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RMP Inspection | Handbook

Property of Shark Industries.

Authored by,

CrilleBandit - RMP Commanding Officer

Real_Muppetcubed - RMP Executive officer

Table of Contents

Section I
Uniform Regulations

Section II
Lining Up

Section III
Falling In

Section IV
The Inspection

Section V
The Scores

Section VI
Falling Out

|Section-1| - Uniform Regulations

● Uniform Regulations:
○ During an Inspection Uniform is one of the 4 Main factors that goes into the final score.
In this section it will outline what uniform should be worn for Inspections and other
○ There are 2 types of Formal Uniform:
- No.1 Formals - Used for events of high importance or celebration
- No.2 Formals - Used for normal Practise Inspections/Inspections

● Skin Tone, Hair and faces:

● All skin tones that are used with formals should be realistic and not be exotic or vibrant
colours like orange/pink.

● Examples of acceptable Skin Colours:

● Examples of unacceptable Skin Colours:

● The Hairs put below is the only hair you shall be allowed to use during any ceremony in the
Parade Grounds (PG):

● Along with both realistic Skin Tone and Hair all faces worn with formals must also be realistic,
shown below are examples of faces that should not be worn during inspections. Faces with colour
are also not allowed to be worn during Inspections.

● To remove hats use this black and Hold E. These are located in both buildings.

● Uniform Buildings:
○ It is important that Royal Military Police Personnel get their uniform on efficiently
meaning its important that they know where their uniform is.
○ Show below is both the RMP Building and the Formals Buildings.

Formals Building: RMP Building:

On the left is located the Formals Building On the right is the RMP Building in
This is used for the actual Formal Clothing which contains the Caps that must be
And Contains both the No.1 and No.2 Clothes. Worn with the Formals located in the
This building does NOT contain any of the other building. This building does
Caps that must be worn with the formals. NOT contain the Formal Clothing.

● No.2 Formals:
○ These are to only be worn during any kind of Inspection and in some cases other events.

● Above is shown the No.2 Cap furthest to the right, this should be worn with No.2’s.

● The Cap should be worn with the Brown Uniform found in the building to the right when you
spawn in.

These are the No.2’s they are to be used during

Inspections or Practice Inspections.

All Uniforms Regulations are to be followed with this


The Saber and Pace Stick can be used with these if you are
the correct rank to use them.

● No.1 Formals:
○ These are to only be worn during celebratory events and events of high importance.

● Above is shown the No.1 Cap, there are four caps that are used by different ranks.

● The LR Cap is for anyone ranking from OR-2 (Private) to OF-1A (Lieutenant).
● The OF-2+ Cap is for anyone ranking from OF-2 (Captain) to OF-4 (Lieutenant Colonel)
● The OF-5+ Cap is for anyone ranking from OF-5 (Colonel) to OF-6 (Brigadier)
● The OF-7+ Cap is for anyone who is General Staff which is OF-7+ (Major General+)

● Medals can be worn on custom No.1’s ordered through the Quartermasters. An example of
Medals on your No.1 formals is shown below.

● As you progress up the ranks more becomes available to use for No.1’s aswell as the ability to use
No1’s during Inspections.

The Saber becomes available for use when you reach the rank of
Brigadier (OF-6) or higher.

These can be worn during both Inspections and other celebratory

events that would include the use of formals.

Wearing the Saber is not mandatory and is optional for all events.

● Saber for Brigadier (OF-6+)

The Pace Stick becomes available for use when you reach the rank
Major General (OF-7+) or higher.

These can only be used during inspections and other celebratory

events that would include the use of formals.

The use of the Pace Stick is mandatory while marching formally

during events.

● Pace Stick for Major General (OF-7+)

● Below are examples of what specific ranks would be wearing if they needed to equip No.1

Private No.1 Uniform

This is the Private's uniform for No.1’s wearing the first Black Cap
with no Rim and the Black uniform.

They would wear this uniform during a celebratory event or event

of high importance within the British Army.

Colonel No.1 Uniform

This is the Colonel uniform for No.1’s wearing the first Black Cap
with the Double Golden Rim and the Black uniform.

They would wear this uniform during a celebratory event or event

of high importance within the British Army.

Brigadier No.1 Uniform

This is the Brigadiers uniform for No.1’s wearing the first Black Cap
with the Double Golden Rim and the Black uniform.

They are also using the Saber in which they are allowed to do due to
their Brigadier Rank.

They would wear this uniform during a celebratory event or event of

high importance within the British Army.

Major General No.1 Uniform

This is the Major Generals uniform for No.1’s wearing the first
Black Cap with the Double 2x Golden Rim and the Black uniform.

They are also using the Saber in which they are allowed to do due to
their Major General+ Rank.

On top of this while marching they can use their Pace Stick as a
formal parade.

They would wear this uniform during a celebratory event or event of

high importance within the British Army

|Section-2| - Lining Up

● Once you have your uniform it is important that all Royal Military Police Personnel are gathered
together before the Inspection/Event starts. The Royal Military Police section is furthest right just
above the Royal Military Police Building.

● The Red line Represents the line that you should go straight to once you have got your correct
formals for that event. This line does not need to be in rank order.
● Unit Staff+ will go along the line and check everyone's format, make sure your format is ready so
that when they come up to you the format check is fast.

Format: BA Rank and Name, Regiment, Regimental Rank, Sir/Ma’am!

Example: Major General Real_Muppetcubed, Royal Military Police, RMP Chief of Personnel,

● The Orange line represents the line that you will be put into for rank order, this is only done once
everyone has lined up against the wall on the red line. This line will be called up rank by rank so
do not just line up straight away.

● The Representative will be speaking in VC to help all the Low Ranks so make sure to listen.

|Section-3| - Falling In

● Once everyone is lined up the representative may go over some rules to make it clear to attendees
of the expectations during an Inspection.

● No Speaking in in-game chat unless sending your format or answering a question.

● Leave a 2 Second gap between marching
● 90 Degree turns must be used.
● Do not overtake unless the person in front of you is severely lagging.

● As soon as the music starts or RMP has been told to start Marching the Representative will march
the line down to the correct pad following the route shown below, make sure to leave a 2 second
gap between each other.

● The route above should be followed for falling in for all events at the Parade Grounds.

● Once the attendees get to the pad they should correctly fall in how they were taught to in their
Phase-2 (Unitary Regulations).

● Representative: The representative should march to be in line with the yellow pad and the
proceed to turn and march onto it and turn to face the front.

● This is how attendees and the Representative should fall in.

● Once all the attendees have fallen in and are standing on their Pads the host will proceed to say


● The representative should get all the attendees to turn around to face the British flag at the back.
● The host will then proceed to say.

● The host will put on the anthem and for the remainder of the song all attendees should keep their
arms up.
● The host will then proceed to say.


● After this the host will then proceed to say.


● All attendees should proceed to drop their Salute and stand still until they are being directly

|Section-4| - The Inspection

● The host will now proceed to inspect, if attendees are unaware of what they should put Sir or
Ma’am they should ask the representative who should inform all the attendees of the correct one.

● The Inspector will proceed to go up to the representative and do the following:

Inspector: Salutes!

Representative: Salutes Back!

Inspector: Drops Salute!

Representative: Drops Salute!

Representative: Royal Military Police, present and awaiting your Inspection, Sir/Ma’am!

Inspector: How do you think the Royal Military Police will perform today?

Representative: I believe the Royal Military Police will perform to an expected standard,

● The Inspector will proceed to go to the first attendee and do the following:

Inspector: Salutes!

Attendee: Salutes Back!

Inspector: Drops Salute!

Attendee: Drops Salute!

Attendee: Pastes their Format.

BA Rank and Name, Regiment, Regimental Rank, Sir/Ma’am.

Inspector: Proceeds to the next person or asks a question in which the representative should help
you with the answer.

● Answers for commonly found questions can also be found here:

|RMP| Learning Sheet

|Section-5| - The Scores

● The Inspector will then proceed to give out the scores of the Inspection, make sure to pay
attention so you are aware of what needs improvement.

● Activity: Amount of people gathered at the inspection (inspector’s personal


● Discipline: Orders are followed quickly and accurately. Behavior is perfect (low
ranks should not speak out of team chat, move without being told, etc.) Ability to
maintain a good single file line.

● Knowledge: Answering questions quickly and accurately, ability to fall in / out

of formations and do drills. Demonstrates experience and competence within
their regiment.

● Uniform: Making sure everyone has no accessories, that everything is made by

the QMC. Realistic skin colour, correct formals and hats.

● Overall: An overall score of how you think they did.

● After the scores the last part of the Inspection is falling out, despite this not being graded this is
just as important as falling in.

|Section-6| - Falling Out

● The Representative should go to the right and start the line after the command ABOUT, TURN!
has been given, once the representative is in place attendees should fall out following the image

● Shown above is how attendees should get into the fall out line before properly marching outl.
Note: The line will not be in rank order which is supposed to happen.

● Once everyone is in the line the representative should march their line following the image below
back up to the Royal Military Police section at the top of the Parade Deck.

● Shown below is the falling out route.

● Once everyone is lined up they should wait until they are either told to Wedge or that they are

● Once they are dismissed the representative and Inspector should make sure all Royal Military
Police Personnel have left the game and gone back to the academy.

Any questions about the Inspection should be sent directly to the Representative or any available
staff that are in the Inspection and assisting in the checking of formats etc..

The Average score of Inspections should be no less than 8.0 so make sure it stays above that.

End of document


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