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Saad Jamil (046)
Syed Ashtar Ali (049)
Eesa Orakzai (031)
Arham Tahir (027)
Abdul Moiz Abbasi(001)
 CONTE Introduction
to feminism
 How
NTS feminism
 Feminism in the world
 Western feminism
 Problems due to feminism
 Impacts on the youth
 How does it affect the society
 Degradation of men
 Hatred speech
 Solutions to avoid these
 Conclusion
Feminism is a social, political, and cultural movement that advocates for
the equal rights and opportunities of all genders, with a particular focus on
promoting and establishing the rights of women. The goal of feminism is
to challenge and dismantle gender-based inequalities and to foster a
society in which individuals of all genders have the same rights, privileges,
and opportunities. No one should be deprived of his/her rights. Feminism
basically targets the female audience in the matter of rights.
The questions arises that what is the basic concept of feminism? Why
was it needed in our society?
The answer to these questions is that feminism is about all genders having
equal rights and opportunities. It's about respecting diverse women's
experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, and striving to empower
all women to realise their full rights.
In a philosophical approach to feminism, feminism is about questioning
old ideas about how men and women should behave. It says that everyone,
regardless of gender, should have the freedom to make their own choices.
Feminism also cares about relationships and understanding others. Some
feminists think we should break down traditional categories of gender,
while others focus on understanding how power and society keep
inequalities in place. They want to make the world a better place by
considering the experiences of women and including diverse perspectives
in our understanding of the world.

Ethical Challenges:
Although feminism stands up for the rights of women but even then
problems arise due to its pro feminist movements. There are a lot of ethical
problems that arise due to feminism that cannot go unnoticed.
Now the question arises that how did Western feminism enter Islamic
society, and what effects does it have on Muslim youth?
Here we will discuss about it in detail. Western ideas about women's rights
and equality came into Islamic society because of better connections
worldwide. These ideas spread through technology, education, and sharing
cultures. The youth in Islamic societies learned about these different ideas
through the internet and other countries. These new ideas sometimes
changed how young people view gender roles and power, which can
sometimes cause disagreements with traditional beliefs in their
These ideas have had a negative impact on the minds of our youth, and
they are gradually showing support for them.
Western ideas about how men and women should be equal and have fair
rights have affected young people in Islamic societies. These new thoughts
make young people think differently and question old ways.
Sometimes, these new ideas clash with how things have always been in
their society. This can make disagreements, especially among the younger
generation, causing arguments about what's important in their culture.
Some young people who like these Western ideas might start doing things
to make changes, like speaking up for women's rights. This could start big
conversations and efforts to make things better.
But, not everyone agrees with these new ideas. Some people who believe
strongly in the old ways might make it hard for young people who support
these changes. They might face judgment or criticism for wanting things to
be different.
Some ethical challenges that are faced by the members of the Islamic
society are that does Islam supports feminism or not?
The relationship between Islam and feminism is complex and varied.
Islam, like any major religion, is diverse, and interpretations can differ
among individuals and communities. Views on feminism within the
Islamic context can range from strong support to outright rejection, and
many Muslims hold positions that fall somewhere in between.
Islam do support men and women equally and has defined their rights
beautifully and men who don’t treat their women right are to be
admonished as Allah the Almighty mentions in the Quran in Surah-An-
O believers! It is not permissible for you to inherit women against their
will1 or mistreat them to make them return some of the dowry ˹as a
ransom for divorce˺—unless they are found guilty of adultery.2 Treat them
fairly. If you happen to dislike them, you may hate something which Allah
turns into a great blessing. (4:16)
Islamic feminism is a form of feminism concerned with the role of women
in Islam. It aims for the full equality of all Muslims, regardless of gender,
in public and private life. Islamic feminists advocate women's rights,
gender equality, and social justice grounded in an Islamic framework.
Although rooted in Islam, the movement's pioneers have also utilized
secular, Western, or otherwise non-Muslim feminist discourses, and have
recognized the role of Islamic feminism as part of an integrated global
feminist movement. Gender roles in Islam are simultaneously colored by
two Quranic precepts:
1-Spiritual equality between women and men
2- The idea that women are meant to exemplify femininity, and men

Spiritual equality between women and men is detailed in Surah al-Aḥzab.

Verily, the Muslims: men and women, the believers: men and women, the
Qanit: men and the women, the men and women who are truthful, the men
and the women who are patient, the Khashi`: men and the women, the men
and the women who give Sadaqat, the men and the women who fast, the
men and the women who guard their chastity and the men and the women
who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues, Allah has
prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.( 33:35)

Some feminists see these texts differently from usual, causing arguments
about fairness for women in Islam.
Changing how things are, especially when they're old, is hard. Feminists
wanting better rights for women in school, marriage, and work might face
opposition from traditional groups in Islamic places.
In Islamic groups, feminists need to know that women have different lives
based on things like their race, where they're from, how much money they
have, and who they love. This can make problems in places where
everyone is similar.
Problems with laws and politics include some people asking for new laws
about families and inheritance might meet disagreement from religious or
old-fashioned leaders who think these changes aren't right for Islam.
Asking questions about what women can do might make some people not
like feminists, stopping talks and progress.
It's important to know that feminist groups in Islamic places are not all the
same. Some want to change how people see religious texts to be fair for
women. Others work within Islamic ideas to make life better for women.
Extreme feminism leads to hatred towards men. It creates a barrier
between men and women of the society, creating two opposing parties.
This opposition adversely affects the workplace environment and society
struggles to move forward. The feminists try to degrade men to show that
they hold some kind of position for no good reason, the evil masterminds
behind this propaganda have embedded the idea that to achieve equality,
women should degrade and oppose men, in their minds. Whereas Islam
teaches us quite the opposite. It teaches us to give respect to each other. As
mentioned in Holy Quran by Allah Almighty:
Because everyone is created by God Almighty, the Maker of all, humans
must treat one another with full honor, respect, and loving-kindness.
Western feminism also leads to hatred speech. Their slogans and chants
during protests are inappropriate and against the teachings of Islam as are
seen in aurat march here in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Their hate
speech for men have created a massive gap between the two genders
which creates a lot of hardships in workplaces.
This kind of behaviour can also be seen in universities, schools and
colleges, which clearly shows the brainwashing that has been done by
western feminism. Women tend to hate men and demand for equality and
empowerment exceeding the limitations that has been set by Islam.
More importantly Islam has already declared the rights for both men and
women which are best for the society but due to the brainwashing done by
the western feminists, people seem to have forgotten the true value of
women defined by Islam as Allah mentions in the Quran:
Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah
over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous
women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah
has entrusted them with.1 And if you sense ill-conduct from your women,
advise them ˹first˺, ˹if they persist,˺ do not share their beds, ˹but if they
still persist,˺ then discipline them ˹gently˺.2 But if they change their ways,
do not be unjust to them. Surely Allah is Most High, All-Great. (4:34)

Western feminism does not just degrade men, it in fact devalues pious
women of Islam as well. Several cases have been reported in workplaces
where Muslim women were treated inappropriately.

A 12-year-old girl stated:

I was warming up when I saw my coach debating fiercely with the referee
from the corner of my eye. My coach had a look of defeat and suddenly
called me over. He told me the referee would not let me play unless I took
off my hijab. The referee gave me two options: strip or get kicked out of
the basketball game. I was only twelve years old. My throat tightened in
disbelief as tears welled in my eyes. I went to the bathroom and took off
my scarf. I looked at the cloth in my hands. Something I considered the
crown upon my head, was made into a noose around my neck. I still
remember my mother’s words that day, “This scarf makes you the flag
bearers of Islam. Hold us up high.” It was a step of defiance when I
walked back to that court with my scarf wrapped tightly around my head
as I sat on the bench and watched the starting spot, I had worked for all
seasons to be taken by someone else.
In another case it was reported that Noura, a university researcher, and a
mother of three in Paris, was an active volunteer at her son’s school and
wanted to help at her eight-year-old son’s school field trip. On the day she
arrived to assist with the trip, the headteacher was livid and told her she
needed to leave saying, “You need to understand, we are in a republic here
and, if you don’t like it, go home.” Noura asked for a letter outlining why
she was being asked to leave. The headteacher then called the police (she
assumed the headteacher told the police she was threatening her). Multiple
police officers came and demanded that Noura leave. Noura began to cry
and felt utterly humiliated. All the teachers, students, and parent volunteers
saw her humiliation, including her son. One of the mothers told her to put
on a hat and to stop “making a scene” and “traumatizing” the students. It is
critical to point out that the onus is put on Muslim women to appease
others even when they are actively being harassed and discriminated
against. Muslim women are told they are oppressed, forced to strip, and
are deemed responsible for any disruption institutional Islamophobia
creates. After, Noura went to several human rights groups to bring
charges, but they all refused to defend her. Her son was so shaken from the
experience that he did not want to go to school anymore.
What benefit does white feminism offer us, then? Is this movement
aimed at "empowering" and "liberating" Muslim women?
Our agency is taken away by it. It takes away our ability to be mothers,
athletes, and learners. Just walking down, the street fills us with fear.
Every conversation becomes a struggle for our identity as a result. You
must decide between following your religion and being an athlete, between
getting an education and following your religion, and between being a
good mother and following your faith.
According to white feminism, Muslim women are oppressed by the
headscarf, and we somehow need to free them. In fact, this story subverts
our agency by generating social processes and laws. The movement known
as Western feminism claims to defend, elevate, and stand up for us, but it
serves to further enslave us.
Islam holds women at a remarkably high prestige in society. It repeatedly
emphasizes to respect women and take care of them. It values women like
nothing else. Islam protects the dignity of all. A hadith is narrated from
Holy Prophet (SAW), it is as follows:
A person came to Messenger of Allah (SAW) and asked, "Who among
people is most deserving of my fine treatment?" He (SAW) said, "Your
mother". He again asked, 'Who next?" "Your mother", the Prophet (SAW)
replied again. He asked, "Who next?" He (the Prophet (SAW)) said again,
"Your mother." He again asked, "Then who?" Thereupon he (SAW) said,"
Then your father." (Sahi-Al-Bukhaari)
This clearly shows how much respect and dignity Islam provides women
and it is made obligatory on us Muslim men to treat women in a courteous
Western feminism is a mischievous movement and an extremely
dangerous propaganda of the west to distance us from Islam and its
morals. In my opinion the west are the biggest liars, and it can be proven
from history. They say something else but the outcome of that is
completely opposite to that. Their claim will be seen as beneficial to
humans, but deep down it will be the work of the devil. This movement is
exactly that scenario. They claim to empower women and provide equality
to them in society but in fact it is just a mischievous ploy of theirs. It
degrades and devalues women rather than empowering them.
The boundaries set by Islam are the most perfect boundaries anyone can
imagine because they are set by Allah and He is the creator of all things,
so our knowledge compared to Him is negligible. Allah says in Quran:
“... Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like
something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.”

A question arises, how can we save us from western feminism? And the
answer to this question is as follows:
This malicious movement can be tackled with the proper knowledge of
Islam. A person aware of Islam will never fall in western traps, they will
see right through it. Acquiring good knowledge of Islam will save us from
their propagandas and it will help in creating far better workplace
environment than anyone can even think of. We should start living our
lives completely based on teachings of Islam, and not just ignore the
satanic acts of the west but create awareness among people and educate
them with Islamic teachings and oppose their claims. We should work on
ourselves, not making any role models among them, not getting influenced
by them. Our greatest role model should be our Holy Prophet,
Muhammad (SAW). We should study the way he lived his life and try to
live according to that as much as possible.
Allah says in the Quran:
‘Say, ‘If you love Allah, then follow me and Allah will love you and
forgive you for your wrong actions. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most
Merciful’ (3:31)
This verse tells us that if we have love for Allah in our hearts then we
should follow Prophet Muhammad (SAW) whereas the agenda of
western feminism is opposite to that the teachings of our Prophet
Muhammad (SAW).
Georgetown immigration -law General –
Status of women in Islam (Asghar Ali engineer)
Women in the Quran and the Sunnah (Prof. Abdur
Rehman I. Doi)

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