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Citra Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran

ISSN (online) : 2798-687X

Volume 1, Number 1, Edition July 2021, Page 36-41

The Influence of Discipline and Learning Environment on Economic

Learning Achievement of Class XI Social Studies Students at Private
High School Campus HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar
Academic Year 2020/2021

Lasma Siagian1, Sotarduga Sihombing1

Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar.

This study aims to determine the effect of learning discipline and student learning environment on student
economic achievement. The population in this study amounted to 58 people, and the sampling carried out was
total sampling, so that all the population in the study were sampled. The data collection technique used is by
using a questionnaire and documentation. The data analysis technique used is Multiple Linear Regression and
Coefficient of Determination. The results showed that: (1) There was a significant influence between Learning
Discipline on Students' Economics Learning Achievement, as evidenced by the value of tcount (5,456) > ttable
(1,664) with a significant level of 95% (α = 0.05). (2) There is a significant influence between the learning
environment on students' learning achievement in economics, as evidenced by the value of tcount (2.15) > ttable
(1.664). (3) There is a significant effect between Learning Discipline and Economics Learning Environment
together on Students' Economic Learning Achievement, as evidenced by the value of Fcount (26.244) > Ftable
(3.11). The amount of the contribution and contribution of the independent variables to the dependent variable
is 39.9% while the remaining 61.1% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study.

Keywords: Disciplinary influence, learning environment, learning achievement, HKBP Nommensen


The teaching and learning process is the main activity in the world of education. The success
of the teaching and learning process can be measured through learning evaluation activities which are
one of the determining factors for student learning outcomes.
In the development of a person's personality and behavior, there are several factors that can
influence it, both from within a person and from outside. As for those that come from within are
physical factors, psychological factors, and fatigue factors. While the factors that come from outside
the self are the family environment, school environment, and community environment.
The factors that can determine learning outcomes between individuals must be different, so
that learning outcomes between individuals are also different. The learning environment and learning
discipline are examples of these factors. Discipline can be grown and nurtured through training,
education, and inculcating habits that start from childhood from the family environment, starting from
childhood to growing up. To create a strong discipline in a child's personality, the main role of the
child's family is needed, because since the child is born into the world and opens his eyes, the first
person by his side is the family.
The more the times, the more disciplinary violations a person commits, someone has no fear
anymore to violate the rules that have been set by interested parties. Discipline violations that are often
carried out by someone, such as: discipline in coming and going to school, discipline during the
teaching and learning process, how to dress, attendance problems, compliance with teacher orders and
other provisions that have been set.
Discipline violations that are most often carried out by students / students today are discipline
in doing homework, late coming to school this is caused by many factors such as: sleeping late at night,
playing games and other virtual world applications, watching television and others. . This can be
overcome by working with the family. In this case, the family must be firm in giving punishment or
sanctions to the child if he violates the agreed rules.
In terms of discipline in doing homework, many students nowadays do homework at school
The Influence of Discipline and Learning Environment …(Lasma Siagian) 36
Citra Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
ISSN (online) : 2798-687X
Volume 1, Number 1, Edition July 2021, Page 36-41
for reasons of forgetfulness. Most students are lazy to do the assignments given by the teacher. students
just need to come to school faster and borrow their friends' notes and then transfer them to their own
notes. This will have an impact on learning achievement.
In addition to discipline in learning, a factor that affects learning achievement is the
environment. The learning environment is a place where learning activities take place which have
external influences on the sustainability of these activities. Environmental conditions greatly affect
success in learning. The educational environment includes: 1) School environment, 2) Family
environment and, 3) Community environment.
The school environment is an environment where teaching and learning activities take place,
where students are familiarized with the existing rules, including: teaching methods, teacher and
student relations, curriculum, building conditions, learning methods, homework assignments. Students
who have high knowledge but the location of the school is in an unfavorable community environment
will have an unfavorable impact on learning outcomes.
In addition to school, students also need attention in the family environment. The family
environment is all conditions and external influences on the life and development of family members,
including: the way parents educate, the relationship between family members, the atmosphere of the
house, the understanding of the parents, and their cultural background. So, a bad school and family
environment can hinder the learning process.
A less supportive school environment can affect learning outcomes. Both the physical
condition of the school, the facilities available at the school and the relationship between school
residents. According to the observations made there are several problems that can affect the teaching
and learning process such as the location of the school which is close to the highway, the school
atmosphere which causes students not to concentrate in receiving lessons.

The design used in this study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all
students of class XI Private High School Campus HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar, totaling 58
people. The sample used in this study is total sampling, namely the entire total population of 58 people.
This research consists of two independent variables and one dependent variable. The independent
variable consists of two variables that will be measured using a questionnaire and 1 dependent variable
will be measured using the results of the recapitulation of students' knowledge values. Data collection
techniques include observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis
technique used is multiple regression which is used to determine how much influence the learning
environment and learning discipline have on student achievement.
A. Learning Discipline
According to Amri (2013:161) "discipline comes from the word "disciple" which is someone
who learns to voluntarily follow a leader". Discipline is a person's self-awareness in following and
obeying all the rules that have been set.
Darmiatun and Daryanto (2013: 49) say "discipline is responsible social behavior and optimal
independence function in a social realization that develops on the basis of the ability to manage/control
and motivate". Amri (2013:171) says that learning discipline is an attitude that is formed through a
process of a series of behaviors that show individual values of obedience and provisions based on
individual moral values reference to obtain behavioral changes that include changes in thinking,
attitudes and actions in accordance with regulations. and the provisions that have been set by someone
in learning consistently and consequently in an effort to gain scientific intelligence.
B. Learning Environment
The learning environment according to Uhbiyati and Ahmadi (2007:64) is "everything that is
outside the child, in this universe". Meanwhile, according to Hamalik (2010: 195) "The learning
environment is something that exists in the natural surroundings that has a certain meaning and/or
influence on individuals. The learning environment by experts is often referred to as an educational
environment. The educational environment is all conditions and influences from outside on
educational activities.
C. Learning achievement
According to Hamalik (2004:31) learning achievement is a pattern of actions, values,
knowledge, attitudes, appreciation and skills. According to Dimyati and Mudjiono (2013:3) learning

The Influence of Discipline and Learning Environment …(Lasma Siagian) 37

Citra Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
ISSN (online) : 2798-687X
Volume 1, Number 1, Edition July 2021, Page 36-41
achievement is the result of an interaction of act of learning and act of teaching. In line with the opinion
of Sudjana (2009: 3), defining learning achievement is essentially a change in behavior as a result of
learning in a broader sense that includes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor fields.


The description of each variable from this study, namely learning discipline, learning
environment and economic learning achievement for class XI IPS students of Private High School
Campus HKBP Nommensen T.A 2020/2021 can be seen from the following table:
a. Learning Discipline
The description of the X1 variable is the learning discipline of class XI IPS students at Private
High School Campus HKBP Nommensen T.A 2020/2021 based on the answers to the questionnaire
filled out by 58 respondents where to determine the interpretation of the data, the value scale used by
Purwanto is as follows:
highest score − lowest score
highest score
𝐼= = 0,75
Based on the results of the calculation above, the interval 0.75 is obtained so that the value
scale is categorized as follows:
Table 1. Value scale learning discipline
Value Scale Category
3,25 – 4,00 Very good
2,50 – 3,24 Well
1,75 – 2,49 Pretty good
1,00 – 1,74 Not good
From the answers to the questionnaire filled out by 58 respondents, the distribution of the
frequency of answers and the value of learning discipline (X1) above obtained 1 item in the fairly good
category, 9 items in the good category, and 5 questions in the very good category.
b. Learning Environment
The description of the X2 variable, namely the learning environment of class XI IPS students at
the Private High School Campus, University of HKBP Nommensen T.A 2020/2021 based on the
answers to the questionnaire filled out by 58 respondents where to determine the interpretation of the
data, the value scale used by Purwanto is as follows:
highest score − lowest score
highest score
𝐼= = 0,75
Based on the results of the calculation above, the interval 0.75 is obtained so that the value
scale is categorized as follows:
Table 2. Summary of Question Validity
Value Scale Category
3,25 – 4,00 Very good
2,50 – 3,24 Well
1,75 – 2,49 Pretty good
1,00 – 1,74 Not good

From the answers to the questionnaire filled out by 58 respondents, the distribution of the
frequency of answers and the value of learning discipline (X1) above obtained 11 items in the good
category and 3 items in the very good category.
Data analysis
1. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
In general, multiple linear regression analysis has the following equation:
Y = a + b1 X1 + b2X2
To test the hypothesis which states that there is an influence between learning discipline and
The Influence of Discipline and Learning Environment …(Lasma Siagian) 38
Citra Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
ISSN (online) : 2798-687X
Volume 1, Number 1, Edition July 2021, Page 36-41
learning environment on economic learning achievement of class XI IPS students of SMA Swasta
Campus, University of HKBP Nommensen T.A 2020/2021, multiple linear regression analysis is
From the results of data processing carried out, the regression equation is:
Y = 45, 207 + 0.522X1 + 0, 324X2
Based on the regression equation above, the coefficients of X1 (Learning Discipline) and X2
(Learning Environment) are positive, which means that the higher the student's learning discipline,
the higher the learning achievement. The better the student's learning environment, the higher the
learning achievement.
2. Partial Hypothesis Testing (t-test)
Partial hypothesis testing is intended to see how big the influence between each independent
variable, namely learning discipline (X1) and learning environment (X2) on the dependent variable,
namely learning achievement (Y). for more detail will be explained as follows:
a. The Influence of Learning Discipline on Economic Learning Achievement
Based on the calculation shows that the learning discipline variable is obtained tcount = 5.456
with a significant price of 0.000. While the value of ttable at n = df-3 (58 - 3) = 55 and at a significant
level of 0.05 is 1.664. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that tcount > ttable (5,456 >
1,664). Learning discipline has an effect of 52.2% on learning achievement. Because the significance
obtained is less than 0.05 and the value of tcount > ttable, it shows that there is a significant effect
on student achievement. Thus Ha (which states that learning discipline has an effect on learning
achievement) is accepted and H0 (which states that learning discipline has no effect on achievement)
is rejected.
b. The Influence of the Learning Environment on Students' Economic Learning Achievement
The learning environment variable obtained tcount = 2.105 with a significant value of 0.038.
While the value of ttable at n = df-3 (58 - 3) = 55 and at a significant level of 0.05 is 1.664. From the
explanation above, it can be concluded that tcount > ttable (2.105 > 1.664). The learning environment
has an influence of 32.4% on learning achievement. Because the significance obtained is less than
0.05 and the value of tcount > ttable, it shows that there is a significant effect on student achievement.
Thus Ha (which states the learning environment affects learning achievement) is accepted and H0
(which states the learning environment has no effect on achievement) is rejected.
3. Simultaneous Testing (F Test)
Simultaneous testing is used to determine the significant influence between learning discipline
(X1) and learning environment (X2) on student achievement. Based on the calculation of multiple
regression analysis in the SPSS program, Fcount = 26,244 with a significant value of 0.00. Where the
value of Fcount > Ftable (26,244 > 3,11). The Fcount value is obtained with a significant level of 95%
and alpha 0.05 and degrees of freedom (dk) with the provisions of n-2-1 = 58-2-1 = 55. Since the
significant value is less than 0.05 and Fcount> Ftable, it can be concluded it was concluded that there
was a significant influence between learning discipline and learning environment on economic
learning achievement of class XI IPS students of Private High School Campus of HKBP Nommensen
T.A 2020/2021 University. Thus the research hypothesis Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected.
A. The Influence of Learning Discipline and Learning Environment on Learning
Tests were conducted to see the effect of the two independent variables (learning discipline
and learning environment) on the dependent variable (learning achievement). From the data
processing, it was obtained that 0.522 + 0.324 = 0.846. This means that learning discipline and
learning environment have an effect of 0.846 on learning achievement if done together.
Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination is carried out to find out how much is the contribution
between the independent variables (learning discipline and learning environment) to the dependent
variable (learning achievement). The results of calculations using the SPSS program obtained R2 of
0.399. Which shows that learning discipline and learning environment have an effect on economic
learning achievement that is equal to 39.9%.
Based on the frequency distribution of the research conducted, it shows that learning discipline
includes the discipline of following lessons with a frequency of 2.91, the discipline of completing
assignments has a frequency of 2.92, obeying the rules in taking exams with a frequency of 2.73,
having a regular study schedule with a frequency of 3 ,31, and obeying school rules with a frequency
The Influence of Discipline and Learning Environment …(Lasma Siagian) 39
Citra Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
ISSN (online) : 2798-687X
Volume 1, Number 1, Edition July 2021, Page 36-41
of 3.51. Based on this, the learning discipline is in the good category with an average frequency of
The learning environment includes the family environment with a frequency of 3.10, the
school environment having a frequency of 3.26 and the community environment having a frequency
of 2.95. Based on this, the learning environment is in the good category with an average of 3.02.
Learning discipline has an influence on the economic learning achievement of class XI IPS
students of private high school campus HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar University for the
2020/2021 academic year. It can be seen from the regression obtained after the data is processed is
The learning environment has an influence on the economic learning achievement of class XI
IPS students in private high school campuses at the University of HKBP Nommmensen
Pematangsiantar for the 2020/2021 academic year. This can be seen from the regression obtained by
In this case the learning discipline has a higher average than the learning environment.
Based on the research conducted, there is a significant effect between learning discipline (X1)
and the economics learning achievement of class XI IPS students of private high school campus
HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar Academic Year 2020/2021. This can be seen from the results
of the t-test which results in the value of tcount > ttable (5.456 > 1.664).
Based on the research conducted, there is a significant influence between the learning
environment on the economics learning outcomes of class XI IPS students of private high school
campus HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar Academic Year 2020/2021. This can be seen from
the results of the t test which states the value of tcount > ttable (2.105 > 1.664).
The relationship between the independent variables, namely learning discipline and learning
environment, on the dependent variable, namely the economic learning achievement of class XI IPS
students in private high school campuses at the University of HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar
for the 2020/2021 academic year is in the high category, this is evident from table 4.11 with multiple
correlation values ( R) of 0.632.
The results of hypothesis testing using F show that Fcount > Ftable (26,244 > 3.11) and the
significance obtained is 0.000 which is less than 0.05. It states that "there is a significant influence
between learning discipline and the learning environment on the economic learning achievement of
class XI IPS students of private high school campus HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar
Academic Year 2020/2021.
The percentage contribution of the variable contribution of learning discipline and learning
environment to the economic learning achievement of class XI IPS students at the Private High
School Campus HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar Academic Year 2020/2021 with a coefficient
of determination (R2) of 0.399 or 3.99% and the remaining 6.11 % is influenced by other factors not
discussed in the study.

Based on the results obtained from the results of the analysis carried out, the researcher can
draw the conclusion that learning discipline has an influence on the economic learning achievement
of class XI IPS students of private high school campus HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar
Academic Year 2020/2021. It can be seen from the regression obtained after the data is processed is
0.522. The learning environment has an influence on the economic learning achievement of class XI
IPS students in private high school campuses at the University of HKBP Nommmensen
Pematangsiantar for the 2020/2021 academic year. This can be seen from the regression obtained by
0.324. The coefficient of determination r2 0, 3992 = 39.9% which means that the carrying capacity
given by the X1 and X2 variables with the Y variable is 39.9% and the rest is determined by other
variables. Hypothesis testing was obtained tcount > ttable (5,456 > 1,664) at a significant level of 0.000
so that the hypothesis which states learning discipline (X1) has a positive and significant effect on
economic learning achievement of class XI IPS students in private high school campus HKBP
Nommmensen Pematangsiantar Academic Year 2020/2021 can be accepted. Testing the hypothesis
obtained a value of tcount > ttable (2.105 > 1.664)) at a significant level of 0.038 so that the hypothesis
which states that the learning environment has a positive and significant effect on economic learning
achievement of class XI IPS students in private high school campus HKBP Nommmensen
Pematangsiantar Academic Year 2020/2021 can be accepted . The results of hypothesis testing using
The Influence of Discipline and Learning Environment …(Lasma Siagian) 40
Citra Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
ISSN (online) : 2798-687X
Volume 1, Number 1, Edition July 2021, Page 36-41
F show that Fcount > Ftable (26,244 > 3.11) and the significance obtained is 0.000 which is less than
0.05. It states that “there is a significant influence between learning discipline and the learning
environment on the economics learning achievement of class XI IPS students of private high school
campus HKBP Nommmensen Pematangsiantar Academic Year 2020/2021. Based on the frequency
distribution of the research conducted, it shows that learning discipline includes the discipline of
following lessons with a frequency of 2.91, the discipline of completing assignments has a frequency
of 2.92, obeying the rules in taking exams with a frequency of 2.73, having a regular study schedule
with a frequency of 3 ,31, and obeying school rules with a frequency of 3.51. Based on this, the
learning discipline is included in the good category with an average frequency of 3.11. The learning
environment includes the family environment with a frequency of 3.10, the school environment
having a frequency of 3.26 and the community environment having a frequency of 2.95. Based on
this, the learning environment is included in the good category with an average of 3.02. From the
research conducted, the researcher found that the learning discipline has a higher average than the
learning environment.

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