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Writing a literature review on energy efficiency can be a daunting task.

It requires thorough research,

critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the
topic. Navigating through numerous academic papers, reports, and studies while identifying relevant
information and insights can be time-consuming and challenging.

One of the main difficulties in writing a literature review is ensuring that all relevant sources are
considered and properly evaluated. This involves extensive reading and understanding of complex
theories, methodologies, and findings from various disciplines such as engineering, economics,
environmental science, and policy studies.

Moreover, organizing the gathered information in a coherent and structured manner is essential to
effectively communicate the key themes, debates, and gaps in the existing literature. It requires
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understanding of energy efficiency issues.

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Methods applied in the quantification and monetisation of non-energy benefits in the reviewed
publications in the area of non-energy benefits in industry. Fourth, TGR in revenue is similar to the IR
in cost from the time value for money perspective. On the other hand, it is not such a sensitive input
variable for nuclear because its CF is quite stable and high and is assumed constant even in coal
power. Full analysis with 0% and 3% TGR are provided in Table 9 in the 5. The control parameters of
the WBFA-based strategy are listed in Table 4. An On-Site-Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol for
Scalable and Energy-Efficient Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks - MDPI Study on the
Performance of a Newly Designed Cooling System Utilizing Dam Water for Internet Data Centers -
MDPI. Third, the results section analyzes the economic and financial competitiveness depending on
various conditions. It should be noted that information and values relating to non-energy benefits of
specific energy efficiency measures and investments might be difficult to generalise to other cases,
even if the same type of measure is under consideration, because every industrial firm is unique, and
so are their production and processes. Equation ( 28 ) ensures that length of time interval before and
after scheduling must be same, subject to a fair comparison. 5. Proposed and Benchmark Strategies
for Efficient Energy Management The WBFA-based strategy and benchmark strategies like BPSO
algorithm, BFO algorithm, WDO algorithm, GA, GWDO algorithm, and GBPSO algorithm are
adopted to solve the optimization problem of energy management of residential buildings by optimal
power usage scheduling. What the tornado diagrams in Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 show are that
nuclear power has the shortest length of bars compared to the other two sources, in which wind has
the highest. Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or
approaches, provides an outlook for. There is not a simply linear relationship among CAPEX, OPEX,
and AEP. Additionally, future research on the energy efficiency of LEED certified buildings should
cater for buildings that have earned more than 15 of the total 17 points in the energy credits section.
Efficiency requires reducing the number of unnecessary resources used to produce a given output,
including personal time and energy. An approach for assessing the environmental performance of
industrial symbiosis. The discount rate often ranges from 5% to 15% in the projects or simulations.
After initialization randomly generate the parcel position matrix, where each entry in the position
matrix represents the status of residential building smart appliances. Table 8 summarizes the TGR
effect with regard to the IRR and DSCR values. This shift reflects the general movement within
academia as a whole, with a much stronger focus today on journal publications, in particular journals
being indexed in the most prominent databases. A Systematic Literature Review of Methods for
Improved Utilisation of the Non-Energy Benefits of Industrial Energy Efficiency. Energies. 2018;
11(12):3241. The delimiter is fixed at 1.2 ADSCR which means that the percentage on the right side
is the possibility of ADSCR over 1.2?. For example, the likelihood of having over 1.2? ADSCR
value during the shortest possible LP for wind is 57.5%. Since the ADSCR value becomes lower
close to 1.2? during the adjusted LP, the probability over 1.2? naturally gets lower accordingly.
Economic Competitiveness Evaluation of the Energy Sources: Comparison between a Financial
Model and Levelized Cost of Electricity Analysis. Energies. 2019; 12(21):4101. Simulation results
show that the proposed WBFA-based strategy outperforms the benchmark strategies in terms of
performance metrics. If the wave project continues to operate, the CAPEX can only be recovered
through accumulated depreciation. We select WDO and BFO algorithms and proposed the WBFA
algorithm due to the following characteristics: the ease of implementation, flexibility for specified
constraints, low computational complexity, low computational time, and fast converging speed. A
Cold Chain Logistics with IoT and Blockchain Scalable Project for SMEs: First Phase - SCIENCE
DIRECT Link between Industry 4.0 and green supply chain management: Evidence from the
automotive industry - SCIENCE DIRECT Towards the smart and sustainable transformation of
Reverse Logistics 4.0: a conceptualization and research agenda - Springer An open and private-by-
design Active and Healthy Ageing smart home platform - SCI ENCE DIRECT. The AMI is an
essential attribute of the IoT-enabled SG that performs a pivotal role in the central nervous system in
the area of energy management via power usage scheduling. Extensive simulations are conducted
and their results are discussed in Section 6. Measure or calculate relevant parameters in relation to
expected benefits. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease (JCDD).
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA). However, the result of the LCOE can be
considered as a reference for a wave energy project through the optimization of the sub-costs and
their element costs. 6. Case Study and Discussions 6.1. Assumption of Model As a case study for
this paper, the WEC of CorPower Ocean AB (CPO) was used to extract the wave power. The
GBPSO algorithm is a hybrid of the GA and BPSO algorithms. The GBPSO algorithm utilizes the
beneficial characteristic of both the GA and BPSO algorithms. The GA is effective in the alleviation
of PAR, and the BPSO algorithm is efficient in the reduction of electricity cost. The aim of the
literature review was to identify previously published studies that were relevant to the objective
stated in Section 1. The proposed algorithm WBFA and adapted algorithms like GBPSO, GWDO,
GA, and BPSO evaluation in terms of convergence speed and execution time are shown in Figure 11
and Figure 12, respectively. The time perspective applied in studying non-energy benefits in the
reviewed publications in the area of non-energy benefits in industry. Once the element costs are
confirmed, they will be gathered into different sub-costs which consist of the CAPEX and OPEX. A
framework is set out to enable programmes at all scales and in any sector to achieve success. This
low cost encourages energy project investors to develop independent power plant projects in low and
middle-income countries. We propose a wind-driven bacterial foraging algorithm (WBFA), which is
a hybrid of wind-driven optimization (WDO) and bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) algorithms.
Subsequently, we devised a strategy based on our proposed WBFA to systematically manage the
power usage of IoT-enabled residential building smart appliances by scheduling to alleviate peak-to-
average ratio (PAR), minimize cost of electricity, and maximize user comfort (UC). Additionally, the
research had to be selective on the publications that were to be included in the analysis of evidence
showing the existence or lack of energy efficiency of LEED Certified buildings. Furthermore, the
proposed WBFA-based strategy is compared with benchmark strategies including binary particle
swarm optimization (BPSO) algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA), genetic wind driven optimization
(GWDO) algorithm, and genetic binary particle swarm optimization (GBPSO) algorithm in terms of
energy consumption, cost of electricity, PAR, and UC. A Review of the Levelized Cost of Wave
Energy Based on a Techno-Economic Model. The assumption of the sub-costs of the CAPEX and
even the element costs are practical in the estimation. Power usage of residential building smart
appliances before and after scheduling using DR programs in IoT-enabled environment of the SG.
Conclusions References DOWNLOAD FOR FREE Share Cite Cite this chapter There are two ways
to cite this chapter: 1. The DF makes the levelized cost of wave energy more fair and reasonable.
Moreover, investors have greater confidence in the wave energy project now than before, since they
could accept a low rate of return. Furthermore, inflation and taxes are neglected over the project
lifetime for simplifying the calculation. The DR programs have two classes: (a) incentive-based DR
programs and (b) price-based DR programs. In (a), distribution system operators (DSOs) are IoT-
enabled agents that remotely control consumer’s appliances when needed with short notice
beforehand. Interview personnel and other people who might have knowledge or experience about
how an implementation of the measure will affect processes, equipment, work environment, external
environment, etc. As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we
decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the
world. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. Although we have
much more work to do, the Society has made strides to achieve and maintain equity. For example,
the rate of the OPEX per AEP on the LCOE, which is beyond 81%, is higher than the rate of the
CAPEX per AEP in the three scenes. Evaluation of aggregated PAR per day before and after
scheduling using DAPS price-based DR program. First, the LCOE approach does not consider
revenue, and a high-interest rate usually correlates with the tariff growth rate. Furthermore, with
small stepsize solution trapped into local minima and with large stepsize solution diverging from the
global optima, the population obtained after chemotaxes are the local best population representing
the local best solution. Most of the studies selected showed that LEED certified buildings registered
energy efficiency benefits. Efficient Energy Management of IoT-Enabled Smart Homes Under Price-
Based Demand Response Program in Smart Grid.
In this sense, the IR naturally goes down with the shortened LP s. Previous Article in Journal A
Novel Static Correction Approach for Eliminating the Effect of Geophones—A Case Study in Coal
Reservoirs, Ordos Basin, China. The WBFA-based EMC adjusts and shifts the appliances before and
after the specified time in response to price-based DR programs and consumer’s priority. However,
this review aimed to compile the academic contributions in the research field. This can clearly show
the way the TGR influences the financial model’s financial results. The above literature provides
enough studies relevant to the theme of efficient energy management in SG. How non-energy
benefits are investigated, from observation to monetisation and inclusion in investments, varies
among previous studies. The aim is to minimize cost by household load scheduling under distributed
energy resources (DERs) and electric utility companies. The tornado diagrams in this section are
shown with the 7% IR with the uniform distribution of minimum 3% and maximum 10%.
Understanding the cost of wave energy technology is crucial to ensure that it is competitive in the
electric power market and to help make appropriate business decisions. This implies that nuclear
power is likely to shorten LP the most with satisfying the minimum ADSCR. However, the exact
process for this or how the data was retrieved was not described in the articles. 4.3. Levels of
Studied and Reported Non-Energy Benefits In the reviewed publications, non-energy benefits were
studied mainly at a specific measure level or a technology (process) level. Michael Boyle is an
experienced financial professional with more than 10 years working with financial planning,
derivatives, equities, fixed income, project management, and analytics. Researchers of the
conventional power grid in the traditional power setup are confronting difficulties to figure out the
above problem. These parameters play a vital role in controlling the convergence behavior of the
solution. Second, the LCOE does not consider different stakeholders. Co-generation studies in
Turkey: an application of a ceramic factory in Izmir, Turkey. Applied Thermal Engineering 2002;22
679-691. 63. Aras H. Condition and development of the cogeneration facilities based on
autoproduction investment model in Turkey. These sub-costs of the CAPEX are assumed to occur at
time zero. The nuclear energy has a long OP and relatively stable operation income compared to
renewable energy. Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of
MDPI journals from around the world. Another approach could be to compare the effects with those
observed for similar measures that were implemented before. The use of energy in industrial firms
varies due to factors such as the size of the firms and type of production; however, whatever the type
or size, improvements in energy efficiency within a firm are typically initiated by conducting an
energy audit. GWDO algorithm-based strategy for efficient energy management of residential
building smart appliances in an IoT enabled environment of the SG. The technological development
of WECs is still an important point for generating a greater output of AEP. European Journal of
Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (EJIHPE). Being efficient means you can achieve
your results by putting the resources you have in the best way possible. The structure cost usually
includes the infrastructure design and mooring attachments. ROI can be expressed as a ratio by
dividing an investment's return by its cost. Find support for a specific problem in the support section
of our website.

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