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9.5.2 Assignment 2

Assignment 2 comprises of two sections, Section A and Section B


To prepare you for your five weeks of teaching practice, it is important that you know more
about the specific policies that guide teaching and learning in a school.

To complete Assignment 02, you need to access the policy document that guides your
subject from the Department of Basic Education website or at a nearest school or nearest
Education District office.

Use the document you downloaded to answer the following questions:

1. Describe the main important issues that are discussed in the overview section of the
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS).

2. Briefly indicate the instructional time frames for six subjects in the Senior


Home Language 5
First Additional Language 4
Mathematics 4.5
Natural Sciences 3
Social Sciences 3
Technology 2
TOTAL 21.5



3. In your own words, describe the various skills tabulated in the CAPS
document for any subject/learning area of your choice.

4. Read the first topic in the Annual Teaching Plan or the syllabus for your
subject. List the knowledge, skills and values learners should have after
completing this topic.

After completing this topic learners should be equipped in the following ways. They
would be able to identify and solve problems and also make decisions by using
critical and creative thinking effectively. Learners would be able to work well on their
own as well as in team work. They would now be able to organize and manage
themselves and their activities in a responsible manner. Learners would now be
equipped to use science and technology more effectively and critically showing
responsibility towards the environment and concerns of the health of others. They
will now be able to communicate in an effective way by using visual and language
skills in various modes.



5. Discuss the language teaching approaches included in the CAPS


The text-based approach, will explore how texts work. The purpose of a text-based
approach will enable learners to become competent, confident and critical readers,
writers, viewers and designers of texts. This approach will explain how texts are

A communicative approach suggests that when a learner learns a language they

should have exposure to the language studied and continuously practice the language
by communicating for social or practical purposes.

The process approach is used when learners produce oral and written texts. During
Process writing learners are taught how to generate ideas, to think about the purpose
and audience, to write drafts, to edit their work and to present a written product that will
communicate their thoughts.

The teaching of literature should focus on teaching for comprehension and will include
the reading process strategies which is (pre-reading, reading and post/after reading).
The teaching of literature includes many approaches which are:
Chronological approach – research and combine the literature period with historical
Author approach – deep study of an author
Theme approach – look at themes and compare them to real life events.
Genre approach – learners can classify and compare the different types of genres.

The teaching of language structure focuses on how language is used and what can be
done with language. The teaching of language is text-based, communicative and
integrated. Grammar should be taught correctly for constructing texts. Use of dialogues
should be encouraged. Make us of classroom activities that relate to language forms
with functions.

6. Mention any teaching and learning support materials (LTSM) that can be used
to assist learners in their learning experience. (5)

According to the National Curriculum Statement, every learner and teacher must have
minimum access to material to teach grades R to 12.
 Print aids – which includes: textbooks, pamphlets, handouts, study guides and
 Visual – which includes: Charts, real objects, photographs and transparencies


 Electronic Interactive – which includes: Computers, graphing calculators,

tablets, projector to cast lessons on white board.
 Audio/ visual aids – which includes: audio recordings, documentaries, video
 Computer-Assisted Learning – which includes: online quizzes, eBooks.

7. Discuss the importance of moderation in any subject.

Moderation is there to check the accuracy of what the learner understands and
appropriate standards are met. Moderation is important in ensuring that marks or
grades are awarded appropriately and consistently to the learners. By moderating a
student’s exam papers or assignments this ensures tasks are fair, valid and reliable.
Moderation is important as it will show if the pupil demonstrated the essential skills
indicated in the national curriculum for that level of education. Moderation is an
essential part of ensuring integrity in assessment tasks, through this procedure the
issues of assessment validity and reliability are identified and improved.

8. Indicate the various codes and percentages for recording and reporting.


7 Outstanding achievement 80 – 100

6 Meritorious achievement 70 – 79

5 Substantial achievement 60 – 69

4 Adequate achievement 50 – 59

3 Moderate achievement 40 – 49

2 Elementary achievement 30 – 39

1 Not achieved 0 – 29


9. Discuss the importance of assessment

Assessment can be described as a planned process of identifying, gathering and
interpreting information about the performance of learners. The importance of
assessment whether it is informal or formal is the feedback from the teacher given to
the learner which would improve their learning experience. When assessment in
language is given it supports the growth and development of learners. The importance
of learner’s assessment written work will focus on their ability to convey meaning as well
as use correct language structures, spelling and punctuation. It also will focus on a
particular skill which could be listening and speaking or reading or writing of the learner.

9.1 Differentiate between formal and informal assessment

Formal assessment
A Formal assessment can be classified as tasks that make up a formal programme for
the year. Formal assessments will be marked by the teacher and recorded for
progression and certification purposes. The formal assessment tasks will form part of
the whole year under the formal programme of assessment for each grade and subject.
Formal assessments include: tests, examinations, practical tasks, projects, oral
presentations, demonstrations, performances, etc.

Informal assessment
An informal assessment can be described as monitoring learner’s daily progress, which
can be used to improve their learning and understanding. Results received from the
informal daily assessment tasks will not be formally recorded unless the educator
wishes to record it, they are not taken into account for promotions and certification
purposes. Informal assessment is used to provide feedback to the learners and to
inform planning for teaching.
Informal assessments include: observations, discussions, practical demonstrations,
learner – teacher conferences, informal classroom interactions, etc.


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