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GE-PC Module 3

Unit 1 Assessment

Direction: Think of any topic that interests you. After that, create a writing outline of a research about
the topic you have chosen. You can refer page 30 of the module as your guide. Below is the format for
your perusal. Encode in a short bond paper with a font size: 12 and font: Arial.
Student‘s Name: Jean M. Adelfa________________ Course: Purposive Communication
Program / Level: BS-Criminology / 1st Year ________ Date Submitted: November 01,2023

Writing outline
Title: The Impact of Social Media on Community Development

Thesis Statement: Introduction: Social media has significantly influenced community dynamics, both
positively and negatively, by shaping communication patterns, fostering virtual communities, and
impacting social relationships.

Introduction: Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing
the way we communicate and interact with others. This outline aims to explore the effect of social
media on community development, highlighting its influence on communication patterns, virtual
communities, and social relationships.


A. Communication Patterns
1. Increased accessibility
2. Altered communication dynamics
3. Amplified spread of information
B. Virtual Communities
1. Formation of online communities
2. Enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing
3. Potential for echo chambers
A. Positive impact on community development
B. Negative impact on community development

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