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Title: Mastering the Complexity of Writing a Literature Review on Theory of Value Co-Creation

Embarking on the journey of crafting a literature review on the Theory of Value Co-Creation can be
a daunting task for many. As you delve into the depths of existing research, you're met with a
labyrinth of theories, methodologies, and findings. It's a challenge to navigate through this vast
landscape, extracting relevant insights while ensuring coherence and depth in your analysis. Indeed,
writing a literature review requires not just time and effort, but also a keen understanding of
academic conventions and critical thinking skills.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a literature review lies in the sheer volume of literature
available. The Theory of Value Co-Creation spans multiple disciplines, including marketing,
economics, and sociology, among others. Consequently, synthesizing diverse perspectives and
integrating them into a cohesive narrative can feel like trying to piece together a puzzle with
countless pieces.

Moreover, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the sources you incorporate adds another layer of
complexity. With the proliferation of academic journals, books, and online publications,
distinguishing between reputable sources and less credible ones becomes essential. This process
demands meticulous attention to detail and rigorous evaluation criteria.

Another challenge lies in the need for analytical rigor. A literature review is not merely a summary of
existing research; it requires critical analysis and interpretation. Synthesizing disparate ideas,
identifying patterns, and uncovering gaps in the literature demand a high level of intellectual
engagement and scholarly rigor.

Furthermore, organizing the vast array of information into a coherent and logical structure poses yet
another hurdle. Balancing breadth and depth, providing sufficient context, and maintaining a clear
narrative flow are essential aspects of crafting a compelling literature review.

In the face of these challenges, many scholars and students seek assistance to navigate the
complexities of writing a literature review. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the intricacies
involved in this process and offer professional support tailored to your specific needs.

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For example, “What has already been written on subject X?”, then narrowing down to the research
question. Funding This research was funded by 2019 Major Postgraduate Research Support Program
of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (to Mingsen Wang) (No. However, in a systematic literature
search, it is recommended that you specify the search field manually instead. In case B, the
ecosystem development started by creating a space where people can meet. In the case of less
intense cooperation, the platform rotates slowly, and the ball does not move upward because of its
reduced momentum. There are several different options for searching in Embase (via In
the search example below, we show how you can structure the search in a similar way as in Medline
Ovid. Expand 1 Save Co-creation of a food marketing offer by final purchasers in the context of
their lifestyles A. The result is shown in Table 4, where K refers to the number of studies, N refers to
the sample size, and R refers to the average correlations during the studies. If that’s your result, then
you’ve retrieved all your key articles. Here, you can use search filters to delimit your search to
clinical trials, for instance, or studies about Covid-19. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Management, 38, 149-158. As a student you should rather do a structured literature review,
including only certain aspects of the methodology described on this page. Semantic Scholar is a free,
AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Figure 2 b
shows a seesaw catapult of the ball using the lever system. The continuous communication and
interaction with customers in value co-creation activities can help companies better understand
customer needs, improve value proposition, and better serve customers. The center of these
ecosystems is often a large company that is a household name and has played a significant role in
creating, or at least shaping, the market segment its ecosystem serves. Journals also often demand
that a search be updated if several months have passed since the article was submitted. Because the
overall variable has difference with detailed variables, so report all these significance values.
Economic Research Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 29, 193-216. We formulate the dynamics of rotational
motion and optimize the objective function for the ball’s maximum height. Feature papers represent
the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature. This
will give you more control over the search and will also make your search strategy more transparent.
The phase of co-definition was exponentially growing due to various meetings and events. Thus, this
study contributes to the value co-creation literature by providing a normative model and a deductive
development of co-creation dynamics. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance
Medicine (JOHBM). A Mathematical Model of Value Co-Creation Dynamics Using a Leverage
Mechanism. Download the qualified standard literature collection data, and convert the literature
title, author, abstract, keywords and reference information into the recognizable format of city space,
and then import it. ISO 23592 outlines recommendations of activities to improve such organizational
capability, including management and cultural aspects. Performance, loyalty and other aspects will
have a positive impact. It contributes to the understudied area of IoT ecosystem dynamics by
describing different actor.
Different research perspectives believe that the value type of value co-creation output is different,
and some literature studies have shown that value co-creation has a “double-edged sword” effect.
The greater the effort and the effort arm, the greater the clockwise rotational force. Please let us
know what you think of our products and services. Performance, loyalty and other aspects will have
a positive impact. We formulate the dynamics of rotational motion and optimize the objective
function for the ball’s maximum height. Rahman Ahlan (2015) constructed the service system
between higher education institutions and industries in Malaysia. In line with this idea, this research
explored how value co-creation, as a service recovery strategy, may influence customers’ evaluations
of service recovery outcomes. In line with existing literature, this moderator variable captures
whether the research data were collected in an Eastern or a Western country. On this page, we will
review a few things worth thinking about when you intend to conduct and report a systematic
literature search. In a meta-analysis, there is the additional challenge of ensuring the
commensurability and heterogeneity of the studies being investigated. Second, how to carry out
value co-creation is a relatively concentrated topic in the research of value co-creation The research
content can be further divided into role research in value co-creation, process research in value co-
creation, and management problem research. During the first phase (co-experience) the ecosystem
actors become aware of their needs and expectations, and gradually start to mirror them against the
needs and expectations of other ecosystem actors representing a number of different individuals and
organizations. We also reported the fail-safe N, which indicates the necessary number of null studies
for significant relationships. Searching all papers published until the end of 2018, we first identified
five key articles that met our inclusion criteria to create a set of keywords (shown in Table 1 ) for the
following stages of our search. In the thesaurus you may also find referrals to related terms. One tip
is to use both broader, narrower and related terms, in order to ensure that you’re getting all the
relevant subject headings into your search. Ovid is a database platform used for many different
databases. In reality, however, value co-creation is a strategy that service firms adopt in service
recovery, not a result of it. To begin the meta-analysis, we used corrected average correlation of each
variable. Here we’ll review how you can do so in Web of Science and in SpiderCite, which builds on
data from Enterprises should look at the market exchange process and individuals involved
in market exchange from a systematic and dynamic perspective, and It is proposed that value co-
creation is an important component of service innovation. This study focused on how particular
cognitive dimensions were relevant to novice use and understanding of the Z notation when reading
and Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview
is currently unavailable. Variable definitions of the seesaw catapult system analyzed. Ramaswamy
Business, Economics 2004 Consumers today have more choices of products and services than ever
before, but they seem dissatisfied. The center of these ecosystems is often a large company that is a
household name and has played a significant role in creating, or at least shaping, the market segment
its ecosystem serves. To find government reports or similar texts, you may even have to go to the
organization’s website and search directly among their publication lists. Consequently, value co-
creation is positively associated with distributive justice. In the third phase (co-evolution), the focus
finally turns to actual value propositions, strengthened by an active communication between the
ecosystem actors. Additional conditions of the service provider’s customer centricity were derived to
achieve customer delight. The authors found that there were two sets of expertise required: that of
gathering the information to ensure completeness, and creating a literature review that could be
repeated by a different person later to yield largely the same information. The result is shown in
Table 4, where K refers to the number of studies, N refers to the sample size, and R refers to the
average correlations during the studies.
In order to divide the research frontier and knowledge base quantitatively, this paper attempts to
introduce the city space information visualization analysis method into the field of value co creation
research, to explore the current situation, trend and characteristics of the world value co creation
research development, in order to provide reference and reference for related research. Journal of
Retailing and Consumer Services, 31, 182-198. Regarding the platform-specific innovation hub,
limited to only some ecosystem actors, the vision is clear, and the role of the facilitation has
developed accordingly. The “online industry” refers to internet-based companies providing services
such as self-service, while the “offline industry” includes traditional, high-contact service companies,
such as those in the airline or hotel industry. Economic Research Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 29, 193-
216. Variable definitions of the seesaw catapult system analyzed. In contrast, excellent service based
on co-creation causes the platform to launch the ball upward with more intense cooperation. An
example of the approximation formula is given as follows. There are also international guidelines that
detail how systematic reviews should be reported, the Prisma Guidelines. Many researchers from the
perspective of consumer culture have set off a wave of research on value co-creation. The research on
value co-creation in foreign countries is relatively mature. A Mathematical Model of Value Co-
Creation Dynamics Using a Leverage Mechanism. Both studies found that additional compensation
in service recovery moderates the positive impact of value co-creation on perceived justice. We
consider that a better customer experience is provided under this condition. You can use these key
articles to both construct your own search strategy and to test it: if your search does not retrieve your
key articles, then your strategy needs to be modified. At this first phase of value co-creation (see
Table 3), the role of facilitation was seen as very important. First, the importance of understanding
the differences between platforms and ecosystems was highlighted. Theoretical analysis of rotational
motion dynamics revealed nonlinear, complementary, and trade-off relationships in the model. The
reliabilities are all higher than 99%, meaning that the three types of perceived justice are strongly
reliable, and significance F shows its validity. It is the common need of academic research and
industry practice to create all kinds of research and summarize. 2. Literature Review The concept of
value co-creation comes from service dominant logic. Trade-off relationships and the required
balance among variables on both sides of the system were analyzed. An organization X had
insufficient organizational capability, resulting in reduced customer centricity of service providers.
This happened through formal or informal discussions, and by presenting the research facilities to
hundreds of visitors during the year. Scholars have begun to re-examine business philosophy and
value creation methods, and found that customers are no longer just users of products. There are
1815 documents in total, and the document year span is 1991-2018. Taking the value co-creation
ecosystem as the background, a map of the service contact process between consumers and
producers was designed, a co-creation brand experience relationship model was constructed, and the
process and management issues in value co-creation were answered. This study aimed to formulate a
mathematical model of value co-creation dynamics based on a “seesaw catapult” using a lever
system. Their research focuses on the New Zealand medical cooperation model framework to explore
the phenomenon of customer participation in collaboration. The moment of force rotates the platform
down (i.e., a clockwise rotational force). International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and
Power (IJTPP).
It is also easier to structure comprehensive and advanced search strategies, and to edit search
strategies. These issues are examined in four separate essays included in this dissertation. Utrecht,
The Netherlands: Utrecht School of Economics (U.S.E.), Utrecht University. Variable definitions of
the seesaw catapult system analyzed. It is the common need of academic research and industry
practice to create all kinds of research and summarize. 2. Literature Review The concept of value co-
creation comes from service dominant logic. However, the process of rotational motion is not
considered in this analysis, but, rather, the result when the ball is released from the platform. Botti
Mara Grimaldi Massimiliano Vesci Business 2018 The work aims at proposing a methodological
procedure for value co-creation measurement. You can also find out which search terms were used to
index your key articles. In equity theory (Adams, 1963), it is divided into procedural justice,
distributive justice, and interactional justice, with some authors suggesting the addition of
informational justice. We use the ABS ranking (2018) as our criterion of journal quality, and four-
star journals in ABS ranking (2018) are evaluated as high quality journals. Most importantly, the
more diversity there is among the ecosystem actors, the greater the support for innovativeness within
the value co-creation process. As customer orientation is enhanced, extra “customer’s active
participation” is appropriated. Unfortunately, it is not possible to easily retrieve a list containing all
the references from several different publications. Based on a systematic review method, this paper
uses citespace software to sort out the research literature on value co-creation, determine the main
research stay of value co-creation, and uses visual charts to show the relationship between various
types of representative literature. These should ideally be articles that correspond to your research
question as closely as possible. Adding a number after adj will determine how many words you want
to “allow” between your two terms. Again, one of the stakeholders, a city representative actively
involved in the case A development said that: “These facilities and the research done here attract
global forerunners to take part in networks of innovation. To test for significance, we chose Q-value
of each hypothesis to do a meta-regression and the result is reported in Table 4. As can be seen from
Figure 5, majority of reviewed papers collected data from Western countries (18), while there were
fewer from Eastern countries (7). The following checklist may be helpful during this review: Peer
Review of Electronic Search Strategies. SpiderCite builds on citation data from To use
SpiderCite you need to save the publications you want to use as your starting point in an XML, RIS
or BibText-file. Altogether, over 40 people were interviewed in the studied ecosystems. The data
sources are summarized in Table 1. Therefore, this paper analyzes the data samples identified above,
draws a literature co-citation network map, and identifies the knowledge groups of foreign value co-
creation. Therefore, based on the combing of its mainstream concepts, we can further study values. A
role of customers and value definitions are identified and elaborated in the value co-creation process.
Here, you can use search filters to delimit your search to clinical trials, for instance, or studies about
Covid-19. Expand 253 Highly Influential PDF 4 Excerpts Save Value co-creation among retailers
and consumers: New insights into the furniture market L. Andreu I. Sanchez C. Mele Business 2010
154 1 Excerpt Save Co-creation: Customer Integration in Social Media Based Product and Service
Development C. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP). The organization
worked on improving customer centricity, and. As such, we provide insights into the integrated
empirical findings reported in the existing literature.
The authors found that there were two sets of expertise required: that of gathering the information to
ensure completeness, and creating a literature review that could be repeated by a different person
later to yield largely the same information. Here, “experiments” refer to scenarios and field study,
and “survey” includes interviews, questionnaires, and case studies. This article is an open access
article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
license ( ). Ovid is a database platform used for many different databases. If you search without
quotation marks, the terms are not kept together as a phrase. The following 14 groups are divided
into research on the value co-creation process, research on value co-creation in the production field,
value co-creation on consumer field, and value co-creation. Originally developed to research the
psychology of programming languages, the framework has since found wider use in both general
HCI and music. SpiderCite builds on citation data from To use SpiderCite you need to
save the publications you want to use as your starting point in an XML, RIS or BibText-file. If that’s
your result, then you’ve retrieved all your key articles. Future work will include the capture of the
temporal process of rotational motion in detail, which calls for an interpretation of the effects of the
angles of the platform relative to the horizontal. The scenario method can most faithfully recreate the
situation experienced by the participator, leading to the most realistic responses. Often you will need
to use a modified and simplified search strategy to search for grey material. For this reason, attention
was given to the role of facilitators as important connectors or enablers of value co-creation. In this
example, the delight criterion is again exceeded in state 11. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials
Processing (JMMP). Theoretical analysis of rotational motion dynamics revealed nonlinear,
complementary, and trade-off relationships in the model. International Small Business Journal:
Researching Entrepreneurship, 34, 217-241. Most previous research on ecosystems has focused on
firm-level strategies to operate in an ecosystem rather than the composition or orchestration of an
ecosystem as a whole. Overall, the adoption of value co-creation in service recovery will play an
increasingly important role in service companies. Here we’ll review how you can do so in Web of
Science and in SpiderCite, which builds on data from Cocreation as a phenomenon has
existed, but it has not before been recognized and considered important to this extent. In particular,
studies on value co-creation as a process, consisting of a high number of value transactions between
the various loosely-coupled ecosystem actors, are practically non-existent. You can also find out
which search terms were used to index your key articles. The method exists in an unpublished and
relative simple version presented here. If you have less time than that available, you may want to
conduct a rapid review instead. The reviewed papers were then coded independently to avoid bias,
and any disagreements regarding the coding were resolved through discussion. Therefore, in general,
we assume that the influence of value co-creation on customers’ perceived justice affects service
recovery performance, shown in Figure 1. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
(JFMK). Regarding the platform-specific innovation hub, limited to only some ecosystem actors, the
vision is clear, and the role of the facilitation has developed accordingly. Ballantyne R. Varey
Business 2006 This article elaborates and extends the Vargo and Lusch (2004a) service-dominant (S-
D) logic thesis.
The thicker the connection, the closer the documents are to each other. That is, a place where
different people and organizations can meet and create trust-building collaborative ties. For this
reason, attention was given to the role of facilitators as important connectors or enablers of value co-
creation. According to these observations, the process of value co-creation took place in several sub-
systems (i.e., in various independent development projects and programmes occurring at the
innovation ecosystem). This is highly in accordance with the recent understanding of ecosystems as
the contexts at which the continuous interplay between multiple actors and with a number of
overlapping purposes and different views emerges (Meynhardt et al., 2016; Valkokari, 2015). For
more information on the journal statistics, click here. The greater the maximum height of the
launched ball, the better the customer experience. Subject headings, however, will need to be
adjusted to each database’s controlled vocabulary list. Thus, customers are more likely to feel that
they are participating in service recovery and perceive value co-creation. It specified interconnections
among activity cycles of providers and customers that resulted in the transformation of service
provision. From the bibliometric point of view, if two documents are cited by a third document at the
same time, the two documents will form a co citation relationship, and all the documents forming a
co citation relationship will form a co citation cluster. High customer satisfaction can be achieved,
but customer delight is not expected. The first paper published on our topic was by Karande et al.
(2007). The substantial growth trend from 2014 and the eight papers published in 2016 indicate an
increased focus in the literature on value co-creation in service recovery. Subscribe to receive issue
release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals. Results for the analysis of value co-
creation dynamics. First, there are contradictions among the empirical findings of the existing
research. Furthermore, the proposed mathematical model and formal approach transcend the analogy
and offer higher levels of abstraction. The findings showed that value co-creation is positively
associated with post-recovery performance (satisfaction, repurchase intention, and word of mouth)
through perceived justice. Therefore, this paper analyzes the data samples identified above, draws a
literature co-citation network map, and identifies the knowledge groups of foreign value co-creation.
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (JMMP). Trade-off relationships and the required
balance among variables on both sides of the system were analyzed. In order to divide the research
frontier and knowledge base quantitatively, this paper attempts to introduce the city space
information visualization analysis method into the field of value co creation research, to explore the
current situation, trend and characteristics of the world value co creation research development, in
order to provide reference and reference for related research. This paper first combs the mainstream
definition of value co creation, and finds that there are three research perspectives, including service
science perspective, consumer culture perspective and innovation perspective. Qualitative and
quantitative methodologies for applying the framework are presented in closing, highlighting
directions for further development of the framework. This study finds lacking in co-creation
evaluation and implementation as well as better facilitation of co-creation value chain and processes.
The continuous communication and interaction with customers in value co-creation activities can
help companies better understand customer needs, improve value proposition, and better serve
customers. This study further discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these strategies and suggests
solutions to overcome the limitations. Therefore, it is essential to attain a normative understanding of
value co-creation dynamics. Consequently, value co-creation is positively associated with distributive
justice. Again, one of the stakeholders, a city representative actively involved in the case A
development said that: “These facilities and the research done here attract global forerunners to take
part in networks of innovation.
See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers International Journal of
Business Excellence Embrace, before it is too late. International Journal of Translational Medicine
(IJTM). However, Wichor Bramer and co-authors have also later published a modified and more
advanced version ( Bramer et al., 2016 ). With broad experience in EU-funded research,
development, and innovation projects, often in university-industry collaboration, and based on her
PhD studies on the service-dominant logical view on value co-creation and innovation, she sees that
more understanding about innovation as a process of multi-actor collaboration is still needed. A total
of 110 articles from 53 refereed journals are classified into six categories on the basis of content
approach: Value co-creation, co-creation, customer engagement, co-innovation, co-destruction and
customer network. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. The latest paper
published was by Dan Jina et al. (2019). When you search for literature using quotation marks, the
search becomes more precise; you will only find articles where that exact phrase is used and miss
articles that contain variations on that phrase or a similar combination of search terms. The most
frequent theme words are service dominant logic (381 times) and social marketing (305 times).
Lorenzo-Romero Efthymios Constantinides L. A. Brunink Business 2014 79 PDF 1 Excerpt Save
Managing the co-creation of value A. Payne K. Storbacka Pennie Frow Business 2008 Central to
service-dominant (S-D) logic is the proposition that the customer becomes a co-creator of value.
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (JLPEA). This study finds lacking in co-creation
evaluation and implementation as well as better facilitation of co-creation value chain and processes.
ISO 23592 outlines recommendations of activities to improve such organizational capability,
including management and cultural aspects. We therefore suggest that value co-creation needs to be
properly defined and used in an analytical manner. High customer satisfaction can be achieved, but
customer delight is not expected. Based on a systemic literature review, we identified 29 articles that
investigated 8401 complaint customers in service recovery after value co-creation in this study.
However, not every ball jump can create customer delight. As a result, the possibility of customer
delight via co-creation increased. 3.2. Case 2: Changing the Design Variable “the Scale of Data
Collection” 3.2.1. Maximizing the Ball’s Height Let. Scholars’ opinions have both commonalities and
differences, so they need to be based on characteristics of different disciplines. Because students
have limited experience of everyday life, including customer service, research results based on
student data are weighed differently (Burnett and Dune, 1986). Data from the most recent
publications has been used to verify if and how the original streams and themes are reflected in the
contemporary debate. As revealed in case B, it is only after several years that the shared vision of
ecosystem functionalities reaches a phase where the unusual diversity of the actors becomes an asset
rather than a limitation for a shared vision. This study devised a deductive model based on an
analogy with physical behavior. In practice, instead of always fixing one variable, it is worth
investigating a method that gradually improves customer experience by alternately optimizing the
design variables. The effort arm’s length (the distance between the fulcrum and the effort) represents
the customer’s active participation. This study may also encourage interdisciplinary research with
engineering studies. They also create a structure that supports the ways in which the value co-
creating actors engage in the process of continuous interaction through knowledge creation and
exchange. At the same time, in order to prevent the omission of data, the search subject is positioned
as “co-creation”, the time span is selected for all years, and the second search is performed.
Download Free PDF View PDF Value Co-creation: From an Emerging Paradigm to Next
Innovation Practices Stoyan Tanev This study contributes to the conceptual clarification of the value
co-creation paradigm by using quantitative web content analysis to provide empirical insights on: i)
the specific ways employed by firms using the Internet to actively engage their customers and. The
center of these ecosystems is often a large company that is a household name and has played a
significant role in creating, or at least shaping, the market segment its ecosystem serves.

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