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Q1: What is the correct command to create a new React project??

a None

b npx create-react-app

c npm create-react-app myReactApp

d None

e npm create-react-app

f npx create-react-app myReactApp

Q2: Which of the following statements is NOT true for views in SQL??

a A view drives its data from the base tables(s)

b None

c Select statement used in the view definition cannot include ORDER BY clause.

d A view contains a copy of the data

e A view is updatable if it has been defined from a single relation

f None

Q3: How can we check if the value of a given variable is alphanumeric??

a None

b ctype_alnum to check whether it is an alphanumeric value or not.

c gtype_alnum to check whether it is an alphanumeric value or not.

d None

e None

f dtype_alnum to check whether it is an alphanumeric value or not.

Q4: What is the login name of the administrator in Linux??

a admin

b None of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

d administrator

e root

f All of the mentioned

Q5: What is service container in Laravel??

a None

b None

c Dockerized Laravel applications are called service containers.

d None

e None

f Service container is a tool used for performing dependency injection in Laravel.

Q6: What is the most common procedure for compiling programs under Linux??

a None

b compile file_name

c gcc file_name

d None

e ./configure && make && make install

f make file_name

Q7: Which command is used to specify the number of records to return??


b None




Q8: What are Shortcodes in WordPress and how we can use it??

a Shortcodes is a specific code that is used to do recursion.

b Shortcodes is a specific code that is used to do control loop.

c None

d None

e Shortcodes is a specific code that is used to do several tasks with less effort. Also, it
is synonymous with the shortcut.

f None

Q9: Intensity of a color can be described through?

a Grayscale

b None

c None

d Lightness

e Saturation

f Hue

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