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Pages 30 & 31

Busca en tu libro (págs. 30 y 31) las palabras que se indican y escribe con ellas una
oración en inglés que tenga sentido. Puedes usar las mismas oraciones del libro.

Musical styles: In the Renaissance, new musical styles came into being.

1. Invention of polyphony: The invention of polyphony was a musical style

2. Score: Music spread with score writing

3. Profession: Music was established as a profession

4. Italy: The Renaissance started in Italy

5. Classical antiquity: It was characteristed by a rediscovery of the culture o

classical antiquity.

6. Christian Church: The christian church began divide into Catholics and


7. Wealthy clases: Wealthy classes projected their power through music

8. Noble courts:Proffesional musiciabs worked in chapelsand in the royal and

noble courts.

9. Four voices: Polyphonic music compositions were refined for four voices

10.Accompanied: Song are accompanied by instruments

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