg/day either daily or in 2 divided doses

-Chloramphenicol :-50-100mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses

-Crystalline penicillin: - 0.2-0.4Mu/kg/day in 4 divided doses

-Fluconazole: - 5mg/kg/day once daily

-Frusemide: - 1mg/kg/dose every 12 hours

-Spiranolactone: - 3mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses

- Artesunate: - 3mg/kg/dose (For a child less than 20kg) OR 2.6mg/kg/dose (for a child greater than
20kg) at 0, 12 and 24 hours

- Artemether-Lumefanthrine: - 1 tab bd (for weight between 5-14.9kg) or 2 tabs bd (between 15-24.9kg)

or 3 tabs bd (25-35kg) for three days

-αβθ Artheeter (E-mal): - 3mg/kg/day OD for 3 days

- Quinine: - 10mg/kg/dose every 8hours X 21 doses

- Calcium gluconate:- 200mg/kg stat,then 100mg/kg in divided dose

- Plasil:-

- Hyoscine:-

Paracetamol:- 10mg/kg
Cpz:1mg/kg(staggered dose)

Diazepam:0.5mg/kg(staggered dose)

Cpz:5mg/kg(staggered dose)


-Convulsion: - 1) Abort seizure with either Diazepam (0.2-0.3mg/kg) or Paraldehyde (0.1ml per month
for children below 1yr or 1ml/year for those above 1yr-max 5mls). 2) Prevent further occurrence of
seizures with a loading dose of phenobarbitone (10-20mg/kg start) then maintain on phenobarbitone 3-
5mg/kg /day in 2 divided doses. 3) Look for and treat the cause of the convulsion.

-Raised intracranial pressure: - Decongest the brain with one of the following 1) IV 10% manitol
10mls/kg/dose every 8hours X 3 doses OR 2) Dexamethasone 0.6mg/kg/day in 2,3, or 4 divided doses
for 3 days.

-Diarrhoea: - 1) Asses the hydration status (determine whether the child has mild moderate or severe
dehydration). 2) Correct dehydration for mild (50mls/kg of ORS over 4hours) moderate (75mls/kg of ORS
or IVF over 4 hours) Severe(100mls/kg of IVF either normal saline or ringers lactate- for a child 1yr and
below over 6 hours, for a child above 1yr over 3 hours ). 3) Give correction for ongoing fluid loss as ORS
10mls/kg/loose stool or vomit. 4) Give zinc tablet OD for 10-14 days.

-Hypoglycaemia: - Defined as a blood sugar less than 40mg/dl.1) Give IVF 10% dextrose 2-4mls/kg bolus.
2) Maintain on IVF 10% dextrose 3.6-4.8mls/kg/hour. 3) Monitor Random Blood Sugar every 30min, until
you get 3 normal readings. 4) Revert patient back to previous IVF or feeding.

- Birth Asphyxia: - Manage convulsions as above. In addition give IV 10% calcium gluconate Loading dose
of 2mls/kg in double dilution slowly over 10-15min, then maintain on IV 10% calcium gluconate
1ml/kg/dose 12hourly X 2 days (also in double dilution slowly over 10-15min).

- Correction of Anaemia: the formula is as follows

{Desired PCV (usually 30) – Observed PCV} X Body weight X a Constant

Constant: -For whole blood is 6, for sedimented blood is 4 and for packed cells is 3. This will give the
volume to be transfused in mls.

- calcium gluconate in correction of hypocalcemia Is 4mls/kg in neonate,child 10mls/kg

- 150mls/kg p/saline

- Desired pcv in neonate blood transfusion (45)

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