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When it comes to academic writing, one of the most challenging tasks is undoubtedly crafting a

literature review. This is particularly true for topics as complex and multifaceted as employee
retention. A literature review requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing
studies and scholarly articles to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic.

Writing a literature review on employee retention entails delving into various disciplines such as
human resource management, organizational behavior, psychology, and sociology. It involves
examining numerous theories, models, and empirical studies related to factors influencing employee
turnover and retention strategies employed by organizations.

Moreover, synthesizing the vast amount of information available on employee retention can be
overwhelming for many students and researchers. It requires not only summarizing the findings of
different studies but also identifying gaps, contradictions, and areas for further research.

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An early review article of studies on turnover by Mobley et al (1979) revealed that age, tenure,
overall satisfaction, job content, intentions to remain on the job, and commitment were all negatively
related to turnover (i.e. the higher the variable, the lower the turnover). The database search showed
226 publications after mentioning employee retention as the primary research topic. When people get
involved in their jobs, they spend greater amounts of time and energy at the work place. Global
Journal of Management and Business Research, (accessed on 12 December 2021). It is the purpose
of this study to examine why employees leave their jobs and what can be done to keep them, as well
as the most important variables of employee retention. These strategies will help the organization to
encourage employees to stay with them for a longer period of time. Today’s generation prefers
coaching, learning, growing, and development over compensation. According to Victor Vroom,
behavior is reinforced by consequences. The primary goal of this study is to introduce a
supercapacitor fiber that addresses the remaining challenges of scalability, flexibility, cladding
impermeability, and performance at length. Factors Affecting Employee Retention - Iiste ? pdf. Next
Article in Journal Computer Architectures for Incremental Learning in Water Management. Such
staggering employee turnover is a pressing issue for Chinese SMEs as they grapple with managing
employee retention ( Zhang and Chen, 2019; Hu, 2021 ). Pelaksanaan dasar politik seperti Akta
Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (Internal Security Act), Akta. The objective of this study to compare the
impact of sensitization on adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues of adolescent clients
between clinic and school setting using the youth-friendly principles. Privately owned enterprises in
China reported a 20% turnover rate, while state-invested enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises
displayed 8% and 15%, respectively. A higher level of awareness means you are more likely to have
a higher confidence level, build stronger relationships, and make better decisions. In addition,
management should focus on reducing the power distance in their respective organization, as well as
the implementation of technology to facilitate effective communication among employees. The study
included literature from March 2010 to 2020 from the following databases: Web Knowledge,
Emerald, Google Scholar, and Science Direct. This is achieved through a top-down fabrication
method in which a macroscale preform is thermally drawn into a fully functional energy-storage fiber.
Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF WANDA MARIA MUSIALIK Wanda Musialik 2022,
CHURCH IN UPPER SILESIA IN THE 21ST CENTURY The change of the political system
abolished cen- sorship restrictions constituting a barrier to con- ducting historical research. For this
reason, after 6 months of training, when employees are not promoted, they leave the organization.
Here, the important outcomes exchanged for inputs are cash and non-cash benefits, titles, and
recognition. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD). Therefore management
should not use quantitative approach in managing its employees. Different researchers have
identified positive relations or associations between the effective recruitment process and the
retention rate of the organization. Thus, practical managerial tools must be employed to alter
employees’ behaviours ( Choi and Peng, 2015 ). Participants were ensured of confidentiality and
anonymity of the information associated with the surveys. This situation will hinder the
generalisation issue further, especially in a broader population. As talented management system has
grown in prominence in recent years, employee retention has become an increasingly important topic
for HR practitioners may become over whelmed. The data are not publicly available due to
restrictions, i.e., privacy or ethical restrictions.
They will not face issues when employees leave the job. Of these 42, the diagnoses were 31
individuals with aniridia and 11 individuals referred with a diagnosis of Gillespie syndrome (iris
hypoplasia, ataxia and mild to moderate developmental delay). Subsequently, 4-measurement items
were adopted from Bibi et al.’s (2018) study to assess the work environment. Furthermore, the
Ongori 051 loss of intellectual capital adds to this cost, since not only do organizations lose the
human capital and relational capital of the departing employee, but also competitors are potentially
gaining these assets Meaghan et al. (2002). Therefore, if employee turnover is not managed properly
it would affect the organization adversely in terms of personnel costs and in the long run it would
aff- ect its liquidity position. It is evident that for retaining and attracting good employees it is
necessary to offer attractive compensation. Marinakou, E., and Giousmpasoglou, C. (2019). Talent
management and retention strategies in luxury hotels: Evidence from four countries. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Among these three variables, training and
development have the highest positive effect on employee retention. Given that unexpected
situation, keeping those employees at work is quite challenging; thus, organizations need effective
strategies through which they can retain their employees. Thus, to experience satisfactions at the
work place, it is necessa ry for individuals to be job-involved and feel a sense of competence at
work. Continuing on from this, we added a filter to collect all studies published between 2010 and
2020. Large organizations can provide employees with better chances for advancement and higher
wages and hence ensure organizational attach- ment (Idson and Feaster 1990). Figure 4 shows the
pre-recruitment scenario, in which the staffing plan is the first step, which is followed by job analysis,
recruitment and on-boarding. Although countless variations on these themes can be found, the basic
methods presented provide a good summary of the commonly available techniques. Organi- sation
with strong communication systems enjoyed lower turnover of staff (Labov, 1997). An effective
onboarding process results in clear expectations, clear goals, employee engagement, increased
productivity, promoted communication, job satisfaction, and commitment to the organizational goal.
Human resource management is also defined as a powerful term which is used to define the
principles, philosophies, and practices that follow the leadership of people in an organization. This
approach was conducted to examine the moderating effect of transformational leadership. Today
such factors should not be seen as involuntary turnover as both government regulation and company
policies create the chance for such staff to come back to work, or to continue to work on a more
flexible basis Simon et al. (2007). An item has sufficient indicator reliability provided its factor
loading is more significant than 0.50 ( Chin, 1998 ). Moreover, we examined the construct reliability
based on Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability values. Furthermore, it is necessary to have
transparency in the workplace. Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality
Industry: A Review. The review of literature method in current study it is a relevant research
approach for defining. The employees working in the hospitality industry are supposed to deal with
visitors and customers globally on a day-to-day basis, which causes stress. This research examines
and discusses the effects of the factors propping up the high turnover rate in the hospitality industry.
Third, a direct connection was found between the three dimensions with employee retention.
Recently they have started focusing on hiring from university placement programs but they are not
successful in retaining these fresh graduates as their internal culture is not fulfilling needs of these
fresh graduates. FISH mapping in an individual with Gillespie-like syndrome with an apparently
balanced X;11 reciprocal translocation revealed. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Effective
human resource management (HRM) is one of the main approaches, especially in recruitment, which
is critical to the success of the hospitality industry.
Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the
Hospitality Industry: A Review Bilqees Ghani Sustainability Despite the issues that the hospitality
industry encounters in retaining talented employees, little attention has been paid to the development
of retention strategies, resulting in poor organizational performance and sustainable growth.
Managing Employee Retention as a Strategy for ? pdf. The present study is cross-sectional in design,
where data are collected at a specific time from the employees. Upon completion, a link will appear
to access the found materials. Thus, the current study offers strong empirical contributions to the
field of training and development followed by the work environment. You should also set goals that
are specific to each employee, unlike performance standards, which can apply to multiple workers.
Employee commitment, employee motivation, and employee retention are predicted by social
exchange. So, the researcher conducted this study using academic leaders in the universities took as
a sample. The problem is that this industry needs qualified employees who have a sound academic
background with new skills, such as a command of advanced technology (software) and new
techniques to increase their productivity and the overall performance of the organization. Today HR
Managers are facing a pivotal challenge pertaining to their employee's turnover rate which could be
reduce by applying necessary strategies which restrict them to stay in the organization. However,
previous findings focused on offering training programmes related to company-specific skills rather
than general skills. Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1
The list of retention factors and literature review is not meant to be. The paper also compiled with a
theoretical framework of employee retention based on relevant literature. All articles published by
MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. No special.
Nombeko Felicity Dwesini. (2019). Causes and prevention of high employee turnover within the
hospitality industry: A literature review. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Real-Time
Indirect Illumination using a Light Quad-Tree Kyoungsu Oh 2007, Journal of KIISE:Computer
Systems and Theory Indirect illumination plays an important role for realistic image synthesis.
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Management HR See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board
We're Hiring. Organi- sation with strong communication systems enjoyed lower turnover of staff
(Labov, 1997). ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI). Furthermore, the
organization should identify things that make them more interesting and attractive for candidates to
share with employees during the onboarding session. GLCs. International Journal of Business,
Economics and Law, Vol. 4, Issue 1 (June) ISSN 2289-1552. Journal of Pharmaceutical and BioTech
Industry (JPBI). Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF An Empirical Study of Retention Issues
in Hotel Industry: A Case Study of Serena Hotel, Faisalabad, Pakistan Aaisha Khan Download Free
Employee retention is one of the most pressing concerns facing businesses today. Performance
appraisals are a part of career development and consist of regular reviews of employee performance
within organizations. Managing Employee Retention as a Strategy for ? pdf. Sep 2012
Thequestionnaire The Second part elicited retention strategies factors, an extensive review of the
literature on employees intention for the. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or
recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive. Similarly, the prevalence of SC
significantly moderates the stress and performance relationships. Stated that employee retention
strategies refer to the plans and means, and a set of This study on review of literature on retention
initiatives undertakes the. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
For example, they should decide the role of each department, the goals that are to be communicated
with newly hired employees, the expectations of the organization from them, and most importantly,
the culture and working environment of the organization. Employee retention policies will be shared
based on the findings of this study. Factors Affecting Employee Retention: A Comparative Analysis
of two Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1. As they
interface with the work and the organizational environment, they find themselves challenged (or not)
and 'turned on' (or alienated) by their job and organizational factors. The literature on employee
turnover is divided into three groupings: sources of employee turnover, eff- ects of turnover and the
strategies to minimize turnover. In addition, human resource management is defined as all of the
activities related to the workplace and employee management. This finding aligned with previous
studies ( Zheng, 2009; Umamaheswari and Krishnan, 2014; Bibi et al., 2018 ). Past studies reported
a positive impact of training and development on employee retention in Pakistan’s universities ( Bibi
et al., 2018 ) and Indian ceramic industries ( Umamaheswari and Krishnan, 2014 ). Take advantage
of a degree, continuous feedback system, and evaluate employees with customized performance
appraisal methods. They must also ensure sufficient resources to employees following the
organisational goals. A poor retention rate undermines the organization's competitiveness, operational
and financial effectiveness, and profitability. As the study is descriptive in nature, a number of
secondary sources are explored to synthesize the fragmented knowledge and present the literature
review in a concise format. Children and adolescents with low SAS scores are at increased risk.
Leadership Skills and seniority have a positive relationship with employee retention and the level of
readiness and initiative regarding learning is negatively related to retention. A proper feedback
system can be implemented through effective communication in the organization. 7.3. Expectancy
Theory This theory claims that people behave in a certain way due to the expected outcome. There
are also other factors which make employees to quit from organisations and these are poor hiring
practices, managerial style, lack of recogni- tion, lack of competitive compensation system in the
organisation and toxic workplace environment Abassi et al. (2000). This can be done through
continuous and ongoing performance management. 9.3. Internal Hiring (Strengthening Succession
Planning) This is the most important task for any organization. In this view, retention considered as
strategy more than an outcome. A research conducted on employee retentionconclude that economic,
Social and mental condition. Through a staffing plan, the human resource department identifies the
personnel needs of the organization, such as the number of positions required to be filled, the
number of employees to be trained, and the number of employees to be promoted in order to achieve
organizational goals. This study is designed as a pragmatic, mechanistic trial partnering with the
National Cl. The excellent rapid and affordable services provided by the hospital with its well
equipped technology drags them to be more conscious and responsible. Previous studies found that
transformational leadership negatively impacts employees’ turnover intention ( Maaitah, 2018 ) but
positively affects their knowledge base ( Fletcher et al., 2018 ). For instance, a positive impact of
various factors on employee retention, that is, idealised influence, inspirational motivation,
individualised consideration, and intellectual stimulation ( Jiang et al., 2017 ). Therefore, the
following hypotheses, H4, H5, and H6, are proposed. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF
Determinants of Job Satisfaction Misna Ariani 2022, Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (e-
journal) Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Examination of Factors that Influence the Job
Satisfaction of Employees in Elma Elfic - Zukorlic Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Palabras clave:
linchamientos, violencia, medios, victimas, castigo. Moreover, univariate outliers and multivariate
outliers were investigated through Z-score and the Mahalanobis distance test. While the genetic
impacts of these migrations have been investigated on regional scales, a detailed understanding of
their spatiotemporal dynamics both within and between major geographic regions across Northern
Eurasia remains largely elusive. These factors will not only lead to high satisfaction and,
subsequently, a high retention rate but will also assist them in the development of economic and
social sustainability growth. Retention of employees can be a vital source of competitive advantage
for any strategy Based on a review of the literature, many studies have investigated. From the
perspective of these circumstances, several factors can combine to further complicate retention. Thus,
the current study offers strong empirical contributions to the field of training and development
followed by the work environment.
For this purpose, Figure 3 suggests that career development opportunities and self-directed and
dynamic learning opportunities are essential for employee retention because they lead to employee
satisfaction. 8.3. Sustainible and Effective Communication Sustainable and effective communication
is a strategy that involves the integration of sustainable activities into the industry’s operational and
strategic objectives. In addition to flexibility (5 mm radius of curvature), moisture resistance (100
washing cycles), and strength (68 MPa), these fibers have an energy density of 306 ?Wh cm?2 at 3.0
V and ?100% capacitance retention over 13 000 cycles at 1.6 V. To demonstrate the utility of this
fiber, it is machine-woven and used as filament for 3D printing. Create a positive workplace culture
A positive workplace culture helps to pave the way for higher engagement, greater motivation and
better performance. While recruiting utmost care should be taken so that the new employee fit i nto
the culture. Here we review the purpose of the tool, highlight key fieldwork procedures, and
reproduce the interview guide. The publication sample was further reduced to only include empirical
research studies in qualitative and quantitative domain. In order to design the job description, the
recruiters must first understand the specific job position (by understanding the job role, position,
specification, responsibilities, and importance of the position). Human resource management is also
defined as a powerful term which is used to define the principles, philosophies, and practices that
follow the leadership of people in an organization. The objective of this study to compare the impact
of sensitization on adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues of adolescent clients between
clinic and school setting using the youth-friendly principles. A quality relationship between
supervisor and subordinate is important to retain the employees. Indications are that employees are
more likely to stay when there is a predictable work environment and vice versa (Zuber, 2001). Of
these 42, the diagnoses were 31 individuals with aniridia and 11 individuals referred with a
diagnosis of Gillespie syndrome (iris hypoplasia, ataxia and mild to moderate developmental delay).
This theory helps managers to create a positive association between the performance and rewards of
employees. According to this theory, human behavior is directed by an exchange process, because
their decisions are based on rational thinking. The study included literature from March 2010 to
2020 from the following databases: Web Knowledge, Emerald, Google Scholar, and Science Direct.
Moreover, the hospitality industry greatly overlooks economic and social sustainability practices in
the recruitment and selection process, which may cause employees’ negative attitudes and them
quitting the job. The data are not publicly available due to restrictions, i.e., privacy or ethical
restrictions. Retrieved from (accessed on 12 December 2021). Shukla, A., Srinivasan, R. and
Chaurasia, S. (2013). Impact of work related attitudes on turnover intentions. Here, the important
outcomes exchanged for inputs are cash and non-cash benefits, titles, and recognition. Work together
to figure out how to communicate those to your workforce as part of the evaluations. When leaders
monitor the performance of employees, they can paint a picture of how the business is running. For
the current article the researchers reviewed 30 relevant. The study also includes employee retention
which is need of the hour and it will guide others to extend the research. This paper focuses on
reviewing the findings of previous studies conducted by various researchers with the aim to identify
determinants factors of employee retention. By reducing employee turnover organization can
improve their performance, productivity as well as profit. Researchers believe that the working
conditions, workplace culture, and work environment play important roles in deciding if employees
will leave the organization or stay with it. As this is a confidential platform, your employees will feel
free to be honest about anything that they would like to see improved. Upload Read for free FAQ
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Practitioners and academicians face extreme difficulty in collecting objective data from
organisations. It is not lack of job satisfaction that makes them but it is the ineptness that makes them
dissatisfied with the job.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Job satisfaction is a topic which is concerned by both the people,
those who are working in organizations and for the people who study them. We then highlight the
common critiques of performance management systems. The focus of the paper then turns to the key
themes which determine the effectiveness of a performance management process. Download Free
PDF View PDF Free PDF Why Do Some Lung Cancer Patients Receive No Anticancer Treatment.
Being self-aware not only benefits you on an individual level, it also helps your company. A study
concluded that talented work force has high worth to the organizations due their expertise. This
study focus on all aspect of employee and also to understand various strategies adopted in an
organisation to retain the employee. More from IJBBR BRICS Strategies 3.0 BRICS Strategies 3.0
IJBBR Relationship Marketing Strategies in Banking Sector: A Review Relationship Marketing
Strategies in Banking Sector: A Review IJBBR TWO WAY FIXED EFFECT OF PRIORITY
SECTOR LENDING (SECTOR WISE) ON NON PERFORMI. People perceive rewards as fair or
equitable according to their own beliefs or expectations for their efforts. The present study reviews
literature and research work carried out on employee retention and the factors affecting employee
retention and job satisfaction in various industry or sector. Bovismorbificans. The core genome
analysis and the k-mer-binning methods identified two polyphyletic clusters, each with emerging
evolutionary properties. Organizations that pay their employees well results to high productivity than
the counterpart organization. While recruiting utmost care should be taken so that the new employee
fit i nto the culture. The study measured the impact of HR practices on the retention of staff in the
hotel industry. While the genetic impacts of these migrations have been investigated on regional
scales, a detailed understanding of their spatiotemporal dynamics both within and between major
geographic regions across Northern Eurasia remains largely elusive. As they interface with the work
and the organizational environment, they find themselves challenged (or not) and 'turned on' (or
alienated) by their job and organizational factors. Different theories suggest different retention
strategies. In India region not much work has been done on this scenario. The implications and
limitations were finally expressed at the end of this manuscript. Given these points, it is imperative
to investigate the underlying factors to enhance employee retention, considering the scarcity of
research in China ( Hom et al., 2017; Yousaf et al., 2019; Li et al., 2021 ). The antigen coding
sequence was inserted into T4 genome in-frame at the C terminus of Soc (small outer capsid protein)
using the CRISPR-Cas phage editing technology. See Full PDF Download PDF Free Related PDFs
Employee Retention: A Review of Literature Divya Bangera Download Free PDF View PDF Free
PDF A Literature Review on Employee Retention with Focus on Recent Trends Diwakar Singh
2019, IJSRST Employees are the most important, valuable and productive asset of an organization
and retaining them is one of the toughest challenges for the managers. This theory is used in
organizations to determine the level of needs of employees, and to motivate them through the
provision of rewards. The publication sample was further reduced to only include empirical research
studies in qualitative and quantitative domain. Transforming leaders with a great vision about their.
The literature on employee turnover is divided into three groupings: sources of employee turnover,
eff- ects of turnover and the strategies to minimize turnover. Retention of employees can be a vital
source of competitive advantage for any strategy Based on a review of the literature, many studies
have investigated. Furthermore, the study provides a focused directions that will aid in the
establishment of employee retention strategies and practices. Concept of dharma has acted as a
sustaining principle through the ages. From the perspective of these circumstances, several factors can
combine to further complicate retention.
Quality of work provides the basis to analyse all other elements of their performance. Challenges and
Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry: A Review. Feature papers represent
the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature.
Furthermore, employees who are skilled and have more abilities put in more effort than less-skilled
employees. The study was carried out in lactating goats maintained at Livestock Research Centre,
ICAR-NDRI, Karnal during November to January 2018-19. International Journal of Trade,
Economics and Finance, Vol2 No3, 232-241. Managing Employee Retention as a Strategy for ? pdf.
We evaluate whether these targets and interactions between them change in a dose-dependent
manner, whether changes in these neural targets correspond to changes in cognitive behavioral
performance, and whether baseline and early change in neural target and cognitive behavioral
performance predict subsequent symptom severity, suicidality, and quality of life outcomes. The
following are some of the suggested ways of hiring the best fit. Not being alienated from the job (i.e.
being job-involved to some extent at least) is a necessary precondition for deriving job satisfaction
i.e. satisfaction from the work itself and employee retention. In this study, we also marked it
mandatory to check against each item in the online survey form, ensuring no missing values in the
dataset. The first thing is that their cost (salary cost) is lower compared to other candidates. This is
achieved through a top-down fabrication method in which a macroscale preform is thermally drawn
into a fully functional energy-storage fiber. We then highlight the common critiques of performance
management systems. The focus of the paper then turns to the key themes which determine the
effectiveness of a performance management process. According to SABMiller, one of the world’s
leading and most recognized breweries, their human resources set them apart from their competitors.
Keywords: Retention Strategies, Employee Retention, Retention Management 1 The list of retention
factors and literature review is not meant to be. Skilled and best-fit employees introduce innovative
ideas and unique methodologies for performing different processes; they increase the efficiency level
of the task, which helps the organization to meet its organizational goals by increasing its
productivity. As a result of clinical examination, fibroepithelial hyperplasia was detected in all
mammary glands. Among these three variables, training and development have the highest positive
effect on employee retention. Main outcome measures: Change in the knowledge on different ARSH
issues among adolescent clients in both clinics and schools. The preform consists of five components:
thermally reversible porous electrode and electrolyte gels; conductive polymer and copper microwire
current collectors; and an encapsulating hermetic cladding. This study provides a detailed description
of emergency treatments provided in the Department of Endodontics at a tertiary healthcare centre
during the period of prelockdown, lockdown, and sequential unlocking from March 1, 2020, to
October 31, 2020. Methods. Access to General and Departmental OPD data along with treatment
records was obtained and was segregated based on age, sex, and treatments performed. This article
contains the description about the concept of employee retention, different retention strategies used
in the organization. Research highlights that the management of the hospitality industry still focuses
on old traditional methods to retain employees, i.e., one-way communication and feedback, where
employees cannot share their long-term plans with their respective bosses and cannot get feedback or
suggestions for their career development. The Role of Constitutionalism, Relationship and Co-
operation in Teacher’s Liv. The survey form was distributed through the human resource
management department, decreasing the chance of randomly distributing the survey form to
employees. Each time an employee leaves the firm, we presume that produc- tivity drops due to the
learning curve involved in under- standing the job and the organization. The purpose of this
systematic review was to determine the overall predictive accuracy of POMA for falls in community-
dwelling older adults. Challenges and Strategies for Employee Retention in the Hospitality Industry:
A Review. With expansion, workforce diversity, and the new nature of organizations, the focus is on

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