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Crafting a comprehensive literature review on statutory rape can be a daunting task, requiring

extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing scholarly works. This topic delves into
sensitive legal and social issues, necessitating a thorough understanding of relevant laws, ethical
considerations, and societal norms. Moreover, accessing and evaluating a wide range of academic
sources, including peer-reviewed articles, legal documents, case studies, and statistical data, is crucial
for providing a well-rounded perspective.

The complexity of writing a literature review on statutory rape lies in navigating the multifaceted
nature of the subject matter. It involves exploring various aspects such as the historical context of
statutory rape laws, their evolution over time, the differing legal frameworks across jurisdictions, and
the societal attitudes towards age of consent and sexual relationships involving minors. Additionally,
analyzing the impact of statutory rape laws on victims, perpetrators, law enforcement, and the
broader community requires a nuanced approach.

Furthermore, synthesizing diverse viewpoints, theoretical frameworks, and empirical findings to

present a coherent narrative can be challenging. Writers must critically evaluate the reliability and
validity of the sources, identify gaps in existing research, and contribute new insights to the
discourse on statutory rape. This necessitates a high level of analytical thinking, research proficiency,
and writing skill.

For individuals seeking assistance in crafting a literature review on statutory rape, ⇒
⇔ offers professional writing services tailored to their specific requirements. Our team of
experienced writers specializes in conducting thorough research, synthesizing complex information,
and delivering high-quality academic papers on diverse topics, including sensitive subjects like
statutory rape. By entrusting your literature review to our experts, you can ensure a well-researched,
meticulously written document that meets academic standards and addresses the nuances of the topic
Follow Help Status About Careers Blog Privacy Terms Text to speech Teams. The core aim of the
law was to revolve around the issue in that the adolescent girls had not reached full adulthood thus
the need to shield them away from adult males wanting to take advantage of their naivety. Although
Alex did not use physical force to accomplish sexual intercourse, his threat of force by display of the
knife is sufficient. The statutory rape laws ought to be fair and just for all the people that they serve
in the country. The fact that Alex did not ejaculate does not affect the rape analysis in any way
because most jurisdictions do not require ejaculation as a component of the harm element of rape.
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Although studies indicate that acquaintance
rape is on the rise (The National Center for Victims of Crime, 2011), statutes have not entirely
addressed the issues presented in an acquaintance rape fact pattern. The historical reason for this
selective prosecution is the policy of preventing teenage pregnancy (Michael M. v. Superior Court,
2011). An example of fraud in the inducement is a defendant’s false statement that the sexual
intercourse will cure a medical condition (Boro v. Acceptance of such myths has been assessed with
a number of measures, and investigators have examined its relationship with numerous variables and
interventions. Megan’s and Jessica’s law statutes enhance previously enacted statutes that require the
registration of sex offenders with local law enforcement agencies. It has a broader definition of rape
than does the NCVS. The concepts used in the research for statutory rape as criminal offences are
the increased number of teenage pregnancies and unwanted and premature sexual activities between
minors and adults in many states. Detailed arrangements were made relating to everyone’s arrival and
entrance to the conference room, to ensure that Lucy and the offender did not come into contact,
other than during the conference. In the majority of jurisdictions, the criminal intent element required
for statutory rape is strict liability. Sample is in your inbox Avoid editing or writing from scratch. If
you suspect that you have been date raped then you should inform the police immediately. He said
that he believes that this is particularly important for rape and sexual assault “since there is good
evidence that the majority of these offenses are not reported to the police. It may also cause
agitation, difficulty in speaking and hearing. While the abuse took place decades ago, she had only
recently made a police report, being prompted by a desire to protect other children in the family with
whom the offender had been in contact (having previously told Lucy that he had avoided any
contact with children) (Clare McGlynn, 2012). In most states, the lawful age of sexual consent is
between the ages of 15- 18 years. Rape myths? Discuss the contention that rape is not about sex but
rather ab. Rape myths are attitudes and generally false beliefs about rape that are widely and
persistently held, and that serve to deny and justify male sexual aggression against women. Then
there is the other defeatist agenda in which the law ought to circumvent the minor girls from the
sexual exploitation of adult males, yet it is okay for this to happen under the institution of marriage.
In Study 2, high and low scoring RMA males rated females' resistance during five stages of
interaction with sexually assaultive males. Her counsellor through the help of the local police, was
able to find her a good restorative justice facilitator (Clare McGlynn, 2012). Previous epochs had
defined rape from a linear perspective, as a male perpetrated crime, with stringent requirements for
proof in the quest for justice. In this example, after an initial protest, Brandy lies down, takes off her
pants, and allows Alex to put his penis in her vagina when he pulls out a knife. The most accurate
counts of rape and sexual assault cannot be achieved without measuring them separately from other
victimizations, the report says.
S have had sex by the age of sixteen years which is a serious issue for criminal justice because the
age of consent is 16 years. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements
that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. References Dixon v.
State, 596 S.E.2d 147 (2004) (Supreme Court of Georgia May 3, 2004). They have found that no
other national data on criminal victimization are collected with this level of detail and published
annually. The criminal justice school emphasizes crime as a point in time event and employs legal
definitions (but plain language. Watch the slideshow to know about the age of content and factors
affecting the penalties for statutory rape. Contemporary statutes offer restrictive frameworks for
distinguishing criminal from noncriminal sexual violence, many of which are grounded in gendered
and heterosexist assumptions. Lynch, then the director of BJS, provided background for the panel’s
work. It completed a careful assessment of the design, implementation, and output from various
administrative and survey data systems that have been used to produce estimates of rape and sexual
assault in the United States. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The laws have also not been effective
in providing justice as innocent people could be jailed based on the words of a victim that bear
weight even in the absence of proof beyond doubt as sufficing evidence. They include such things
as lost quality of life resulting from fear and psychological effects of victimization. State, 2004). The
issue of consent was conveniently ignored together with the lack of adequate evidence, with the
sexual intercourse being enough to land the black teenager in prison cells. The perpetrator, Mr. Dixon,
was convicted to a jail term of 10 years irrespective of the arising reasonable doubt brought about by
the testimony of the witness (Dixon v. Rape is an expression of unequal power relations between
men and women. In Review Louise Fitzgerald 1994, Psychology of Women Quarterly Theories of
sexual aggression and victimization have increasingly emphasized the role of rape myths in the
perpetuation of sexual assault. Although overall rape myth acceptance on campus was relatively low,
analyses revealed that female participant sex, knowing a victim, and being able to identify contextual
sexual assaults were predictive of lower rape myth acceptance. This can include forcible rape, but
also sexual activity in which the victim is incapable of forming consent. It is a common belief that
rape, or sexual assault does not happen as often as people would like to imagine, but, approximately
293,000 victims would be sexually assaulted every year in the United States. This is a scary feeling,
and an extra stress to feel when you’re out having fun. Sadly, accurate information about the extent
of sexual assault and rape is difficult to obtain because most of these crimes go unreported to police.
Case Law to Back-up Argument and Controversy The statutory case laws are said to bad as they
have stemmed away from their intended use in the society and have become a tool of use by people
in the society who find them favorable for their manipulation. In addition, she was at a stage where
she felt ready to talk about and report the abuse (Clare McGlynn, 2012).Lucy made an official report
to her local police of which she wasn’t satisfied with the way the justice system handled her case of
which was dismissed on grounds of it being historical and including an offender who was a juvenile
at the time (Clare McGlynn, 2012). The girls mentioned in the video are hard workers with the hope
of joining Olympic teams or winning Olympic Games for scholarship. It recommends that BJS
develop a separate survey for measuring rape and sexual assault. By continuing we’ll assume you’re
on board with our. In a minority of jurisdictions, the criminal intent element required for statutory
rape is negligent or reckless intent, providing for a defense of mistake of fact as to the victim’s age.
The 16-year-old white girl who used to sit in front of him in class accused him of rape after they had
a sexual intercourse. The defining factor in statutory rape is the age of the victim. Ketamine can be
snorted, shot into the skin or mouth.
The statutory rape law has not been an effective deterrent to rapists nonetheless. There are multiple
forms of the drug in the market. Rohpnol is often combined with beer, enhancing drunkenness, and
also has been reported to be used in combination with Marijuana and Cocaine, as well as Heroin. It’s
amazing how strong and wrong this belief is in society. On the other hand, women may see rape as a
denial of personal defenselessness. Which crime(s), if any, could exist in this fact pattern. Pay-to-stay
fees put some Wisconsin inmates in sizable debt:: This can best be illustrated through
the statutory rape case law of Dixon versus the State (Dixon v. One way the law fails to uphold its
goal is through the admission and conviction of statutory rape without the proof of one element. For
example, a 16-year-old can consent to have sex with a 25-year-old because the defendant is not more
than 10 years older. Rape myths? Discuss the contention that rape is not about sex but rather ab.
Most states, however, view statutory rape as a strict liability offence and have declined to allow
defendants to raise the mistake of age defence at trial. The Penal Code (Amendment) Act of 1998,
introduces stiffer penalties against rape offenders. Thus although technically the victim’s testimony
need not be corroborated, it is paramount that the victim promptly report the rape to the appropriate
authorities and submit to testing and interrogation to preserve any and all forms of relevant rape
evidence. If Necessary, Why It Should Be Removed From the Books. In most jurisdictions, the jury
could be instructed on an inference of this intent from Alex’s behavior under the circumstances. In a
sense, she wanted to be able to come out of there with her head held high and meet him on an equal
level Clare McGlynn (2012). Modern statutes do not make rape a capital offense, often criminalize
spousal rape, and do not require extreme resistance by the victim or evidence to corroborate the
victim’s testimony. They are two forms of Ketamine: liquid or white powder. Thus, if a woman was
not dressed suggestively, it was not rape; if she was dressed suggestively, it was her fault.” States
Common Myths and Facts about the Causes of Sexual Violence (N.D). In most states, the lawful age
of sexual consent is between the ages of 15- 18 years. A victim is generally unaware of the nature of
the act of sexual intercourse when a doctor shams a medical procedure (Iowa v. If Alex does not use
force or a threat of force, but Brandy is only nine years old, some jurisdictions still criminalize
Alex’s act as rape, as would the Model Penal Code. The common law also recognized the crime of
sodomy. Again some personal advice, don’t accept the drink if the barman has turned his back to you
or moved half way down to the other side of the bar to make your drink.(Just to be safe!). Although
there has been extensive research in this area, definitions, terminology, and measures of rape myth
acceptance (RMA) continue to lack adequate theoretical and psychometric precision. The law on
statutory rape has undergone through various phases here in the United States. Sexual assault has
become part of a bigger issue, it is represented as a social problem and many has adopted it in our
culture. Provided by: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. Beyond a review of available
documentation, this phase included a field exercise in which several panel.
Advocating sex with children? “Reasonable people can disagree over whether it should be as low as
14. This is based on the fact that age differs from state to state. Cookie Settings Accept All Reject
All Privacy Policy Manage consent. However, statutory offenses where there is no force used are not
included. There have been a great amount of people who became victims of attempted rape and
sexual assault. Sample is in your inbox Avoid editing or writing from scratch. As well as aiming to
convey to the offender how abuse affects people in general, this strategy was devised so that Lucy
would be in control of how much information she wanted to give out about herself personally
because although she wanted to get across to him how much damage he’d done to her life, she
didn’t want him to see her as a very vulnerable, kind of, you know, weak person (Clare McGlynn,
2012). Acceptance of such myths has been assessed with a number of measures, and investigators
have examined its relationship with numerous variables and interventions. These crimes are
devastating, extending beyond the initial victimization to such consequences as unwanted
pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, flashbacks,
sleep disorders, eating disorders, post-incident substance abuse, self-harm, and even suicide (Rape,
Abuse and Incest National Network, n.d.). The effects are often long lasting and can lead to health
and work productivity issues for years. And unfortunately, that will automatically reveal that the
person is asking for it and the clothing choices are an invitation and consent to sexual activity. Here
are a few Common reactions to sexual assault. This text is free, available online and used for
guidance and inspiration. That's wrong: The person who is raped is not to blame. Although women
can commit an act of rape by non-consensually forcing a man to engage in a penetrative sexual act,
males are more common victims of anal rape. It is also important to learn how rape culture have been
driving the acceptance of sexual violence and rape myths. This includes assaults or attempts to rape
and forcible rapes sans regard to the victim's age. The purpose of this chapter is to look for
commonalities across jurisdictions that would be important to include in operational definitions. For
more information, request a quote or trial for your organization below. They have used different
methods and produced different results. The NCVS provides an independent source of information
on criminal victimization—a source of data for the calibrating of police-reported incidents and an
indicator of the extent that victimization incidents go unreported to law enforcement. “Since the
survey began full-scale data collection in the early 1970s, the NCVS has become a major social
indicator for the United States. All information has been reproduced here for educational and
informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge. In addition, the offender
at this stage was refusing to look at and address Lucy with his comments (Clare McGlynn, 2012). It
provides guidelines on the optimum design of this new survey, as well as lower-cost variations. I
choose this topic because statutory rape is a crime and minors should be protected from sexual
exploitative behaviour by adults and strict penalties taken against the defendants. They include such
things as lost quality of life resulting from fear and psychological effects of victimization. It
recommends that BJS develop a separate survey for measuring rape and sexual assault. Chapter 2
explores rape and sexual assault in a legal context, analyzing the components of existing legal
definitions and their differences and commonalities across jurisdictions. The report explores a
number of statistical practices that better measure rare attributes in a population. The more mutual
colonial history they share, the closer their definition of rape is to each other and analyzing the
evolution of rape law throughout the history showed countries' rape laws re getting closer to the
elements of Human Rights regarding sex crimes and human dignity. Factors that enhance grading of
sex offenses are penetration, gang rape, bodily injury, the use of a weapon, a victim who has
intellectual or mental disabilities or is youthful or intoxicated, and the commission of other crimes in
concert with the sex offense.

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