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Dear parents of Senior School,

Week 2 of the New Year is complete and Spring Term is now rolling. There are plenty of
exciting things happening for the students of Senior School this term… Our Year 9s will
begin making their applications for gymnasium promptly, and will leave us in a matter of
months to continue their development elsewhere. Our Year 8s are currently experiencing
what it’s like to apply for jobs, and are facing the prospect of leaving their comfort zones for
two weeks over the PRAO period. Our Year 7s will continue to grow into their new roles as
Senior School students.

With regards to all of the above, we’re impressed with the maturity that the students are
approaching these tasks and transitions with–and long may it continue.


1. We welcome Ms. Nygren/Ms. Lindberg back. She will take over as the mentor for 7A
and will take Year 9 as a replacement for Ms. Badion.
2. I (Mr. Yaro) will take 9A’s French/Spanish class, W3 Monday and 9B’s
French/Spanish class on the same day. We’ll go through how to use INDRA (the
admission system for gymnasium).
3. We’re working on putting together some workshops for Year 7. More about that will
be announced soon.
4. We’re currently working on revamping the Behaviour Notice system to make it a little
more meaningful and streamlined. Stay tuned for an announcement on that soon.

Upcoming Dates

● Antagningssystemet opens, January 15th-February15th

● SPTs, February 8th & February 9th
● PRAO, March 11th-March 22nd
● National Tests (Swedish), W12

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