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Flag/Coat of Arms:

Official Name: Federative Republic of Brazil

Motto: Order and Progress
Region: South America
Size: 8,515,767 km2
Neighbors: Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela, Guyana,
Suriname and French Guiana.
Climate: equatorial, tropical as well as sub-tropical climates.
Capital: Brasília
Official Language: Portuguese
Major Cities: Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Recife, Belo
Horizonte, Salvador, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Belém, Goiânia, Campinas, Florianópolis, São Luís
Population: 214.3 million
Ethnic Groups:
Religions: 79.1% Christian, 17.6 % No Religion, 2.1% Spiritism, 1.2% other
Literacy Rate: 94.69%
Fertility Rate: 1.65 births per woman
Population Distribution: uneven
Rate Of Urbanization: 87.56%
Life Expectancy: 74 years
Dependency Ratio: 43.16 %
Declared: 7 September 1822
Recognized: 29 August 1825
Republic: 15 November 1889
Current constitution: 5 October 1988
Type Of Government: Federal Presidential Republic
President: Lula da Silva
Vice President: Geraldo Alckmin
President of the Chamber of Deputies: Arthur Lira
President of the Federal Senate: Rodrigo Pacheco
President of the Supreme Federal Court: Luís Roberto Barroso
Allies: It is a member of the G4, an alliance among Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan
It is a member of BRICS, an alliance among Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South
Africa with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates
suspected to join.
GDP (PPP): $4.101 trillion (8th) (Per Capita $ 20,079 (78th))
GDP (Nominal): $2.126 trillion (9th) (Per Capita $10,412 (78th))
Resources: timber, minerals, water, agriculture, energy, and biodiversity
Agricultural Products: coffee, soybeans, beef, and crop-based ethanol, oranges
Industries: automobiles, electrical machinery, paints, soaps, medicines, chemicals, aircraft,
steel, food products, and paper
Currency: Brazilian Real = $ 0.20
Exports: Crude Petroleum ($4.23B), Soybeans ($2.73B), Iron Ore ($2.56B), Raw Sugar
($1.91B), and Corn ($1.7B)
Imports: Refined Petroleum ($13.1B), Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705)
($7.58B), Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($6.4B), Mixed Mineral or Chemical
Fertilizers ($6.37B), and Petroleum Gas ($5.72B), Mixed Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers
($6.37B), Pesticides ($4.49B), Nitrogenous Fertilizers ($4.42B), Potassic Fertilizers ($4.1B),
and Phosphatic Fertilizers ($1.06B)
Major Trade Partner: Brazil exported mostly to China ($8.8B), United States ($3.36B),
Netherlands ($1.44B), Argentina ($974M), and Indonesia ($761M), and imported mostly
from China ($4.47B), United States ($2.61B), Germany ($984M), Argentina ($956M), and
Russia ($812M).
Income Per Capita: 15,600 PPP dollars
Unemployment Rate: 9.46%

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