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Utilization of Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum)

for Synthesis of Biodegradable Plastic Film

Pasig City Science High School

F. Legaspi St., Rainforest Park,
Maybunga, Pasig City

In fulfilment of the requirements in Practical Research 2

Submitted to:

Mr. Samuel Kane Quezon


Bato, Lavina Jade S.

Belen, Sarah Jane L.

Catacutan, Mark Andrei M.

Chuliao, Jhasmyn Mei G.

Ramas, Ramon Angelo Y.

Sumaylo, Sheena Mae B.

Tabanera, Joshua D.

June 2023

Background of the Study

Plastics, also known as Polymer Based Materials (PBMs) are molecules created
through polymerization by being shaped under heat, pressure, or other forces. This
innovative technology has greatly improved the quality of life, surpassing metals and
ceramics in characteristics like low weight, strength ratio, resistance to corrosion, ease of
handling, and excellent surface properties. The versatility and benefits of plastics have made
them essential for consumer health and safety. They are used in a range of applications,
from packaging food and water to promoting conservation efforts for food and energy
(Andrady and Neal, 2009). Consequently, the demand for PBMs has soared globally since
the 1950s. However, chemically, PBMs are among the least biodegradable materials
produced by humanity, challenging the natural recycling processes of the biosphere.

While most finished plastic products are non-toxic, concerns arise from non-bound
residual monomers, polymerization chemicals, degradation products, and additives that may
have toxic properties (Lithner et al., 2009; DeMatteo, 2011). Despite its widespread use,
plastic management has become a significant problem. Despite claims by plastic advocates
about its eco-friendliness, the increasing volume of plastic waste poses a daunting challenge
in many developed societies. Plastic materials, from sources on land end up in oceans,
adding to the issues we face today (Veiga et al., 2016). Various polymer types, such as
polyester, polyamide, polystyrene, polypropylene, and polyethylene, have been identified in
oceanic, freshwater, and beach sediments, often in the form of microplastics (Schwarz et al.,

Although some researchers argue that plastic is not as much of a threat to oceans as
overfishing or climate change (Stafford and Jones, 2019; Steffen et al., 2015), the reality is
that plastic waste is now everywhere in the world. A shift in production and consumption
patterns driven by economic development has led to an alarming rise in plastic waste (Chow
et al., 2017). Unfortunately, the recovery rate of plastic waste remains minimal due to its low
recycling value and a lack of technological support for recycling. As a consequence, a
significant portion of plastic waste ends up in the oceans, contaminating the food chain
(Chow et al., 2017). In addition, Wilcox et al. (2016) pointed out that plastic litter is harmful to
marine wildlife, mainly due to ingestion and entanglement. According to Eriksen et al. (2014),
over five trillion pieces of plastic weighing approximately 268,940 tons are floating across the
various oceans. Notable among them is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which rapidly
accumulates huge amounts of plastic, mainly composed of mega-plastics such as fishing
nets (Lebreton et al., 2018).

In the Philippines, the use of plastic is rampant and emerging. According to The
World Bank (2021), the Philippines generates a staggering 2.7 million tons of plastic waste
each year, and an estimated 20 percent ends up in the ocean. The use of plastics in the
Philippines is deeply ingrained in our daily lives, and everything we do has a relationship
with using plastics, like plastic water bottles, plastic wrappers for our sandwiches, and many
more. Because of this, we are starting to experience the aftereffects of such convenience,
climate change, flooding, and poor air quality in urban areas. Like many developing
countries, the Philippines uses unsustainable plastics such as plastic sachets, plastic straws,
and plastic bags, and there are only a few solid waste management frameworks; some of
them are poorly managed.This just proves that there is an urgent need for programs,
inventions, and management that would help lessen the use of plastic in the country.
According to the World Bank (2021), only 18 to 28% of recyclable plastic is recovered and
recycled in the Philippines. Most plastic packaging waste is left to pollute the environment,
littering beaches and roadsides. We need to address the growth of the plastic industry and
the mismanagement of plastic waste. This needs to change. Transforming how we use and
manage plastic is important so that our country seeks to design products that create no
waste or are reused and recycled.

In recent years, a groundbreaking concept emerged among a distinguished panel of

scientists—an idea that advocates finding sustainable alternatives to traditional plastics. This
innovative pursuit has resulted in the development and manufacturing of various bioplastics,
sparking widespread interest, particularly among students and independent researchers, to
go ahead and look into different types and kinds of plants that can be sustainable and
biodegradable yet can withstand the test of usefulness, durability, and cost-effectiveness.
With that in mind, these researchers thought of a way they could utilize wild grass,
specifically Paspalum conjugatum, commonly known as carabao grass or hilo grass, which
is abundant and can be found anywhere in the Philippines. Originating from the American
tropics, this grass species has become naturalized in tropical Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Islands beyond its established use in the landscaping industry, making it a versatile and
readily available resource for livestock (P. Motooka et al., 2003). Paspalum conjugatum is
known to contain phytochemicals with antimicrobial properties, which is an enticing attribute
of the final product. Carabao grass, otherwise called Laua-Laua is a gregariously
stoloniferous grass. Stems are spreading and stretching underneath, with the blooming
branches 20 to 70 centimeters high. Furthermore, carabao grass, like many other plants,
contains cellulose, which is essential for the bioplastic synthesis process. Therefore, this
plant could be a candidate for bioplastic synthesis, but the efficiency of the process heavily
depends on the cellulose content of the grass. There is a research blog that claims that the
cellulose content of the plant is 65%, but no process or research has been done. In order to
find out the cellulose content, researchers are set to explore the production process of
bioplastics that are more cost-effective and more eco-friendly.

Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to introduce a solution to reduce dependency on plastics that pose a
negative effect on the environment. But rather, provide an alternative bioplastic material that
can be utilized from now on. Which shares similarities with traditional plastics while offering
improved environmental friendliness and biodegradability. Specifically, this study would like
to look into;

1. How is the biodegradability rate of carabao grass-based bioplastic compared to

plastics in various environmental conditions?
2. What is the significant difference in the performance of carabao grass-based
bioplastics in terms of water absorption?
3. How does the tensile strength of Carabao grass-based bioplastic react when placed
under a certain amount of stress, in comparison with conventional plastic?
4. How distinct is the water solubility of the carabao grass-based bioplastic from that of
traditional plastics?

Based on preliminary research and observations, it is hypothesized that carabao
Grass contains constituents such as cellulose, which can serve as viable precursors for
bioplastic production. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that, through appropriate extraction
and processing methods, these constituents can be converted into biodegradable plastics.
The hypothesis suggests that the resulting biodegradable plastics will exhibit desirable
mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, flexibility, and durability, comparable to or
even surpassing those of conventional plastics. Moreover, these bioplastics are expected to
demonstrate environmental sustainability by undergoing natural degradation processes,
ultimately reducing their impact on ecosystems and contributing to the mitigation of plastic

H0. There is a significant difference in the utilization of carabao grass in synthesizing

biodegradable plastic compared to using conventional plastic methods.

H1. There is no significant difference in the utilization of carabao grass in synthesizing

biodegradable plastic compared to using conventional plastic methods.

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this research is to thoroughly examine the biodegradability, water
absorption, tensile strength, and water solubility of the bioplastic from carabao grass.
Additionally, in considering these distinctive properties, sustainable substitutes for traditional
plastics, specifically bioplastics made from renewable natural resources (carabao grass), will
be investigated.

The scope of this study is centered on providing an alternative bioplastic material that
reduces the use of plastics. This alternative material aims to replicate the properties of
traditional plastics while enhancing environmental friendliness and biodegradability.
However, the exploration of substitute materials is limited to bioplastics specifically sourced
from carabao grass; other possible sources of biodegradable plastics are not included.
Moreover, the study will only focus on the cellulose-based bioplastic process. Relatively, the
study does not address socioeconomic factors that influence plastic usage and waste
management techniques.

Significance of the Study

The formulation of a new synthesis contributing to producing bioplastic remains
substantial. We still heavily rely on plastic as a low-cost, abundant, and multipurpose
material despite its adverse impacts. Due to this, the utilization of carabao grass explores an
alternative to using plastic. Moreover, this bioplastic developed from carabao grass will
benefit the following:

Consumers. This actively shows participation in the utilization of sustainable products and
renewable resources to contribute to a more environmentally conscious economy. As the
public becomes more aware of the advantages and versatility of bioplastic and as its
demand increases, this study will offer a new alternative to its usage that aligns with these

Farmers. As carabao grass is easily accessible and abundant, farmers can benefit from its
usage by contributing to attaining its fullest potential by cultivating and selling it into the
market to turn it into a resource.

Manufacturing Industry. Capitalizing on this formulated Carabao grass bioplastic would

expand the development of bioplastics to meet consumer demand using eco-friendly
materials, contributing to a healthier planet as it potentially decreases pollution problems.

Government and Legislators. This research could spark a new mandate advocating for the
use of bioplastics or other renewable resources. These policies and regulations may limit the
manipulation of toxic materials, as they would suggest a better alternative that would
decrease the rate of the negative consequences of global warming.

Future Researchers. This new insight into developing bioplastics would prove the
advancement of science that helps the world deal with its issues, especially
environment-related. This research would greatly inspire new researchers to innovate
renewable materials into energy or to replace harmful but essential materials that we use
today with more environmentally safe ones.

Definition of Terms
Carabao Grass (Paspalum conjugatum). A perennial grass abundant in tropical
countries, it is a readily available resource and can form dense ground covers even on
acidic, low-nutrient soil. (Matt, 2021)

Biodegradable. Organic materials allow the biological degradation of organic

materials by living organisms down to the basic substances such as water, carbon dioxide,
and basic elements. (Goswami & O’Haire, 2016)
Plastic. A polymer or group of materials, either synthetic or naturally occurring, is
created through polymerization (Science History Institute, 2023). However, these polymeric
substances cannot be decomposed by any microorganisms and might take years before
naturally breaking down. (The Ohio State University, 2022)

Bioplastic. Refers to plastics that are biodegradable and/or are produced from
biological materials, such as starch and cellulose, and function similarly to synthetic plastics
but are more environmentally sustainable. (Atiwesh et al., 2021)

Cellulose. An abundant renewable resource and a natural polymer that can be

extracted from carabao grass. It is composed of a densely packed long linear chain, formed
through intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonding, that gives cellulose exceptional
mechanical properties, allowing it to be modified for advanced applications. (Steven et al.,

Mechanical Properties. Refers to the measure of the quality of the plastic in its
tensile strength and percent elongation (Amni et al., 2020). Its behavior involves the
deformation of a material under the influence of applied forces (Van Krevelen, 2009).

Bioplastic Synthesis. Refers to the production of plastic materials using renewable

biological sources such as corn, wheat, and, in this case, carabao grass, through various
chemical or biological methods like hydrolysis, acidification, microbial fermentation, etc.
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