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Exhibit 1 from the Big Skinny case provides an overview of the benefits of Big Skinny
wallets to traditional wallets. We can make several decisions by analysing this information.

1. Decision of Purchase: The advantages of Big Skinny are clearly highlighted in

Exhibit 1, i.e., weight, pocket size, size reduction, versatility); anyone would consider
buying a Big Skinny wallet over a traditional one.
2. Cost-Benefit Analysis: The Big Skinny wallets are costlier upfront, but the wallets
have long-term benefits such as reduced back strain, durability, and ease of use. The
perceived value is higher than that of cost.
3. Comparison of Product: The customers might compare Big Skinny wallets with
similar products in the market, which might have similar benefits or features. This
comparison of products will help them make an informed decision about the product.
4. Lifestyle Consideration: This exhibit also emphasizes the durability and versatility
of Big Skinny Wallets, which makes the wallets suitable for individuals with active

Exhibit 4 from the Big Skinny case depicts the sponsored keywords search and bids; many
insights are derived.

1. Analysis of Performance:
 The keywords “Thinnest wallet,” “Thin wallets,” and “Thin wallet” have the
highest number of impressions, clicks, and conversions. From this, we can say that
these keywords are driving significant traffic and are resonating well with the
 The keywords “Vey thin wallet” and “World’s thinnest wallet” have higher click-
through rates, i.e., 15.04% and 15.87%, respectively, which indicated an extreme
interest from users.
 The keyword “Leather wallet” has lower conversion and click-through rates than
other keywords.
2. Cost Efficiency
 The keywords “Thin wallets” and “Thin wallet” have a lower average cost per
click, i.e., $0.53 and $0.50, respectively, than other keywords. This means that
these keywords are cost-effective in generating clicks.
 The keyword “World’s thinnest wallet” has a cost per conversion of $7.21, making
it the lowest cost and a highly efficient keyword in terms of cost.
 The keywords like “Thin sport wallet” and “Thin leather wallets” have higher
Cost-Per-Click and almost zero conversions, indicating potential inefficiencies
that can be reconsidered.
3. Optimization of Keywords
 The keywords “Thin wallets” and “Thin wallet” should be allocated more budget
given the high performance and can be optimized more on ad spend.
 And the keywords with low-performance metrics and higher CPC, such as “Thin
leather wallets” and “Thin sport wallet,” may need to be paused to prevent wasted
4. Positioning of Ads
 The ads with the keyword “Thin wallets” have a 1.8 average position, meaning a
high click-through rate and strong visibility.
 Optimizing ad positioning for keywords like “Leather wallet,” with an average
position of 3.2, may improve their performance.
5. Conversion Optimization
 To improve conversion rates, optimizing landing pages and ad copy for high-
performing keywords can be done.
 A deeper analysis of user behavior post-click may reveal insights for improving
conversion rates across all keywords.
Exhibit 5 features Big Skinny's wallet blog, which offers insights into customer engagement
and content marketing efforts. Analyzing blog posts and interactions can help you understand
your customers' preferences, interests, and feedback. We can use this information to create
more relevant and engaging blog content, respond to customer concerns, and foster a sense of
community around the brand.

Exhibit 6 discusses Big Skinny's social media presence, specifically on Facebook. By

analyzing this exhibit, we will gain insight into how customers interact with Big Skinny on
social media, such as posting testimonials, sharing photos, and entering contests. This
information can help me better understand the level of customer engagement and the overall
impact of Big Skinny's social media efforts. Based on this data, we would continue using
social media platforms for customer engagement and brand promotion. This exhibit
emphasizes the importance of user-generated content, such as testimonials and photos, in
shaping a positive brand image and fostering a sense of community. Big Skinny can
strengthen its social media presence and customer relationships by actively encouraging
customer participation and organizing contests. In conclusion, after thoroughly analyzing the
exhibit, we can continue maintaining Big Skinny's social media presence, improve the
website's interactive features, and actively engage with customers through contests and user-
generated content. These decisions are based on the data provided, which shows the potential
benefits of these strategies for increasing customer engagement and promoting the Big
Skinny brand.

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