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Worksheet on Transcoding Linear and Non- Linear Text

Assessment A: transcode the information below into an appropriate non-linear


Sharks and whales are classic examples of two different animals revealing similar
traits in the same environment. One of the similarities of these two marine animals is their
habitat. They both live in the vast range of depth of their environment. They also have the
same fin structure. They only have single tail for propulsion, and because they are both
large aquatic animals, they both consume large volume of food. Sharks hunt for their food
while whales do not have this hunting tendency. Another difference of sharks to whales is
their class. Whales are mammals while sharks are fish but they both live in the ocean.
Also, whales have bones while sharks only have cartilages.

Assessment B: transcode the non-linear text below into a paragraph form.

Assessment C: Come up with a Venn diagram that summarizes the similarities and
differences between a linear and a non-linear text. Then, write a 5-sentence paragraph
discussing the importance of understanding and knowing how to transcode the two text

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