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12/18/23, 2:56 PM Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] - Objectives, Tracks

Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP]' was formulated to boost

developments related to science and technology. STIP was launched on the 12th
of June 2022 by the Principal Scientific Adviser of India and Secretary of DST
(Department of Science and Technology). It is not the first policy launched in India
for the development of science and technology. Instead, STIP 2020 is the fifth
policy for the development of science and technology in India.

Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] -


Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] is an important topic when it

comes to competitive exams. If you are preparing for any competitive exam, you
should be familiar with the concept of STIP. STIP 2020 was India's fifth policy for
development in science/technology and was launched during the COVID
pandemic in the country. With the help of STIP, the government has launched
several missions, schemes, and innovations to boost science and technology-
based development in the country.

Many previous policies have led to the formation of STIP 2020. For example, the
Science Policy Resolution 1958 and the Technology Policy Statement 1983 also
played a role in the formulation of STIP. Read on to know more about STIP 2020 in

Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP]


Several policies, missions, and schemes have been launched under STIP 2020.
Some Key Objectives of the Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] are
as follows -

STIP 2020 will be strongly supported by the office of the Principal Scientific
Adviser and DST. Regular inputs will be given to form better policies for the
development of science and technology in the country. 1/3
12/18/23, 2:56 PM Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] - Objectives, Tracks

STIP 2020 follows a decentralised and bottom-up approach. Methods for the
development of science and technology are chosen that offer larger
social/economical welfare.
STIP 2020 was formed during the COVID pandemic in the country. It focuses
on decreasing the impact on quality of life due to the COVID pandemic. STIP
2002 has been integrated with the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative for better
results. The science and technology workforce in the country will also play a
role in the success of STIP.
To ensure better policy-making, the government of India has launched a six-
level initiative. The six-level initiative can gather input and boost the reach of
any policy. The six-level initiative includes In Conversation with, Across the
Table, Policy Compass, Open Letter, Thoughts for India, and Ideathon.

☛ Also Read: Current Affairs Today

Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] -

Tracks of STIP 2020

Four interconnected tracks have been designed for the Science Technology and
Innovation Policy [STIP] which are as follows -

Track 1 offers expert consultation when needed. It promotes public voices that
act as a guiding force during the drafting process.
Track 2 focuses on thematic group consultation.
Track 3 focuses on consultation between ministries and states.
Track 4 is also known as stakeholder consultation.

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12/18/23, 2:56 PM Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] - Objectives, Tracks

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Previous Science Technology and Innovation Policy


Some key points regarding the last four Science Technology and Innovation Policy
[STIP]s in India are as follows -

Scientific Policy Resolution

Launched in 1958, the main aim of the Scientific Policy Resolution was to promote
the culture of scientific research in India.

Technology Policy Statement

It was launched in 1983 to attain scientific competence and introduce the national
innovation system.

Science and Technology Policy

Launched in 2003, it focused on bringing investment to India for scientific


STIP 2103

For the first time in 2013, the focus was on science, innovation, and technology

There have been many STIPs launched in India to boost the development of
science and technology. Science Technology and Innovation Policy [STIP] is also
an important topic for the preparation for competitive exams. Know more about
STIP 2020. 3/3

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