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Hi me again, S.Y
2023-2024 is
almost over!!
Gonna miss y’all.
As the lessons slowly gets harder and
harder , I’ve noticed that a lot of my scores
in quizzes, activities, and Performance Tasks
are slowly dropping, Sometimes I even doubt
that I can maintain my grade in this said
subject, but here I am, trying to maintain it.

Although it’s always tough and all, I still try

to focus on things I can do to improve my
scores. Having to face these experience
made me always think to don[t mind it and
just do better next time, that it is always
okay to make mistakes, and that there is
always next time. I have discovered the
significance of balance in my pursuit of
academic success. Taking breaks, engaging
in hobbies, and nurturing relationships have
become essential components of my well-
being. By prioritizing self-care and
maintaining a healthy work-life balance, I
have found greater fulfillment and
satisfaction in both academic and personal

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