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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


Students are often exposed to all sorts of financial problems, as students from primary to

secondary school and so on. Some of these problems include their self’s problems that can make

their own finances in trouble. However, the most crucial problem among students nowadays is

that they don't have enough money to survive their life at school because of some factor that can

influence their life as a student. Students' lack of financial resources prevents them from

continuing their education at their school like other individuals, which is a concern. Students are

overly trendy; therefore, they constantly want to purchase branded goods because their

classmates do. Students are also facing the effect of increasing fares of transportation that can

shorten their allowance and it will lack their budget more. In addition, the student's background

family plays a part in determining their financial situation. Students from low-income families

are less likely to receive assistance when they are in need. Because they lacked the funds to

purchase the needs of the students. Some students who have worked before attending their

classes may have already learned to manage their money well but usually still confront some

financial difficulties.

Money problems affect the ability of the students to succeed in school. Stress over money

can make it difficult for the students to focus on their schoolwork. Spending excessively can

force them to work more hours than they otherwise do, which would leave them with less time

for study. Or they can enroll in fewer classes and end their self-staying in school longer than

necessary. Even worse, financial difficulties lead to the complete dropout of many students. It

shouldn't be this challenging, though. Financial awareness may be learnt, just like other skills,

and they are valuable for life.

The importance of financial management for students is that it can help them learn how

to be responsible with their finances. When they are young and just starting, they must learn how

to budget and save their money. The importance of financial management for students will also

help them in the future when they are adults and need to support themselves. Financial

management can also help students stay out of debt. If they are careful with their spending, they

can avoid financial trouble. This will make it easier for them to graduate from college without

worrying about finances. Finally, financial management can help students build good financial

habits. They can set themselves up for a bright financial future by learning how to save and

invest their money. By learning how to manage their finances now, they can avoid these

problems in the future. They can do many things to improve their financial situation, and it is

never too late to start.

Background of the Study

According to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (2015), Financial management

behavior is the acquisition, allocation, and use of financial resources oriented toward some goal.

Empirical evidence supports that, if families achieve effective financial management, both their

economic well-being and their financial satisfaction improve at the long term. However,

financial management behavior is complex and difficult to implement. The supervision of money

and expenditure, which includes frugal and careful spending of money, is a useful protection

against risky financial practices.

Falahati and Paim (2012) defined the financial problem as inability to manage expenses

and facing the financial problem within half of the year. Financial problem is related to the

problem of planning and managing the cash flow. The foundation of knowledge about personal

finance is very important among young people particularly the university students. This is due to

the financial situation of this group is reported shows a serious management problem. A survey

conducted by Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA) in 2013 found that 37

per cent of young Malaysians were found expense beyond their income means while 47 per cent

used more than one-third of their monthly income to settle debts.

Financial management practice is referred to the individuals’ behavior and perception on

how well they manage their finances. The factors that influence young people in their financial

management practice are age, personality traits and knowledge. Students are important group

that needs to be highlighted because they have less finance management practices (Komal,

Garima,Manju and Sudesh, 2017).

Mien and Thao (2015) suggested that the most common financial management practice

is to set aside some amount of money for saving. The proper practice enables individuals to

improve their overall well-being and to plan for their future security.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade Level

2. What are the personal expenditures of ABM students?

3. How to improve personal financial management of ABM students?

Significance of the Study

Students - the respondent of the researchers. If the students know how to manage their financials

when they are still young and when they grow older, they know how to manage their budget. To

know what difficulties, they can encounter that can help them to be wiser when it comes to


Teachers - through this research the teacher may discover the importance of financial

management that can help them with their spending habits.

Researchers - the ideas presented may be used as a reference data in conducting new research or

in testing the validity of other related findings.

Future Researchers – the published study can be used as a guide or reference in researching a

new or related study that can help the future researchers to find new ideas.

Parents - this benefits that the parents get from this research. They may use this research as a

reference if they want to teach their child to know the difficulties and how to properly manage

their financials.

Administrators - this thesis may be the basis of making way for better ways to manage their

financials and what difficulties they could encounter.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is designed to determine the difficulties in financial management of

ABM students in K.C.M Academy. The illustration below explains how a student is experiencing

financial difficulties every day, the chain shackles on his back represent some financial

difficulties such asfood, school fees, wants, needs, inflation, etc. The relation of this illustration

to the study is that whenever they are experiencing difficulties in financial management, they

feel like they are carrying a burden (referring to the chain shackles) everyday whenever they

spend and pay expenses.

Theoretical Framework


Financial Management Practices and Problems among Students Theory

According to IlyaniAzer and Siti Aishah Mohammad, a financially educated society tends to

make better financial decisions.Nevertheless, individuals seldom have perfect financial

knowledge. Behavioral economics admitted that individuals are not always rational, and

emotions can always affect decision making. Thus, objectives of this paper are to investigate the

financial problems among the students as well as their financial management practices. This

is because the ability to manage personal finances has become increasingly important in both

university and college in preparing their students with good financial management. The finding

from the study shows that the financial problem occurs due to the inability of students to

increase income. As a student, they need to spend more time on their study instead of finding a

way to increase income. The students were found to have good financial management practice

because they are avoiding overspending of their money. The result contributes to the university

and particularly the academia to know the students’ financial management practice and financial

problem to educate them in making a wise financial decision in future.

Financial Management Practices of Students with Varying Social Learning Theory

According to Social Cognitive Theory, behavior is an interaction of personal factors, behavior,

and the environment. This suggests that an evaluation of behavioral change needs to consider the

factors of people, behavior, and the environment including social environment and physical

environment. This theory, then, provides direction within the study when considering the

influence of different factors on learned behaviors.

Definition of Terms

Definition of terms for the reader's clearer understanding of the present study. The following

terms were defined operationally:

Acquisition - The learning or developing of a skill, habit or quality.

Allocation - The action or process of allocating or distributing something.

Conjecture- an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

Conscious - aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake. Extravagant- lacking

restraint in spending money or using resources.

Complex - Not simple, easy, or straightforward, complicated.

Crucial - decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

Efficiently - in a well-organized and competent way.

Empirical - based on being concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experienced with

rather than theory or pure logic.

Entrepreneur - a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater

than normal financial risks in order to do so.

Excessively - To a degree exceeding normal or proper limits. Overly, to a fault, too.

Financial Literacy- The ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills,

including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

Financial Management - Is diplomatic planning, organizing, directing supervising and financial

understanding in an organization.

Frugal - Avoiding waste. Finding ways to pay less for everything from groceries to clothing,

utilities, and everyday bills.

Inflation - rate of increase in prices over a given period of time.

Lack- the state of being without or not having enough of something.

Organizing- the process of assembling and assigning the human, financial, physical,

informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.

Paramount- more important than anything else; supreme.

Phenomenon- a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause

or explanation is in question.

Satisfaction - The act of spending money for goods expending. An amount of money spent.

Splurge- an act of spending money freely or extravagantly.

Strategic Planning- To set your overall goal and to develop a plan to achieve them.

Stress - Usually considered the buildup of anxiety and pressures on any given person. It may be

different because of a dysfunctional relationship with family or financial problems.

Various - more than one; several.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims the “Personal Financial Management” of ABM students to determine their

personal financial knowledge and lifestyle, how they encounter every financial difficulty,

furthermore, to analyze students’ financial management skill. This study limits only on the

difficulties of managing the finances of ABM students.

This study will be conducted at K.C.M Academy Inc. The respondents of the study will mainly

focus on Grade 11 and 12 ABM students of K.C.M Academy Inc.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter consists different studies and literatures both foreign and local to support our study

about the difficulties in financial management of ABM students in K.C.M academy, which have

significant bearings on the variables included in the research. It focuses on several aspects that

will help in the development of this study. This chapter contains the local literature, foreign

literature, foreign studies and lastly the local studies.

Foreign Literature

According to Lusardi, Mitchell, and Curto (2010) Financial problem becomes a

common problem among young adults. This problem happens. because they lack financial

knowledge and have to make difficult financial decisions at a young age especially in the early

stages of their career. This led them to make the wrong decision that ultimately had a devastating

effect on their lives. Hence, policymakers need to devise effective strategies to reduce those

problems as well as to help young population to gain financial knowledge.

According to Halliday Wynes (2014) a student financial position will affect their

commitment in learning which will affect their academic performance. Moreover, due to

inflation and trade war, it had made most of the country facing recession and increases the cases

of student facing financial problem. Financial problem is a situation where money worries are

causing stress. However, college student has been facing financial problem lately and this

problem had become a major problem for college student. Financial problem faced by student

are known as they do not have enough money for their daily expenses, where money worries is

causing them to stress. After that, financial problems will bring impact to both mental and

physical health.

Richard Courtney (2023) State that school students do not always graduate from high

school having the life skills they need to be successful adults and live successful, fulfilled lives.

The majority of high school students graduate with the academic knowledge they need to go off

to college and secure a promising career. Americans struggle with financial security, and it

mostly stems from poor money management skills. Young adult/teenagers do not always know

how to properly manage their money which entails many more struggles to follow. When most

young adults/teenagers get their paychecks they do not initially think about putting away money

for bills or emergency. They think it’s time to go out to an expensive dinner, go shopping with

all of their friends and splurge on those expensive sneakers. This is why high school students

should be required to take a personal finance class as a graduation requirement.

According to Dang and Bulus (2015) Financial plays an important role in students’

academic performance. Financial problems are a serious issue that needs to be addressed as it

leads to multiple stages of problems such as health issues and academic performance. education

is a high-cost social service therefore insufficient financial support will be a problem for students

to enhance themselves in academics thus leading to poor academic performance.

As explained by Daud, N., Norwani, N. M., & Yusof, R. (2018) Overall, the majority of

respondents experienced financial problems such as running on deficit budget, do not prioritize

expenses, not keeping records of expenses, no planning and fail to repay loans because of their

limited financial resources and faced with high cost of living. There is an imbalance between

income and expenditure.

Foreign Studies

Falahati and Paim (2012) defined the financial problem as inability to manage expenses

and facing the financial problem within half of the year. Financial problem is related to the

problem of planning and managing the cash flow. The foundation of knowledge about personal

finance is very important among young people particularly the university students. This is due to

the financial situation of this group is reported shows a serious management problem: A survey

conducted by Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (FOMCA) in 2013 found that 37

per cent of young Malaysians were found expense beyond their income means while 47 per cent

used more than one-third of their monthly income to settle debts.

Gordon (2010) found that college students were concerned about their future financial

status; 67% of freshmen at four-year colleges or universities had concerns about paying their

tuition. This was the highest amount of concern expressed in over a decade.

Su and Den (2012) found that more than half of the students can manage their spending

and already have save and storage consciousness, but there were still 12.3% of the students used

up their pocket money within half month. It was an extravagant and waste phenomenon, which

was not advisable. The result indicated that most of students lacked certain planning in finance

management. They cannot make spending plan very well according to their own needs and

ability (13). Marzieh et al, (2013) revealed that the age and education were positively correlated

with financial literacy and financial wellbeing Married people and men were more financially

literate. Higher financial literacy leads to greater financial well-being and less financial concerns.

Finally, financial wellbeing leads to less financial concern.

Rafi (2016) found lack financial awareness and financial planning concepts among

today's students (11) On behalf of the above literature it has been concluded that students have

less finance management practices and there is a need to study the factors which are affects the

student's management practices.

According to Alecia Puyu&Anuar, (2017). Students currently have to deal with various

challenges and conjectures. Among the most potent challenges they have to face are financial

challenges. Students now need money to cover their rising tuition and living costs due to

inflation in the country. This is due to the increasing cost of spending, especially for students

who have yet to enter the workforce. Among the expenses incurred by the students are shelter,

transportation, n-use, books, notes, and others. Financial management is of paramount

importance for students to monitor their spending patterns to prevent continued wastage.

Local Literature

According to Licera (2020), says in his blog that being financially literate is the first key

to becoming financially successful. You don’t need a degree or a master’s in business studies just

to be financially literate. Reading financial and investment blogs or books by those who are

experts on the field is good way to start. You don’t need to worry about not being able to

understand what they are talking about because these investment experts makes it a point that

they make themselves comprehensive to the general public. says "For many

young Filipino professionals and entrepreneurs, most especially in this era, it’s

conventional wisdom to consider investments early. The time to think about investing is

NOW. If you want a more secure and brighter future for yourself, you shouldn’t put investing on

hold." They also give steps on how to start investing: 1. Determine how much you can afford to

invest; 2. Save up for your emergency fund; and 3. put your money in low initial investment


As explained by Philippine Statistics Authority (2015), Experiencing financial stress is

not unlikely among Filipino students, and government statistics suggest that a significant

proportion of the school-age population experience financial difficulties. Starting at the basic

education level, almost 20% of Filipino children who dropped out of school mentioned

insufficient financial resources as the main reason for quitting school

According to Camille (2015), The Philippine Star "8 in 10 Filipinos struggling, suffering'

financial" MANILA, Philippines - Only 18 percent of Filipinos themselves as "thriving"

financially, while the rest of the represented population said they are "struggling" or "suffering"

in terms of economic security. The recent Gallup-Health ways State of Global Well-Being Index

2014 reported that Filipinos' perception of financial security is notably below the Asian and

global averages of 25 percent. The global study found that 52 percent of Filipinos report to be

struggling in terms of financial well-being, while 30 percent are suffering.

In the Philippines, according to (Abawag, C.F.N et al, 2019), they concluded that most

of the monthly allowance of their respondents is spent in food. Particularly, there is a tight

spending when it comes to personal needs and academic purposes. According to their study sex,

course, year level and ethnicity are determinants of the difference regarding on the spending

behavior. Male students are looser in spending based on the research and the study is conducted

in the University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

According to Acosta (2018), agree to the people denigrates about the new

generations of millenials today are always on their phones, they don’t know how to really live,

and don’t know how to spend money. If they had think that this generation is the most

materialistic, money-wasting generation that existed, a study by Nielsen Holdings,Inc. found that

the opposite is true. In fact, the study says that todays’ generation is more frugal than other

generations, despite being a culture that’s more spend-happy and consumer-driven. They are

also better at planning their finances compared to their parents, the study found. Further,

Acosta find out that today generation has a different way of viewing their expenses.

They consider the things they buy as personal experiences. Acosta adds that when purchasing

something, it’s more that the thing itself. It makes sense then that Filipino millennial are big

on spending on travel and self-care.

Local Studies

According to Contreras, R. C. C., et al., (2021), financial management is a key factor in

achieving financial autonomy. Like other employees overseas, Filipino employees too are facing

financial inadequacy, in one way or another. Thus, their descriptive study was conducted to

assess the financial management of the personnel in the West Visayas State University Calinog

Campus, Iloilo, Philippines. Using the duly validated and pilot-tested questionnaire, this study

examined the three (3) aspects of financial management, namely: financial literacy; financial

attitude; and financial management practices. It revealed that the respondents have an average

level of financial literacy indicating that employees already possess knowledge in handling

personal finances. The financial attitude of the respondents is relatively practical spenders as

evident in "comparing prices when shopping for purchases" and "spending less than income".

As to financial management practices, most of the respondents put money in the bank in order to

cope with the growing expenses of the respondents' children's education. At some point, some

employees venture into investments such as livestock and business. Financial management

program may be conducted to improve the economic and financial stability of the employees.

Emphasis may center on budgeting, expenditure, and saving mechanisms to achieve financial


According to Tan and Pinca-Legaspi (2016), student organizations manage their own

funds and are given the autonomy and responsibility to spend these funds as the organization

sees fit within the confines of university policies. A healthy financial structure is an important

factor in student organization success and sustainability. Solid fiscal management creates a

framework that allows organizations to work proactively to accomplish their goals and serve

their communities with financially sustainable events and program. Their study aimed at

identifying the profile of the student organizations in terms of type, registration, and functions

and designations of officers and advisers, also identify the financial practices of student

organizations in terms of managing their finances, as well the problems encountered by student

organizations in terms of financial management, and eventually come up with a student

organization financial manual.

According to Dumrigue, G. N. (2019), their study employed a descriptive – evaluative

survey design and was conducted in the Eastern Visayas Region's ten State Universities and

Colleges (SUCs) during the calendar year 2016. The study surveyed just the 109 SUCs' budget,

finance, cashier, and supply unit workers. The analysis of data reveals that the level of

effectiveness in fiscal management is very satisfactory among HEIs in Eastern Visayas; the level

of effectiveness in fiscal management initiatives is adequate; and the four units also possess an

adequate level of knowledge about financial management procedures in the areas of budgeting,

accounting, cashiering, and supply. On the contrary, the supply unit has faced significant issues

that must be addressed effectively; nevertheless, the budget, finance, and cashier units have

encountered only minor issues. In general, the findings indicated that fiscal management systems

among HEIs in the Eastern Visayas Region are effective; nonetheless, certain areas require the

head of agency's undivided attention. It is recommended that additional research be undertaken

on the relationship between the variables indicated above and the overall performance of SUCs,

with the proposed model for an effective fiscal management system being used.

According to Bernardo and Resurreccion (2018), one of the core principles of positive

psychology is that character strengths buffer the effects of adverse experiences on well-being.

Their study investigated whether external locus-of-hope (LOH) moderates the effects of financial

stress on Filipino students’ well-being. Students from various universities answered

questionnaires that included scales for financial stress, internal and external LOH, and

satisfaction with life; all the relevant scales had good psychometric properties with the current

sample. As expected, life satisfaction was negatively predicted by financial stress and positively

predicted by three LOH dimensions. More importantly, external-family LOH moderated the

relationship between financial stress and life satisfaction; there was no negative relationship

between financial stress and life satisfaction among students with high external-family LOH. But

the results also suggest that financial stress moderates the relationship between external-spiritual

LOH and life satisfaction; external-spiritual LOH’s positive relationship with life satisfaction is

found only among those who experience low financial stress.

According to Nancy E. Doniego (2021), their study generally aimed to investigate the

spending practices of the aspiring accountants at the Cagayan State University at Aparri.

Specifically, the study sought to determine the profile of the aspiring accountants as to source of

financial supports, occupation of parents and siblings and type of residence during schooling. It

also assessed where do most of the allowances of students go and the strategies students employ

when they fall short of allowance. The descriptive qualitative research design was used

employing simple survey-questionnaire and interview. Findings revealed that financial support

among aspiring accountants is mostly received from their parents. Most of aspiring accountants’

father is a farmer, their mother is a housewife, their siblings are mostly OFW/DH/Seaman, and

their relatives are vendors or businessman. Their residence during schooling is mostly with their

parents. Their money is most often spent on food, fare, cellular phone loads, school requirements

and material possessions. When they fall short on their allowances, the students resorted to

borrowing food or money from family or friends, drawing out from savings, lying, cutting back

on spending, and earning extra money.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

Research Design

The researchers used descriptive research, aims at finding answers to who, what, where, how,

and when through the course of research. Moreover, the outcome of the quantitative analysis is

to represent in the form of statistics, graphs, charts, and numbers.

Research Sampling Technique

The researchers used purposive sampling; refers to a group of non-probability sampling

techniques in which units are selected because they have characteristics that you need in your

sample. In other words, units are selected “on purpose” in purposive sampling.

Research Instrument

The researchers choose survey questionnaire through google forms, more convenient and

effective in collecting quantitative data. No need to go to every classroom but rather coordinate

with the adviser or classroom president to send the link and the respondents can answer it on

their free time or on a certain amount of time given.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data, the researchers follow the following procedures:

The researchers prepared some questionnaires for the students, to look forward about the

difficulties in financial management of ABM Students in K.C.M Academy Inc.

The researchers write an approval letter to the school directress and school administrators asking

for a permission to conduct the survey. The researchers prepare the survey questionnaire by

transferring it to Google forms. The researchers write a consent letter to the respondent who will

going to take the survey . The researchers request the adviser of ABM strand in Senior High

School about the distributions of the Google forms survey for research study purposes. The

researchers use the vacant time for the data gathering among the students to give enough time for

the students to answer the survey efficiently. After the researchers receive the responses, the

researchers already collect the data and will proceed to statistical treatment that will be used in

the study.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers selected the senior high school students of KCM Academy Inc. to be the

respondents of the study, Grade 11 and 12 ABM students. the researchers have 50 students as

respondents having 25 representatives from the Grade 11 and 25 representatives from Grade 12.

Research Locale

The chosen research locale is KCM Academy Inc, 10 Aguinaldo Street Malacañang Village, San

Antonio, Parañaque City. It was formed and received its permit from the Department of

Education [DEPED] in the year 2001 and catered to preschool students as they prepare for their

education in a school setting. In the year 2005, the institution was duly recognized by the

DEPED and in the said year, the school transferred to its new building at 10 Aguinaldo Street,

Malacañang Village to accommodate other grade levels and expand its services for the students.

Through the aid of their dedicated teachers and personnel with the support of compassionate

parents, the school provided a quality education which guided the institution in forming

outstanding students.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers will use the frequency and percentage distribution as a tool to treat the data. A

percentage frequency distribution is a display of data that specifies the percentage of

observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points. It is a particularly useful

method of expressing the relative frequency of survey responses and other data. Many times,

percentage frequency distributions are displayed as tables or as bar graphs or pie charts.

The process of creating a percentage frequency distribution involves first identifying the total

number of observations to be represented; then counting the total number of observations within

each data point or grouping of data points; and then dividing the number of observations within

each data point or grouping of data points by the total number of observations. The sum of all the

percentages corresponding to each data.


%= F/N x 100


%= Percent

F= Frequency

N= Number of Respondents

Chapter IV

Presentation of Analysis and Presentation of Data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the findings of the researchers in

their study entitled “Difficulties in Financial Management of ABM Students in K.C.M Academy

Inc. S.Y 2022-2023.” The data collected provided the answers to the specific problems

formulated. Presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data are divided into three parts, The

first part represents the profile of the respondents regarding personal information, such as age

and gender, and the second part shows if they were having a good or bad financial management.

Table 1

Percentage and frequency distribution of respondence according to age

Age Frequency Percentage


21-23 YEARS OLD 2 4%

18-20 YEARS OLD 20 20%

15-17 YEARS OLD 28 56%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1 shows the percentage and frequencies of respondents according to their age

wherein majority of respondents is 15-17 years old and above that have a percentage of 56 which

is the highest out of the 50 respondents. Followed by 18-20 years old which has 40% a total of

20 respondents. Lastly, 21-23 years old which has 2 respondents and percentage of 4.

As the table shows, majority of the age of the students who can manage their everyday

financial problems is 15- 17 years old and above are the most likely to know how to manage

when it comes to their financial and some of them could be good at saving finances or not but

trying to.

The largest group of respondents believe ages 15 to 17 are the best ages that children

should begin to develop money management skills. Not surprisingly, this is the age range in

which children are typically in high school, when teenagers tend to become more independent —

intellectually, financially, and everything in between. More than half of people believe children

should begin to handle their own finances before age 18. (Jason Reposa, 2019)

Table 2

Percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents according to gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 14 28%

Female 36 72%

Total 50 100%

Table 2 shows the percentage of frequency distribution of the respondence according to

their gender wherein there are 72% or 36 out of 50 respondents from the female while male takes

28% or 14 out of 50 respondents.

As the table shows, majority of the gender are female students because as the statistic

show, women can handle money in a competent manner female lend to take fewer risks and

when this translates to managing many females are not as likely to lose their savings in risks.

When it comes to managing money, it’s important to have specific, crucial, and

measurable goals. Without them, focus will be lost and it’s impossible to measure progress or

success. Women are more likely to write down their goals and map out the journey, step by step.

(Alexandra Pappas, 2021)


RESPONDENTS ACCORDING TO Difficulties in Financial Management of

ABM Students in K.C.M Academy Inc. S.Y. 2022-2023

1. Where do you get your money from?

2 2%
4% 4
Have a Part Time Job


Graph 1 shows that 86% or 43 out of 50 respondents answered parents, 4% or 2 out of 50

answered work, 8% or 4 out of 50 answered both, while 2% or 1 out of 50 answered I have a

part time job.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered Where do you get your money from? that

most of them are still dependent on their parents.

Students who live with their parents usually receive their allowances daily or weekly. Students

who move to study away from their homes receive theirs weekly or monthly. Consider the cost

in terms of time and transaction charges when deciding the frequency of remitting allowance for

children who live away from home. (Canlas, 2014)

Graph 2 shows that 58% or 29 out of 50 answered 100-500, 28% or 14 out of 50 answered 100

below, 8% or 4 out of 50 answered 501-1000, while 6% or 3 out of 50 answered 1000 above.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered How much is your allowance weekly?

that most of them have 100-500 allowance weekly.

College school students typically get P150 to P250 (excluding transport allowance) per day.

Students from exclusive schools like Ateneo and DLSU receive where surrounding places to

eat tend to be more expensive receive higher allowance. The allowance covers P50 to P100 for

lunch, P30 to P50 for merienda, P20 on average for photocopies, and P50 to P80 for school

requirements like printing, buying pens, etc. (Canlas, 2014)

3. Where do you mostly spend your money?

(4 being the highest, 1 being the lowest)

29 30

25 25

11 10 10
9 9
7 7 6
5 5 5
Food Transportation School Related Fees Others

4 3 2 1

Graph 3 shows that 15% or 30 out of 50 answered one for others, 14.5% or 29 out 50 answered

four for food, 12.5% or 25 out of 50 answered three for transportation, 12.5% or 25 out of 50

answered two for school related fees,

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered Where do you mostly spend your money?

because most of them spend their money on food.

The downside is that this also translates into higher meal-plan prices. In fact, the average college

student who eats on campus pays about 85 percent more than they would if they ate their meals

at home. This is just one of the many reasons why 48 percent of students do not have a meal

plan. When it comes to food Gen Z students will splurge on, they are making their spending

decisions differently than have generations past. For example, Gen Zers are looking for high-

quality and healthy ingredients (think organic, protein-rich meals). (Jacqi Levy, 2018)

Graph 4 shows that 52% or 26 out of 50 answered 100 below, 42% or 21 out of 50 answered

100-500, while 6% or 3 out 50 answered 501-1000.

As the graph shows most of the respondents answered how much of your budget is allotted for

food weekly? that most of them has a budget of 100 below for food.

The preparation and consumption of one’s food are governed by choices, attitudes, behavior, and

beliefs. Budgeting is an underlying variable of behavioral intent, and bringing baon and

budgeting are underlying variables of actual behavior. (Ma. Luisa C. Delayco, Hazel T. Biana,


Graph 5 shows that 68% or 34 out of 50 answered 100 below, 30% or 15 out of 50 answered

100-500, while 2% or 1 out of 50 answered 501-1000.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered how much of your budget is allotted for

transportation weekly? that most of them has a budget of 100 below for transportation.

Education is a very important thing that everyone should be able to have access to.

Unfortunately, there are some that are unable to obtain an education due to lack of opportunities.

These barriers may include low economic status, living in urban areas, and lack of parental

guidance. One barrier that I wanted to bring awareness to was families having no access to any

forms of transportation to take their children to school. Households that do not have access to

their own or public transportation are those that cannot acquire enough funds to pay for

admission or they live too far of a distance from bus stops and safety may become an issue. This

may cause students to not be able to travel to important places that are crucial to their daily lives;

especially school (Laporche and Tenner, 2018)

Graph 6 shows that 50% or 25 out of 50 answered 100 below, 36% 18 out of 50 answered 100-

500, 8% or 4 out of 50 answered 1000 above, while 6% or 3 out of 50 answered 501-1000.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered how much of your budget if allotted for

school fees weekly? thatmost of them has a budget of 100 below for their school related fees


Graph 7 shows that 48% or 24 out 50 answered 100 below, 36% or 18 out of 50 answered 100-

500, 12% or 6 out of 50 answered 501-1000 and lastly 4% or 2 out of 50 answered 1000 above.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered How much of your budget is allotted for

other expenses weekly? that most of them have 100 below budget that allotted for their expenses


Graph 8 shows that 68% or 34 out of 50 answered yes and 32% or 16 out of 50 answered no.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered Do you sometimes spend your money on

non-essential things? that most of them spend their money on non-essential things sometimes.


Most of the college students are unsure of managing the money wisely. The spending behaviour

influences them more and has difficulty in managing money wisely (Andriani et al., 2018).

9. What are the non-essential things you
usually buy?
2% 2%
2% 2% Cosmetics
Game Credits
32% Accessories
26% Clothes
Game Credits, Gadgets, Accessories, and Books
12% Junk Food
16% Yarn

Graph 9 shows that 32% or 16 out of 50 answered cosmetics, 26% or 13 out of 50 answered

none, 16% or 8 out of 50 answered accessories, 12% or 6 out of 50 answered game credits, 4%

or 2 out of 50 answered clothes, 2% or 1 out of 50 answered gadgets, 2% or 1 out of 50 answered

photocard, 2% or 1 out of 50 answered junk food, 2% or 1 out of 50 answered yarn and lastly 1%

or 1 out of 50 answered game credits, gadgets, accessories, and books.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered what are the non-essential things you

usually buy? thatmost of the respondents answered cosmetics.

Most of the college students are unsure of managing the money wisely. The spending behaviour

influences them more and has difficulty in managing money wisely (Andriani et al., 2018).

Graph 10 shows that 56% or 28 out of 50 answered yes and 44% or 22 out of 50 answered no.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered Is your allowance is enough for your

daily expense?that most of the respondents answered yes that their allowance is enough for their

daily expenses.

Higher family income may have a good contribution in academic performance, but for the

responsible and serious students, low family income must not be an excuse for poor

performance.(Adzido, Dzogbede, Ahiare, Dorkpah, 2016)

11. Do you maintain your weekly allowance?

18 Yes
36% No


Graph 11 shows that 64% or 32 out of 50 answered yes and 36% or 18 out of 50 answered no.

This graph shows, most of the respondents answered Do you maintain your weekly allowance?

that most of them answered yes that they can maintain their allowances.

Student budgeting primarily refers to management of financial expenses within their assigned

budget. Several factors make the behavior of students dynamic and different from each other.

These factors can be technical as well as psychological and controllable or uncontrollable. The

major challenge that students face is the difficulty to budget their expenses and save a

proportional amount every month for contingent events. (Gupta Students, 2020)

12. How much do you save weekly?

Less than 100
21 100-200
42% 201-300
2 More than 300



Graph 12 shows that 42% or 21 out of 50 answered less than 100, 25% or 14 out of 50 answered

100-200, 22% or 11 out of 50 answered none, 4% or 2 out of 50 answered 201-300, while 4% or

2 out of 50 answered more than 300.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered How much do you save weekly? that most

of them save less than 100 for their weekly savings.

Saving behavior needs to be instilled in young children up to adulthood. The culture of saving

that is instilled early on in children can give many benefits, form economical characters,

discipline in spending money and prepare for the future. The purpose of this study was to

analyze and find empirical proves of the role of parents, financial literacy, and self-control and

future perceptions on students saving behavior as well as the influence of parents role in

financial literacy, self-control, and future perceptions on students saving behavior. (Siti Nor

Chalimah , S. Martono Muhammad Khafid, 2019)

13. Where do you save or keep your money?

1 1
2% 2%

Piggybank (Alkansya)
E-Wallet (Gcash, PayMaya, Etc.)
20 None
19 40% Wallet
38% Cash Envelope Wallet


Graph 13 shows that 40% or 20 out of 50 answered piggybank, 38% or 19 out of 50 answered

none, 18% or 9 out of 50 answered E-Wallet, 2% or 1 out of 50 answered wallet, while 2% or 1

out of 50 answered cash envelope wallet.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered Where do you save or keep your money?

that most of them save or keep their money in a piggy bank.

For a student, saving money is the best way to prepare financially because he/she can have the

assurance that there is money in his/her pockets, or in the piggy bank as well as at the bank to

spend any time especially during an emergency situation. (Casilagan, Jennifer and C. Aznar,

Emanuel, 2022)

14. What is your means of transportation?
4 2%
3 Walk
6% Bike
Private Vehicle (Motorcycle, Car,
Public Utility Vehicle (Tricycle,
Bus,Jeepney, Taxi)


Graph 14 shows that 84% or 42 out of 50 answered public utility vehicle, 8% or 4 out of 50

answered walk, 6% or 3 out of 50 answered private vehicle, while 2% or 1 out of 50 answered


As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered what is your means of transportation that

most of them use public utility means of transportation.

Public transport service drive satisfaction of customers, contributing to public transport

becoming more sustainable. Results obtained from the research show that young people

emphasize the importance of on-line information, comfort, and prices of the public

transportation. (Stojic, D., Ciric, Z., Sedlak, O., &Marcikic Horvat, A, 2020)

15. What can you do to improve your budget-
ing in terms of food?

Home Cooked Food

Buy Budget Meals


Graph 15 shows that 84% or 42 out of 50 answered home cooked food and 16% or 8 out of 50

answered buy budget meals.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered what can you do to improve your

financial management in term of food most of them answered home cooked food for their meals.

It's common knowledge that a home-cooked meal is cheaper than eating at a restaurant. It also

has more control over your meal. We can use ingredients that keep our meals healthy. (Andrew

Reynolds 2019)

16. What can you do to improve managing
your allowance in terms of transportation?

10% Walk
Budget Expenses
Fare Discounts
20% Bike


Graph 16 shows that 50% or 25 out of 50 answered walk, 20% or 10 out of 50 respondents

answered budget, 20% or 10 out of 50 respondents answered bike, while 10% or 5 out of 50

answered discount.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered What can you do to improve financial

management in terms of transportation? Because most of them answered to walk.

Students walked more when they attended the school in the walkable community, they lived near

school, parents and children perceived fewer barriers to walking. The walk to school is

embedded within multiple types of supports, all of which should be addressed to encourage

walking to school. (Melissa A. Napier et al., 2010)

17. What can you do to improve managing
your allowance in terms of school related

22% save or keep money
Budget Expenses
Avoid buying non-essential things


Graph 16 shows that 56% or 28 out of 50 respondents answered save or keep money, 22% or 11

out of 50 respondents answered budget, while 22% or 11 out of 50 respondents answered avoid

buying non – essential things.

As the graph shows, most of the respondents answered What can you do to improve financial

management in terms of school related fees? Because most of them answered to save money.

The reason why saving money is so important is because it gives you more freedom and security

in your life. If you have money saved up for emergencies, you will always have something to fall

back on. Additionally, you might be able to take chances or try new things if you have money set

aside for discretionary expenses. (Vista Residence, 2022)

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of the study. It

contains a summary of the study, as well as the procedures, descriptive data, and findings. The

chapter ends with the conclusion and recommendations.

Summary of the findings:

In the light of the data gathered, the study revealed the following:

1. On the demographic profile of the Difficulties in Financial Management of ABM Students in

K.C.M Academy Inc. S.Y.2022-2023.

The respondent of the research consists of 19 female and 6 male from grade 11 while there are

18 female and 7 male from grade 12. Majority of the respondents is 15-17 years old and above

with percentage 56% or a total of 28 which is the highest out of the 50 respondents. Followed by

18-20 years old with 40% or a total of 20 respondents. Lastly, followed by 21-23 years old with

4% or a total of 2 respondents.

There are 72% or 36 from the 50 respondents from the females while the males take 28% or 14

out of 50 respondents.

● Grade 11

Most of 86% or 43 out of 50 respondents answered that most of them are still dependent on their

parents. However, 58% or 29 out of 50 respondents answered that most of them have 100-500

allowance weekly. Next, most of 15% or 30 out of 50 respondents answered that most of them

spend their money on food. While most of 52% or 26 out of 50 respondents answered that most

of them has a 100 below budget for their food. However, most of 68% or 34 out of 50

respondents answered that most of them has a 100 below budget for their transportation. Next,

most of 50% or 25 out of 50 respondents answered that most of them has a 100 below budget for

their school related school fees weekly. While most of 48% or 24 out of 50 respondents

answered that most of them have 100 below budget that allotted for their expenses weekly.

However, most of 68% or 34 out of 50 respondents answered that most of them spend their

money on non-essential things sometimes. Next, most of 32% or 16 out of 50 respondents

answered cosmetics. While most of 56% or 28 out of 50 respondents answered that their

allowance is enough for their daily expenses. However, most of 64% or 32 out of 50 respondents

answered that most of them can maintain their allowances. Next, 42% or 21 out of 50

respondents answered that most of them save less than 100 for their weekly savings. While most

of 40% or 20 out of 59 respondents answered that most of them use piggy bank to save or keep

their money. However, most of 84% or 42 out of 50 respondents answered that public utility

vehicle is their means of transportation. Next, 84% or 42 out of 50 respondents answered that

most of them choose home cooked food for their meals to improve financial management in

terms of food. While most of 32% or 22 out of 50 respondents answered that most of them

choose to walk to improve financial management in terms of food, and lastly most of 48% or 24

out of 50 respondents answered that most of them choose to save money to improve financial

management in terms of school related fees.

The question "Where do you get your money from" takes the highest percentages of all

categories getting 86% or 43 out of 50 respondents answered that most of them are still

dependent on their parents.


1. The respondent of the research is mostly 15-17 years old coming from grade 11 and grade 12

ABM. Most of the respondents are female.

2. The result of the study shows that most of ABM Students does not experiencing difficulties in

their financials. Majority of them are still dependent on their parents.

3. The result of the study shows that respondents mostly spend their money on food,

transportation, and school related fees. The least they spend are on other expenses and non –

essential things.

4. The study concluded that financial management, such as saving or keeping money, spending

money wisely, and maintaining weekly allowance can manage and improve their ways of


5. The researchers conducted that having enough knowledge on financial management can help

them to spend their money wisely and necessarily, also to help them to manage their financial

under daily needs not just what they want.


 The student can do a part-time job, or they can start a small business if they want to be

independent with their wants and needs. It can also provide both training and experience for

students, and employment teaches students about responsibility. Student can save through

properly using their money, by buying only what you need gives you more flexibility in your

budget in the long run. They must differentiate their wants and needs. One of the best things

of being a student is, with no doubt, the student discounts! Go to a shop that offers student

discounts and proudly present your student ID (Reminder: always bring your student ID with

you wherever you go, even when you're outside the campus. Not just for the discounts, but

also for safety!). This can also apply when you shop online. Before clicking #AddToCart,

look up for promotional codes and check if there is any student offer you can sign up for.

 Parents can give the students the right amount of allowance to give them the experience of

handling their own money and making their own decisions and mistakes, allowing them to

learn more about good personal financing. They should communicate with their children to

what they want and need. Good communication between you and your child is important for

developing a positive relationship and will make it easier for you to talk about their personal

finances as they get older. They can teach their children how to budget at a young age since

budgeting teaches critical savings and spending skills that kids can use to achieve financial

stability in adulthood.

Parents can set up a bank account for their child at a young age since it can be a great way to

teach them financial responsibility. One way for your child to practice responsible money

management is by having their own bank account.

 The teacher and administrator can teach the students how important it is to save money at a

young age since saving from an early age can train student’s abilities to be responsible and

become independent on their personal finances. Teachers can set themselves as a good

example by proper financial planning. Teachers are so busy with their students that they can

neglect their own needs, such as their financial security. For Teachers, occasionally, don’t

spend money on non-essential things for an entire week. No going out to eat; no snacks at

the convenience store; no new clothes; no movies or activities that cost money. Save the

money you would normally have spent that week. Replace these activities with free

alternatives with your family. Go on walks or to a park. Play board games. Read a book

from the library, you will probably have just as much enjoyment as if you had spent the


 For administrators, they can review this research to find new ways and engagement in

developing more programs and events that relates to financial management. As this research

mainly focuses on personal financial management it can help the administrators on giving

opportunities especially the students on how they can spend or use their money wisely.

 For future researchers about this title, it recommends deep analysis and qualified explanation

as this research focuses on the financial management of students. This research would help

you learn about students' different difficulties in their financial management.

 The recommendation for researchers is also to understand the difficulties of students in

financial management in terms of handling, spending, organizing, and saving a money it’s

also for collecting data purposes.

 A good recommendation for future researchers is to have a set of ideas for personal

difficulties of students in financial management in terms of their own way of having a

problem in saving or spending money.

 As this research focuses on the student’s difficulties, a recommendation for future

researchers is to present a definite explanation to your panelist for them to clearly understand

the presentation.


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Local Literature

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Approval Sheet


Letter of Consent to

the Respondents

Letter of Consent to the Respondents

Dear Respondents, March 10, 2023


We are students who are enrolled in Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM). Presently,

we are conducting a study entitle “Difficulties in Financial Management of ABM Students in

K.C.M Academy Inc. S.Y. 2022-2023.” In this regard, we are asking for your precious time ,

and effort to answer our questions through a survey through google forms which will be helpful

and important for the completion of the study. Rest assured that all data gathered from you will

be kept in the highest level of confidentiality. Your positive response in this request will be

valuable contribution for the access of the study and will be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Calico, Juzmine Kate Molina, Jesalyn

Cortez, Archielle David Ruiz, Sachi Sophia
Fuentes, Ashley Angel Vergara, Miguel Antonio
Mejares, Rommer Jake

Respondent’s Signature Date


Survey Questionnaire

Part I - Profile of the Respondents

Name (Optional):

Grade level:



Part II – Multiple Choice and Yes or No

1. Where do you get your money from?

● Parents

● Work

● Others:

2. How much is your allowance weekly?

● 100 below

● 100-500

● 500-1000

● 1000 and above

● No allowance

3. Where do you mostly spend your money? (4 being the highest, 1 being the lowest)

Food Transportatio School Others

n Related


How much of your budget is allotted for the following:

4. Food

• 100 below

• 100-500

• 501-1000

• 1000 above

5. Transportation

• 100 below

• 100-500

• 501-1000

• 1000 above

6. School Related Fees

• 100 below

• 100-500

• 501-1000

• 1000 above

7. Others

• 100 below

• 100-500

• 501-1000

• 1000 above

8. Do you sometimes spend your money on non – essential things?

● Yes

● No

9. What are the non-essential things you usually buy?

● Cosmetics

● Game Credits

● Gadgets

● Accessories

● None

● Other

10. Is your allowance enough for your daily expense?

● Yes

● No

11. Do you maintain your weekly allowance?

● Yes

● No

12. How much do you save weekly?

● Less than 100

● 100-200

● 201-300

● More than 300

● None

13. Where do you save or keep your money?

● Piggybank (Alkansya)

● Savings Account

● E – Wallet (GCash, PayMaya, Etc.)

● Others:

14. What is your means of transportation?

● Walk

● Bike

● Private Vehicle (Motorcycle, Car, SUV)

● Public Utility Vehicle (Tricycle, Bus, Jeepney, Taxi)

15. What can you do to improve your budgeting in terms of food?

● Home cooked food

● Buy budget meals

● Other

16. What can you do to improve managing your allowance in terms of transportation?

● Please put a short answer

17. What can you do to improve managing your allowancein terms of school related fees?

● Please put a short answer

Curriculum Vitae

Archielle David Cortez
Blk 1 Lt 30 Buensuceso Homes I Remmanville
Betterliving Subdivision Brgy. Don Bosco
Paranaque City
e-mail address:

Personal Information:

Age: 17
Date of Birth: May 18, 2005
Place of Birth: Paranaque City
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Anna Bianca S. Cortez
Father’s Name: (Deceased)

Academic Background:

Senior High School: K.C.M Academy Inc.

Accountancy Business and Management
SY. 2021 – 2023

Junior High School: Fr. Simpliciano Academy Inc.

SY. 2020 - 2021

Elementary: Fr. Simpliciano Academy Inc.
SY. 2015 – 2016

Juzmine Kate C. Calico

Bukid Area 2 Sta. Ana, Sun Valley Paranaque City
Paranaque City
e-mail address:

Personal Information:

Age: 17
Date of Birth: August 25, 2004
Place of Birth: Leon
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Baptist
Mother’s Name: May Shiel Calico
Father’s Name: Jonathan Calico

Academic Background:

Senior High School: K.C.M Academy Inc.

Accountancy Business and Management
SY. 2021 – 2023

Junior High School: Sun Valley National High School

SY. 2017 - 2021

Elementary: Apian Elementary School.
SY. 2011 – 2017

Ashley Angel G. Fuentes

374 Manggahan St. Masville BF Homes
Paranaque City
e-mail address:

Personal Information:

Age: 19
Date of Birth: February 28, 2004
Place of Birth: Manolo Fortich Bukidnon
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Cheryl G. Fuentes
Father’s Name: Dionisio Jr. M. Fuentes

Academic Background:

Senior High School: K.C.M Academy Inc.

Accountancy Business and Management
SY. 2021 – 2023

Junior High School: Maville National Highschool

SY. 2017 - 2021

Elementary: Manolo Fortich Bukidnon
SY. 2011 – 2017

Rommer Jake Mejares

Bukid Area 3, Sun Valley
Paranaque City
e-mail address:

Personal Information:

Age: 18
Date of Birth: November 8, 2004
Place of Birth: Manila
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: MerilyMejares
Father’s Name: RomieMejares

Academic Background:

Senior High School: K.C.M Academy Inc.

Accountancy Business and Management
SY. 2021 – 2023

Junior High School: Sun Valley National High School

SY. 2017 - 2021

Elementary: Sun Valley Elementary School
SY. 2013 – 2017

Jesalyn Molina
Lower Taiwan Ext. Betterliving Brgy. Don Bosco
Paranaque City
e-mail address:

Personal Information:

Age: 17
Date of Birth: May 15, 2005
Place of Birth: Manila
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: (Deceased)
Father’s Name: Julieto Molina

Academic Background:

Senior High School: K.C.M Academy Inc.

Accountancy Business and Management
SY. 2021 – 2023

Junior High School: Don Bosco National High School

SY. 2017 - 2021

Elementary: F. Serrano Sr. Elementary School
SY. 2011 – 2013

Sachi Sophia M. Ruiz

030 Purok 3B Mangga Drive, MasvilleSucat,
Paranaque City
e-mail address:

Personal Information:

Age: 17
Date of Birth: April 24, 2005
Place of Birth: Manila
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Elizabeth M. Ruiz
Father’s Name: Angelito Dacanay

Academic Background:

Senior High School: K.C.M Academy Inc.

Accountancy Business and Management
SY. 2021 – 2023

Junior High School: Masville National High School

SY. 2017 - 2021

Elementary: R. Moreno Integrated School
SY. 2011 – 2013

Miguel Antonio Vergara

20 Remedios St. San Antonio Valley 3 Sucat
Paranaque City
e-mail address:

Personal Information:

Age: 18
Date of Birth: December 3, 2004
Place of Birth: Paranaque City
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name: Geline Vergara
Father’s Name: Mike Vergara

Academic Background:

Senior High School: K.C.M Academy Inc.

Accountancy Business and Management
SY. 2021 – 2023

Junior High School: Regina Marie Montessori

SY. 2017 - 2021

Elementary: Lesil Montessori, Regina Marie Montessori
SY. 2009 – 2016


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