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Aaliyah Samantha M.



Title: Weighing the Pros and Cons: The Controversy

Surrounding Senior High School in the Curriculum

The inclusion of Senior High School (SHS) in the curriculum has been a topic of
heated debate in recent years. Some argue that SHS provides valuable opportunities
for students to specialize and prepare for higher education or the workforce. On
the other hand, there are those who believe that removing SHS would alleviate the
burden on students and allow for a more flexible and inclusive educational system.
In this essay, we will explore the arguments surrounding the removal of SHS from
the curriculum, examining both the benefits and drawbacks, in order to gain a
comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.

Advantages of Keeping Senior High School:

Proponents of SHS argue that it plays a crucial role in preparing students for
their future endeavors. By providing a specialized curriculum, SHS allows
students to delve deeper into their chosen fields of study, equipping them with
the necessary knowledge and skills for higher education or the job market.
Additionally, SHS offers opportunities for career exploration and vocational
training, enabling students to make informed decisions about their future
career paths.

Challenges and Concerns:

Critics of SHS raise several concerns regarding its implementation. One
major concern is the increased workload and stress on students. The
addition of two extra years to the curriculum can be overwhelming for
some students, leading to burnout and negatively impacting their mental
health. Furthermore, the financial burden of SHS, including the cost of
additional years of education, textbooks, and other resources, can be a
significant deterrent for students from low-income backgrounds.

Flexibility and Inclusivity:

Those in favor of removing SHS argue that it would allow for a more flexible
and inclusive educational system. Without SHS, students would have the option
to pursue vocational training or enter the workforce earlier, providing them
with practical skills and opportunities for immediate employment. This would
also alleviate the financial burden on families and promote social mobility by
enabling students to contribute to their household income at an earlier stage.

The debate surrounding the removal of Senior High School from the curriculum is
multifaceted, with valid arguments on both sides. While SHS offers specialized
education and better prepares students for their future careers, concerns about
increased workload and financial burden cannot be ignored. Removing SHS could
provide flexibility and inclusivity, but it is essential to strike a balance between
specialization and a well-rounded education. Ultimately, any decision regarding the
inclusion or removal of SHS should be made with the best interests of the students
and the overall educational system in mind.

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