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Country N 1990 1990 2000 2010 2015 [YR2015]

India 0.860692 0.723532 0.60858 0.441599 0.399753

Mongolia 0.30758 0.323058 0.342282 0.592076 0.595444
Spain 2.096356 2.565286 4.066977 13.4761 12.69024
Code License Type
Indicator Name
International migrant stock (% of population)
Short definition
International migrant stock is the number of people born in a co
Long definition
International migrant stock is the number of people born in a c
United Nations Population Division, Trends in Total Migrant Sto
Social Protection & Labor: Migration
Aggregation method
Weighted average
Statistical concept and methodology
After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 people living in one of the newly independent countries who were born in anoth
Development relevance
Global migration patterns have become increasingly complex in modern times, involving not just refugees, but also millions of
Limitations and exceptions
The disintegration and reunification of countries causes discontinuities in the change of the international migrant stock. Becau
License URL

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