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Education, a word that was often use by many yet misunderstood.

Some would
say it is a mandatory requirement to have a better job, a process to acquire learnings or
a mere thing we do at school. However, the discourse on the praxis of philosophy of
education confronts a deeper meaning of education. It’s the underlying truth of acquiring
first and foremost morals and value as a person. When one’s view about edification
encounter a paradigm shift, humanity will comprehend that it is an act of transmitting
knowledge, skills and attitudes from generation to generations that will synthesize
human transformation both on the mind and heart.

Well-known philosophers also espoused the notion of education to acquire

development and internalization of ethics, principles of knowing what is good and bad,
good social relationships and self-actualization. An evolution of a being who
understands that it is perception of life, learnings of past, present and future to bridge
differences and transform civilization into a God fearing and value centered world. An
ecosphere that’s habituated by a true human being.

True human being in a sense of self-awareness, regulation, motivation, empathy

and social skills. It is knowing your strength and weaknesses, putting your emotions in
check, developing passion in your endeavors, and knowing how to relate and deal with
others. As an educated individual, you must know that a sheer head information is futile
without the affirmative action toward people betterment. The more intellectual you
become, the more humane you intermingle with others disregarding public status quo.

Today’s Education must be grounded on integration of moral values and head

knowledge. It must promote independence, wisdom, courage and compassion that will
ensue solidarity among individuals.

In my personal view, changing the course of teaching nowadays must start with
the autonomous decision and way of thinking of each person. To have a metamorphosis
in this world we must change first our own philosophy about education subsequent self-
development producing a domino effect of others advancement.

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