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Olympic Games:


A major difference with the long jump today is that the Greeks held jumping
weights or 'halters' of 1,5 to 2 kg in each hand. Thanks to these halters the athletes
jumped further and landed more steadily. Experiments have shown that, with the
modern jumping technique, the weighths reduce the length of the jump and hinder
the run-up. Clearly the Greeks practised a standing long jump, with their two feet
together, in which case the halters do offer an advantage. The take-off is more
powerful when swinging the halters forwards. Swinging the weights backwards
produces a counterweight while landing, to avoid falling forwards.

Long Jump was apart of the Pentathlon (introduced in 709 BC) and was not
regarded as an individual sport. The Ancient Greek long jump had a jumping
board to begin the jump sequence, and then a leveled out sand or soft dirt pit
to land in. While the records of lengths of the jumps may have been
exaggerated, there seems to be a consensus between various sources that the
length of the sand pit was about 50 feet. After the jump, a wooden peg was
used to mark the spot if the jump was one of the longest three jumps.

How has it evolved?

The Olympics have gone through many different stages.The Ancient Olympics
had very limited events. These included the 400m run, 5000m run, discuss
and horse and chariot. Today in the Olympics we have many many sports
which are all different and unique. We still have similar events such as the
5000m run, 400m sprint and 100m sprint. We have also made adaptations
to what we can wear. In the ancient times people were not allowed to wear
clothes and had to go in bear naked to insure a fair result. Nowadays Olympic
Athletes can wear different types of clothing that enhance performance in
ways such as aero-dynamics.

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