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Title: Navigating the Complexity of Writing a Social Entrepreneurship Literature Review

Embarking on a literature review journey in the realm of social entrepreneurship can be akin to
navigating uncharted waters. The task demands a meticulous examination of existing research,
critical analysis, and synthesis of ideas to offer a comprehensive overview of the field. However, for
many scholars and students alike, this endeavor proves to be a daunting challenge.

One of the primary hurdles encountered is the sheer volume and diversity of literature available.
Social entrepreneurship spans across various disciplines, including sociology, economics, business
studies, and more. As a result, locating relevant sources amidst this vast expanse can be akin to
searching for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of social entrepreneurship adds another layer of complexity.
The literature encompasses diverse perspectives, theories, and methodologies, making it imperative
for researchers to adopt a multidimensional approach. This requires not only a deep understanding of
each discipline but also the ability to integrate insights from disparate sources cohesively.

Crafting a literature review also entails critically evaluating the quality and credibility of sources.
With the proliferation of online databases and academic journals, distinguishing between reputable
research and questionable content can be challenging. Researchers must exercise discernment to
ensure the inclusion of credible sources that contribute meaningfully to the discourse.

Furthermore, synthesizing findings from disparate sources into a coherent narrative requires
analytical prowess. Researchers must identify common themes, trends, and gaps in the literature
while offering insightful interpretations. This demands a meticulous attention to detail and a capacity
for nuanced analysis.

Amidst these challenges, seeking professional assistance can alleviate the burden and streamline the
process. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for scholars and students grappling with the
intricacies of literature review writing. Our team of experienced writers specializes in social
entrepreneurship and possesses the expertise to navigate the complexities of the field.

By leveraging their knowledge and skills, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your literature review is
meticulously crafted, thoroughly researched, and academically rigorous. Whether you are embarking
on a research project or seeking to strengthen your academic writing, our services provide invaluable
support every step of the way.

In conclusion, writing a literature review in the domain of social entrepreneurship presents a myriad
of challenges, from navigating diverse literature to synthesizing complex ideas. However, with the
support of ⇒ ⇔, scholars and students can surmount these obstacles with confidence,
knowing that their academic endeavors are in capable hands.
IJAR Indexing Social entrepreneurship has recently seen greater attention from the public sector, as
well as from researchers. This unified research platform serves for finding, analyzing and sharing
information in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. 2. In addition, several approaches to
the phenomenon, and different schools of thought have emerged in different parts of the world.
Social Entrepreneurs create value by building portfolios of resources to address unmet social needs.
Social entrepreneurship focuses on maximizing gains in social satisfaction and empowering deprived
communities and individuals. A business model may have possible positive or negative impacts on
the environment, consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. 2.3.3 Social
enterprise business model In designing a triple bottom-line business model, one cannot neglect to
describe the most important asset of a social enterprise—people. Other topics not included in the list,
but relevant for the journal will be evaluated. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Additionally, the vast majority of the literature is classified as conceptual research. Since the
2009 financial crisis, however, individual and corporate donations have been decreasing dramatically
and freezing much over time. Social entrepreneurship, the simultaneous pursuit of economic, social,
and environmental goals by enterprising ventures, has gradually found a place on the world's stage as
a human response to social and environmental problems (Haugh, 2007). The first school of thought
on social enterprise refers to the use of commercial activities by non-profit organizations in support
of their mission. We propose an explanation for key concepts surrounding social entrepreneurship
and finally discuss the implications for future research. Conversely, the working goal of triple
bottom-line organization is to expand one’s range not only to account for a continued and
sustainable financial base but also for continued collaboration towards solving social woes and
environmental concerns. Additionally, the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 to Mohammad
Yunus for founding the Grameen Bank thrust social entrepreneurship into the global spotlight. The
MSMEs account for 60% to 80% of the total jobs thereby posing a key influence in the economic
growth of the nations. This paper shows its view on the concept of social entrepreneurship and its
various definitions.Entrepreneurship has been seen as differ concept comparing itwith other forms of
entrepreneurship. As Cukier et al. (2011) show, the available studies about social entrepreneurship
lack for consistency in definitions and objects of focus, as well as for rigorous comparative analysis.
Keywords Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurial activity Institutional factors Literature
review. Social entrepreneurship and its literature are mainly focused on the Western World. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. The aim of this thesis is to find how social entrepreneurship can be
encouraged in Third World countries, as it will be essential in the nearby future. Download Free PDF
View PDF Social Entrepreneurship: A Few Case Study Interal Res journa Managt Sci Tech Social
entrepreneurship provides a unique opportunity to challenge, question, and also rethink concepts
from different prospects of business research and management. Social entrepreneurship combines
innovation, creativity and opportunity in order to address some crucial and critical social and
environmental challenges. However, the research literature reflects the underdeveloped nature of
BDS markets, weak acceptance among the MSMEs, dynamic challenges for the BDS providers and
changing market trends from public to private BDS providers. The first of them builds on Article I
and shows that forest owners that recognize opportunity and are risk takers have a greater likelihood
of changing the way they supply their products and services. Social entrepreneurship is an evolving
and interdisciplinary area of study that explores the intersection of business and social impact. The
relationships are also exemplified by a case study. One recognized and rather narrow definition is
written by Professor Muhammad Yunus. The multiplicity of actors involved in innovative and social
activities, as well as the variety of motives that lie upon their adoption (Baccarani and Pedrollo,
2015) also improve the complexity of the phenomenon.
Additionally, the vast majority of the literature is classified as conceptual research. As Cukier et al.
(2011) show, the available studies about social entrepreneurship lack for consistency in definitions
and objects of focus, as well as for rigorous comparative analysis. Social entrepreneurship and its
literature are mainly focused on the Western World. Future social entrepreneurs should look further
than in their own region and should orientate worldwide. The relationships are also exemplified by a
case study. The development in social Entrepreneurship will solve the problems prevailing in the
society which is completely ignored by commercial and government enterprises. Social
entrepreneurship bridges the gap between financial needs and actual needs of the society and.
Article V was based on a questionnaire for small, knowledge-intensive firms and shows the impact
of external relationships on product, process and market innovation. In addition, we found that
corporate social entrepreneurship provides companies with both implicit and explicit strategic
benefits. When entrepreneurs are eager to practice social entrepreneurship the society as a whole
becomes better. This framework differs from traditional reporting frameworks as it includes
environmental and social measures that are more than often difficult to be assigned appropriate
means of measurement ( Elkington, 1998 ) The most significant difference between a for-profit
corporation and an organization run by the triple bottom-line business model is that the central goal
of the enterprise has changed. Download Free PDF View PDF Social Entrepreneurship: A Few Case
Study Interal Res journa Managt Sci Tech Social entrepreneurship provides a unique opportunity to
challenge, question, and also rethink concepts from different prospects of business research and
management. Its primary purpose is to “bring about a more sustainable and equitable biophysical and
human environment” ( Vanclay, 2003 ). Brock Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Springer, Cham. Download
citation.RIS.ENW.BIB DOI: Published: 28 February 2017. Social entrepreneurship, the
simultaneous pursuit of economic, social, and environmental goals by enterprising ventures, has
gradually found a place on the world's stage as a human response to social and environmental
problems (Haugh, 2007). Articles II and III were based on a questionnaire for firms that work with
nature-based tourism. The Grameen Bank is the world's largest micro-finance organization; it is a
profitable business that has helped thousands of people, mostly women, out of poverty. The
recipients receive the product or service while the donors paid for the product or service. This paper
suggests that definition of social phenomena such as social entrepreneurship may emerge through the
study of the extant literature on the topic. Osterwalder et al. (2005) defines a business model
describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. Social
entrepreneurship is an evolving and interdisciplinary area of study that explores the intersection of
business and social impact. Davey Genemans Social entrepreneurship has drawn interest from global
policy makers and social entrepreneurs to target developing countries. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. Social entrepreneurs design their revenue-generating strategies to serve
their mission directly and to deliver social value to those deserving ( Abu-Saifan, 2012 ). It is not
coincidental that social entrepreneurship is popular in the Western World. On a final note, there is
also help needed in implementing a business model which successfully sustains development.
Adopting a systematic review of relevant research, the article provides collective insights into
research linking social innovation with social entrepreneurship, demonstrating growing interest in the
area over the last decade. This paper outlines India's social entrepreneurship scenario, and is intended
to give the reader a succinct overview on resurgence and innovation of social entrepreneurship in
several sectors.
This paper is an attempt to understand the concept of Social entrepreneurship and highlight its role
and importance in convalescing the social and business scenario in India. Osterwalder et al. (2005)
defines a business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and
captures value. The literature review was based on articles published in top journals, especially those
included in the Web of Science. Second, the business model canvas of Osterwalder containing nine
components is a good base for a business model platform with social enterprise. It is an altruistic
form of entrepreneurship that aims at providing certain benefits to the society. Furthermore, insights
in the role from the Western World in contributing to social entrepreneurship in Third World
countries will be given. Integrating social entrepreneurship in a non-profit organization can be done
in three ways either embedded, integrated or external. Download Free PDF View PDF Social
entrepreneurship: An emerging trend in business Upasana Thakur Social entrepreneurship is an
emerging trend in business. First, those components facilitate the innovation and discussion of social
enterprise business model among entrepreneurs, investors and other stakeholders. The study results
show that Omani people rather prefer more innovative social entrepreneurs than normal social
entrepreneurs. The past 5 years have seen a surge in attention with particular focus on the role of the
entrepreneur, networks, systems, institutions, and cross-sectoral partnerships. To design a business
model that well corresponds with the goal of a triple bottom-line, the business model canvas must
be expanded with two additional building blocks, namely, “Social and Environmental Revenue” and
“Social and Environmental Costs” ( Osterwalder et al., 2010 ). Figure 4 demonstrates the expanded
business model canvas of Triple bottom line business model. The most common way as Prahalad
defined the motive behind Social Entrepreneurs included the desire to change society and
discomfort with the status quo as the main stimuli for SEs to innovate.This makes them more
sensitive to entrepreneurial opportunities that deal with social problems and unsatisfied social needs.
The research objective involves (1) evaluating the evolutionary aspect of the BDS concept; (2)
understanding the definition of BDS providers; (3) identifying the key challenges faced by the BDS
providers; (4) identifyi. Social entrepreneurs design their revenue-generating strategies to serve their
mission directly and to deliver social value to those deserving ( Abu-Saifan, 2012 ). From these and
other authors, the intertextual complaint concerning the lack of definition for social entrepreneurship
is noted. Growing disillusionment of for-profit business models has drawn attention to social
entrepreneurship and social innovation to ease social issues. Davey Genemans Social
entrepreneurship has drawn interest from global policy makers and social entrepreneurs to target
developing countries. Referring to its meaning, definitions of Social Entrepreneurship are often
vague, covering a wide variety of activities and representing different models worldwide
(Hogendoon and Hartog, 2011; Kerlin, 2009; Nicholls and Cho, 2006). How one should promote
entrepreneurship and innovation among these companies has been a central theme in political
debates. London: London Business School and The Work Foundation. Adopting a systematic review
of relevant research, the article provides collective insights into research linking social innovation
with social entrepreneurship, demonstrating growing interest in the area over the last decade. The
relationships are also exemplified by a case study. Born out of this new financial era, a new business
model is immerging, that is, they are following the triple-bottom-line business model. Third World
countries are seen as least developing countries, especially those with a widespread poverty. The
paper is an attempt to clarify the boundary of Social Entrepreneurship and differ-entiating it from
related concepts like: Corporate Entrepreneurship, sustainability and self-sufficiency, earned income
strategies and social purpose businesses etc. These represent the majority of firms and are a vital
source for new creativity and development in both traditional and new sectors. Additionally, the
award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 to Mohammad Yunus for founding the Grameen Bank thrust
social entrepreneurship into the global spotlight. Social entrepreneurship, the simultaneous pursuit of
economic, social, and environmental goals by enterprising ventures, has gradually found a place on
the world's stage as a human response to social and environmental problems (Haugh, 2007). The
selected cases cover companies that have a clear corporate social enterprise model in operation and
address different prevailing social problems. Findings This study reveals that corporate social
entrepreneurship is driven by the environmental dynamics, organizational antecedents and
organizational outcomes.
Low-risk social investments can be used in combination with the Social Entrepreneurship community
Schwab. The main objective of this chapter is to explore the content and methodology used in social
entrepreneurship research focusing on the institutional economics perspective. All other factors such
as channel and value proposition are key partners are important, but none can make an organization
more successful that the cooperation and collaboration that people provide. Furthermore, insights in
the role from the Western World in contributing to social entrepreneurship in Third World countries
will be given. But the very efficiency that is its hallmark is also a critical cause for concern. Future
social entrepreneurs should look further than in their own region and should orientate worldwide.
The social entrepreneur is a mission-driven individual who uses a set of entrepreneurial faculties to
deliver a social value to the less privileged or those in concerned situations, all through an
entrepreneurially oriented entity that is financially independent, self-sufficient, or sustainable, or all
of more than one of the above ( Abu-Saifan, 2012 ). The concept of social entrepreneurship
continues to convey different things to different people and there is no clear understanding and
uniformity on where to locate it and on how to qualify social entrepreneurs. Muhammad Yunus
being an example for other social entrepreneurs, how to be a successful entrepreneur, who is worked,
has a founder and manager of Grameen Bank lead a new path in Social Entrepreneurship, and he is
awarded with Nobel Peace Prize, his contribution being a motivation factor for many social
Entrepreneurs. At first, because of the different conceptions of capitalism and the role of
government, there seems to be a difference between the American and the European conceptions of
social entrepreneurship. Understanding that government subsidies may no longer be necessarily
guaranteed, they began to rely solely on third party founding. Western World entrepreneurs also can
play a great role by teaching and sharing their ideas with Third World entrepreneurs. This paper is an
attempt to understand the concept of Social entrepreneurship and highlight its role and importance
in convalescing the social and business scenario in India. The TBL is an accounting framework that
incorporates three dimensions of performance: social, environmental, and financial performance.
Prevalence and characteristics of nascent entrepreneurs. This unified research platform serves for
finding, analyzing and sharing information in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. 2.
Brock Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry,
preview is currently unavailable. The literature review was based on articles published in top journals,
especially those included in the Web of Science. The purpose of this article is to highlight the
theoretical foundations of social entrepreneurship through a comparative approach. Born out of this
new financial era, a new business model is immerging, that is, they are following the triple-bottom-
line business model. Defining social enterprise in this way not only is specific but also allows for a
broad and wide application. The goal of traditional for-profit corporation is maximizing the
shareholder’s interest. After justifying the need of a definition, we will present different points
according to geographical areas. They also found that the majority of the journal articles focused are
more theoretically grounded, than empirically based. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. Download Free PDF View PDF Social Entrepreneurship: A Few Case Study Interal
Res journa Managt Sci Tech Social entrepreneurship provides a unique opportunity to challenge,
question, and also rethink concepts from different prospects of business research and management.
Creativity is the key to practice social entrepreneurship. The triple bottom-line business model
pursues its social and environmental goals simultaneously to generating revenues without any outside
sponsors or donorships ( Elkington, 1998 ). Nevertheless, the researchers were not able to develop a
standardized theory, so leaving the field open for various interpretations of various disciplines made
social entrepreneurship a metapragmatic field. To browse and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Osterwalder also asserts that business model is the blueprint of how a company does business. The
main objective of this chapter is to explore the content and methodology used in social
entrepreneurship research focusing on the institutional economics perspective. Countries like India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries facing many issues and challenges for the development of
social entrepreneurs. At first, because of the different conceptions of capitalism and the role of
government, there seems to be a difference between the American and the European conceptions of
social entrepreneurship. The Contrasting definitions and core characteristics of the terms “social
entrepreneur” are sorted in table 5. Table 5. Contrasting definitions and core characteristics of the
terms “social entrepreneur”. A business model may have possible positive or negative impacts on the
environment, consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. 2.3.3 Social enterprise
business model In designing a triple bottom-line business model, one cannot neglect to describe the
most important asset of a social enterprise—people. The study has both theoretical (for the
development of the literature in the social entrepreneurship field) and empirical implications.
Referring to its meaning, definitions of Social Entrepreneurship are often vague, covering a wide
variety of activities and representing different models worldwide (Hogendoon and Hartog, 2011;
Kerlin, 2009; Nicholls and Cho, 2006). The Grameen Bank is the world's largest micro-finance
organization; it is a profitable business that has helped thousands of people, mostly women, out of
poverty. Based on the findings we propose an integrated model of corporate social entrepreneurship.
Even countries like Brazil or China which are newly industrialized have problems with caring for
their citizens. Figure 3 shows the business model of third party founded NPOs. They also found that
the majority of the journal articles focused are more theoretically grounded, than empirically based.
In a content analysis of 567 unique articles concerning “social entrepreneur” or “social
entrepreneurship”, the authors highlight the existing overlapping between and among different levels
of analysis, including studies of individuals (micro), studies of organizations and processes (meso),
and broader studies of the economic, political and societal context (macro). The Business Model
Canvas has been applied and tested around the world and is already used by organizations such as
IBM, Ericsson, Deloitte, the Public Works and Government Services of Canada, and many others.
The multiplicity of actors involved in innovative and social activities, as well as the variety of
motives that lie upon their adoption (Baccarani and Pedrollo, 2015) also improve the complexity of
the phenomenon. Gaining a better understanding of how an issue relates to a society helps social
entrepreneurs in developing innovative solutions and mobilizing all the available resources to affect
the society at large. The most common way as Prahalad defined the motive behind Social
Entrepreneurs included the desire to change society and discomfort with the status quo as the main
stimuli for SEs to innovate.This makes them more sensitive to entrepreneurial opportunities that deal
with social problems and unsatisfied social needs. Defining social enterprise in this way not only is
specific but also allows for a broad and wide application. Nevertheless, the researchers were not able
to develop a standardized theory, so leaving the field open for various interpretations of various
disciplines made social entrepreneurship a metapragmatic field. It is not coincidental that social
entrepreneurship is popular in the Western World. This survey is not fully comprehensive but covers
enough of the academic corpus to give a sense of an emergent definition coalescing around narrative
INNOVATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Publisher UGC Approved Traditionally,
entrepreneurship has been associated with profit making individuals who aim high and achieve a lot
for themselves in the world of tough competition. The purpose of this article is to highlight the
theoretical foundations of social entrepreneurship through a comparative approach. Social
entrepreneurship combines innovation, creativity and opportunity in order to address some crucial
and critical social and environmental challenges. The paper is an attempt to clarify the boundary of
Social Entrepreneurship and differ-entiating it from related concepts like: Corporate
Entrepreneurship, sustainability and self-sufficiency, earned income strategies and social purpose
businesses etc. Furthermore, collaboration with institutions are of great value as is the involvement
with local organizations. This definition focuses on the components of a business model that is
particularly fits this research for two reasons. Social entrepreneurship, the simultaneous pursuit of
economic, social, and environmental goals by enterprising ventures, has gradually found a place on
the world's stage as a human response to social and environmental problems (Haugh, 2007). In: Leal
Filho, W., Marisa Azul, A., Brandli, L., Gokcin Ozuyar, P., Wall, T. (eds) Sustainable Cities and
This study took the perceptions of 100 Omani people, through semi-structured interviews and survey,
in Sultanate of Oman on social entrepreneurship. This paper outlines India's social entrepreneurship
scenario, and is intended to give the reader a succinct overview on resurgence and innovation of
social entrepreneurship in several sectors. The academic literature on social entrepreneurship has
grown in a manner that anticipates future growth of this corpus. Springer, Cham. Download
citation.RIS.ENW.BIB DOI: Published: 28 February 2017. Gaining a better understanding of how
an issue relates to a society helps social entrepreneurs in developing innovative solutions and
mobilizing all the available resources to affect the society at large. According to his definition, a
social enterprise is “a non-loss, non-dividend company designed to address a social objective within
the highly regulated marketplace of today”(Yunus, 2007). Various foundations involved in “venture
philanthropy,” such as the Schwab Foundation and the Skoll Foundation, have embraced the idea
that social innovation is central to social entrepreneurship and have supported social entrepreneurs.
The paper is an attempt to clarify the boundary of Social Entrepreneurship and differ-entiating it
from related concepts like: Corporate Entrepreneurship, sustainability and self-sufficiency, earned
income strategies and social purpose businesses etc. Social entrepreneurs design their revenue-
generating strategies to serve their mission directly and to deliver social value to those deserving (
Abu-Saifan, 2012 ). After justifying the need of a definition, we will present different points
according to geographical areas. Countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries
facing many issues and challenges for the development of social entrepreneurs. However, in spite of
it’s increasing popularity as a concept, there is no consensus among academics and practitioners when
it comes to formulating one common definition on the topic which may be acceptable to all as it
means different things to different people. From these and other authors, the intertextual complaint
concerning the lack of definition for social entrepreneurship is noted. The impact of regulations and
corruption on firm entry. IJAR Indexing Social entrepreneurship has recently seen greater attention
from the public sector, as well as from researchers. The triple bottom-line business model pursues its
social and environmental goals simultaneously to generating revenues without any outside sponsors
or donorships ( Elkington, 1998 ). Adopting a systematic review of relevant research, the article
provides collective insights into research linking social innovation with social entrepreneurship,
demonstrating growing interest in the area over the last decade. Additionally, the award of the Nobel
Peace Prize in 2006 to Mohammad Yunus for founding the Grameen Bank thrust social
entrepreneurship into the global spotlight. Davey Genemans Social entrepreneurship has drawn
interest from global policy makers and social entrepreneurs to target developing countries. The
different concepts used by the literature are often defined unwell and can take on a variety of
meanings with little consensus so far reached among scholars. In their book Business Model
Generation, 470 practitioners from 45 countries together created the “Business Model Canvas” to
facilitate much description and discussion on the topic. Currently, the JCR is based on citations
compiled from the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Science Citation Index. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. Download Free PDF View PDF An Exploration of Social Entrepreneurship in
the Entrepreneurship Era Jonathan H Westover Entrepreneurship has been the engine propelling
much of the growth of the business sector as well as a driving force behind the rapid expansion of
the social sector. The concept of social entrepreneurship may be applied to number of organizations
with different sizes, beliefs, goals and targets. Article V was based on a questionnaire for small,
knowledge-intensive firms and shows the impact of external relationships on product, process and
market innovation. Nevertheless, the researchers were not able to develop a standardized theory, so
leaving the field open for various interpretations of various disciplines made social entrepreneurship a
metapragmatic field. London: Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research,
Middlesex University Business School, Middlesex University. See Full PDF Download PDF See
Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Social entrepreneurship: An emerging trend in business
Upasana Thakur Social entrepreneurship is an emerging trend in business. First, those components
facilitate the innovation and discussion of social enterprise business model among entrepreneurs,
investors and other stakeholders.
Springer, Cham. Download citation.RIS.ENW.BIB DOI: Published: 28 February 2017. The concept
of social entrepreneurship continues to convey different things to different people and there is no
clear understanding and uniformity on where to locate it and on how to qualify social entrepreneurs.
Additionally, the vast majority of the literature is classified as conceptual research. This concept may
be applied to a variety of organizations with different sizes, aims, and beliefs. The availability and
access to BDS providers (public and private) is essential for MSMEs to learn and acquire new skills
regarding marketing, operations, management, resourcing, technology and innovation. The purpose
of this article is to highlight the theoretical foundations of social entrepreneurship through a
comparative approach. IJAR Indexing Social entrepreneurship has recently seen greater attention
from the public sector, as well as from researchers. Osterwalder et al. (2005) defines a business
model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. Daniel
PROBLEMATIC. How one should promote entrepreneurship and innovation among these
companies has been a central theme in political debates. This survey is not fully comprehensive but
covers enough of the academic corpus to give a sense of an emergent definition coalescing around
narrative themes. Understanding that government subsidies may no longer be necessarily guaranteed,
they began to rely solely on third party founding. While this growth is impressive, certain silences or
gaps are discernable with particular regard to fellows' profiles and the various case studies of social
entrepreneurship. Furthermore, insights in the role from the Western World in contributing to social
entrepreneurship in Third World countries will be given. Profit is a method to allow the business to
expand its reach and improve its products or services, all of which subsidize a specific social
INNOVATION OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Publisher UGC Approved Traditionally,
entrepreneurship has been associated with profit making individuals who aim high and achieve a lot
for themselves in the world of tough competition. This study took the perceptions of 100 Omani
people, through semi-structured interviews and survey, in Sultanate of Oman on social
entrepreneurship. Even countries like Brazil or China which are newly industrialized have problems
with caring for their citizens. The study has both theoretical (for the development of the literature in
the social entrepreneurship field) and empirical implications. Creativity is the key to practice social
entrepreneurship. Download Free PDF View PDF Social entrepreneurship: An emerging trend in
business Upasana Thakur Social entrepreneurship is an emerging trend in business. Article III shows
the effect of external relationships on innovation and how innovation affects economic
accomplishment. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. We propose an explanation for key concepts
surrounding social entrepreneurship and finally discuss the implications for future research. Social
entrepreneurship, the simultaneous pursuit of economic, social, and environmental goals by
enterprising ventures, has gradually found a place on the world's stage as a human response to social
and environmental problems (Haugh, 2007). Second, the business model canvas of Osterwalder
containing nine components is a good base for a business model platform with social enterprise.
Comments and suggestions contributed from the Social Entrepreneurship Founders Working Group.
This framework differs from traditional reporting frameworks as it includes environmental and social
measures that are more than often difficult to be assigned appropriate means of measurement (
Elkington, 1998 ) The most significant difference between a for-profit corporation and an
organization run by the triple bottom-line business model is that the central goal of the enterprise has
changed. From hereon after, “social enterprise” will refer to the above definition. The major
difference, however, is that these organizations have one more additional source of revenue.

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