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Dr. Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

Teacher _______________________ Time spent @ site _______________

Observer __________________________________ / _________________

School Site: __Cleveland____________ Date: ___10-1-14_____

Activity Observed: ___Spatial Awareness______ Grade/Age Level: _3__

DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of skills. Select 8 (or as
many as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled students and the low skilled students are

Task Higher Skilled Lower Skilled
1 Mountains and Valleys

Avante: In activity but did not
follow the rules. He began to pick
up the cones and stack them
Nataly: Remained focus in activity
and also seemed to be having a lot
of fun
2 Spaceship Up,
Spaceship Down

In activity again but was not
following the rules and did not
follow instructions correctly until
the end of the activity
Stayed in activity the whole time
and performed really well while
abiding by instructions.
3 Traffic Light Tag

Was standing around for a while
and not really engaged in the
Confused on what was going on
but tried to participate. Also
started to stand around in the






Motor differences in higher & lower skilled students

Dr. Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

Teacher _______________________ Time spent @ site _______________

Observer __________________________________ / _________________

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