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Vygrer WEAPONS: Censer flail, darts, needle whip, stiletto, rapier; ARMOR: Leather

armor LANGUAGES: Common, Drow, Merran, Sylvan

Mycellan: TELEPATHIC: Once per day, release rapport spores to gain telepathic
communication with all in a near radius. Lasts for 10 rounds.

7 -2 16 +3 Mycellan
Plague Doctor: ELIXIRS: You can craft elixirs by making an INT check. Apply
the modifier for the chosen delivery method to this check. This does not cost
an action. If you fail, you can't make that elixir again until you rest. Except
for mask infusions, elixirs expire in 5 rounds. Critical success increases DC or
die category by one or doubles duration. Critical fails self-inflict harmful

Plague Doctor: MASK INFUSION: Inhale one pre-made herbal elixir from your

9 -1 9 -1 mask for immediate infusion. Lasts all day, expires on use.

Plague Doctor Plague Doctor: MESMERIZE INSECT: 1/day, you bewitch an insect to
automatically deliver an injure elixir to a target within near range via sting
or bite.

Plague Doctor-1: STRONG ELIXIR: Add an extra die rolled for Remedy elixirs.

17 +3 12 +1 1 0 10

9 10 Leather armor

Censer Flail Backpack

Bag of coins (5)

Neutral Flint and steel


CENSER FLAIL: -1 (N), 1d8 (FIN, GAS, LASH) Torch

STILETTO: -1, 1d4 (FIN, INJ)

Sacrifice Torch



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