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In his TEDx talk, Alex Edmans shakes up the notion that businesses are solely

about making money. He argues that they should prioritize not just profit, but also the
well-being of society, customers, employees, and the environment. Edmans challenges
the narrow focus on profit, suggesting that decisions should take into account broader
responsibilities. By showcasing examples like Marks and Spencer's former Chairman,
he illustrates how considering social impact can actually lead to long-term success and
sustainability. Edmans urges businesses to adopt a more holistic approach,
emphasizing the importance of considering the impact on all stakeholders, not just the
bottom line.

Edmans makes us think hard about what businesses should really be about. He
says they should care about making money, sure, but also about doing good for society.
He wants us to see the bigger picture, thinking about how everyone involved in a
business is affected. He says we need to change how we usually think about this stuff.
He believes businesses can make money and do good things at the same time.
Edmans thinks businesses should think about ethics as part of their main plans. He
talks about how businesses can be good citizens, doing their part for the community
and being responsible for their actions. His ideas push us to care more about how
businesses affect society, pushing leaders to do what's right. Edmans shows us how
businesses can be a force for good if they focus on being fair and helping the world.

Edmans' TEDx talk on "The Social Responsibility of Business" really resonated

with me. He says businesses should care about more than just making money, which is
different from what we usually hear about focusing only on profits. This matches what
I've been learning about corporate social responsibility (CSR). People expect
businesses to do good things for society, like treating employees well and protecting the
environment. Understanding this is super important for businesses to do well in the long
run. Edmans' message shows how businesses need to take on bigger responsibilities
beyond just making money, moving towards a more caring approach. He talks about
how businesses are changing and need to think about how they impact society and the
environment. This means we need to rethink how businesses operate, considering both
money and how they help society. In the end, Edmans' talk highlights how businesses
need to do the right thing to succeed in the long term.

Edmans gives an example of Simon Marks, who used to run Marks and Spencer,
visiting shops to see how customers and staff were treated. This shows how caring
about society can be good for business, which links to what I've learned about strategic
management. It's all about understanding how a business fits into the world around it.
Edmans also challenges the idea that making money is the only goal of a business,
which makes me rethink what I've been taught about economics. It's not just about
profits; it's about doing what's right.

In summary, Edmans' talk taught me a lot. It says businesses should care about
more than just making money and think about their impact on society. As I finish my
studies and start working, I'll remember this. I know success isn't just about profits; it's
about being socially responsible too. Edmans' words will guide me, reminding me of the
bigger picture in business. I understand that thinking about society is crucial for long-
term success. So, I'll make sure to keep these ideas in mind as I enter the business
world, aiming to make a positive impact on both the economy and society. With
Edmans' wisdom, I'll strive to contribute meaningfully to the world around me, fostering
a better future for all.

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