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diagrams for expense track system

Use Case Diagram : The Use Case Diagram identifies the interactions between the
ExpenseTrack system and its users, detailing various use cases such as User Registration,
Expense Entry, Income Tracking, Budget Setting, Real-time Expense Tracking, Expense Analytics,
Receipt Upload, Currency Conversion, Reminders and Alerts, Data Security, Search and Filter,
Multi-platform Access, Exporting Reports, and Integration with Bank Accounts. Actors, such as
Regular User and Administrator, are connected to these use cases to demonstrate the roles and
permissions within the system.
Class Diagram: The Class Diagram illustrates the structure of the ExpenseTrack system,
showcasing classes such as User, Expense, Income, Budget, ExpenseCategory, and
CurrencyConverter. Relationships between these classes, such as associations and aggregations,
depict how they are interconnected. Attributes and methods within each class highlight the
data and functionalities associated with them, providing a blueprint for the system's
Activity Diagram:
The Activity Diagram illustrates the flow of
activities within the ExpenseTrack system. It
showcases the step-by-step processes
involved in user registration, authentication,
expense entry, income tracking, budget
setting, real-time expense tracking, expense
analytics, receipt upload, currency
conversion, reminders, alerts, data security,
search and filter, multi-platform access,
exporting reports, and integration with bank
accounts. Each activity is represented by a
rounded rectangle, with arrows indicating
the flow between activities.
Sequence Diagram: The Sequence Diagram provides a dynamic view of interactions between system
components during specific scenarios. It visualizes the sequence of messages and actions involved in
processes like User Registration, Expense Entry, Income Tracking, Budget Setting, Real-time Expense
Tracking, and Receipt Upload. Lifelines represent system components, and arrows denote the flow of
messages between them, offering a clear understanding of the system's behavior over time.
State Diagram: The State Diagram represents the different states that entities within the
ExpenseTrack system can transition through. For instance, the User entity may transition between
states like "Logged In" and "Logged Out." Similarly, Expense and Income entities can undergo states
like "Pending Approval" and "Approved." This diagram visualizes the lifecycle of various entities in
response to system events and user actions.

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