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I want to work with animals in the future because

they are sweet and kind companies. I just love

spending my time caring and looking after them
like when they undergo surgery or are sick and
need attention.

I really enjoyed working at a vet’s practice I learnt

different things about all the animals that come
through to the vets practice each day. I got to
watch and help out during operations and see
interesting cases. Each time I come to help out at
the practice I always learn something new. I
learned about different medications and different
diseases that can be dangerous to animals. And I
got to see under the microscope.

One of the dogs there named Milo was rescued

from a township in Alex. He was brought into the
vets practice because he was in really bad shape
he had a broken leg and had flies all over him. The
vet gave him medication for this leg and for flies. i
then put Milo in a cage with a drip and made sure
he had a nice soft blanket to lie on and I
monitored him the whole time to see if he was
fine. I really enjoyed taking care of Milo.
Milo then had to have an operation because he
was in so much pain and could not use his leg. I
got to sterilize his leg and calmed him down when
he had to go under anaesthetic And I helped out
during the operation. The vet showed me how to
stitch the wound closed.
The one thing I hated seeing was Milo in pain
battling to use his leg.
Later that day I helped clean the cages that was
dirty and held this cat by the name of Lucky she
had to have her injection. I was talking to her
while the vet was giving her the injection. I helped
calm her down and she did not scratch as much.

I made sure that there is clean fresh water

available in their cages. And I made sure that
when they woke up properly from their
anaesthetic As well as not having bad reactions
when given medication. And if they do I can act
quickly. When I am upset about something I go
sitting and pat the animals in their cages this
makes me feel better. I have empathy when
people have to put their animals to sleep. I try my
very best to make them feel better.
I really think working with animals in the future is
worthwhile for me.

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