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Major Depressive Disorder is a type of mood disorder that results feeling of persistent sadness and loss of
interest. It affects the person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and can result to a range of mental and
physical problems. Major depressive disorder has different sign and symptoms such as;

feelings of emptiness or melancholy, can be triggered by discontent and loneliness, as individuals with MDD
seek support and companionship, often seeking someone to talk to or cry to.

Persistent outburst of anger or have the feeling of irritably could be a sign or an indication of Major
Depressive Disorder since it attempts one’s prompted guilt that may affect their behavior and quality of life.
According to Kubala (2022), men are prone to develop anger than women due to the gender society and social
norms surrounding emotional vulnerability.

Anhedonia or a medical term refers to loss of interest in engaging enjoyable activities. People who has
MDD are most likely to alter their lifestyle from doing the things that they love to losing their interest they once
enjoyed. This occurs as a result of the brain's attempt to block pleasure, which leads to depression.

Problems in sleeping, According to Newsom (2023), different factors in trouble of sleep which includes
insomnia, hypersomnia, and obstructive sleep apnea are frequently linked to depressions in individuals. This
symptom's rationale is that it is caused by an imbalance in the neurotransmitter serotonin, which increases the
risk of depression and may also cause disruptions to our bodies' stress systems.

Experiencing the feeling of Fatigue is normal. However, if it constantly persists for two weeks or longer, then
it could be also a sign or indication of depression (Western Behavioral Health, 2020). Fatigue is a long-lasting
lack of energy or feeling of exhaustion. This occurs when a person's actions deprive them of enjoyable
activities and reduce their motivation to complete everyday tasks, which leads to depression

fluctuation in appetite, according to the study of International Journal of Behavior and Nutrition and Physical
Activity (2019), people who have clinical depression tends to eat more than usual as their way to cope with
negative emotions. While, some people who are depressed might have less appetite that results in losing
weight. This occur based on what scenarios they are in or based on their coping mechanism. Certain
individuals don't eat much as they believe themselves to be fat, while others may eat a lot since they believe
themselves to be skinny.

Worsens, individual's speech ability could also be affected. It makes the individual to be less fluent on how
they speak, and their fluency in speaking decreases. This occurs because people suffering from depression
are more sensitive to speaker emotional state which may result to reduced speech motor coordination

feeling of guilt is a major sign of major depressive disorder. A research about review in brain scans showed
that people who have a history of depression had a weaker connection to brain regions that is responsible to
guilt and knowledge of social behavior than those people who’d never been depressed

Suicidal thoughts, these people are pressured and overthink a lot about their futures, which causes them to
linger their negative thoughts. With these, it will start negatively affecting various facets of their lives, such as
their work and pleasure.
Difficulty in concentrating or making decisions is one of the cognitive symptoms of Major depressive
disorder. These symptoms may interfere with daily work or activities and will make it more difficult for the
individual to accomplish task.

Improper functioning of the nerve cells that connect the brain and process emotional information, people
with depression may also experience physical discomfort. As some of these networks process information for
physical pain detection as well, they are also capable of experiencing pain.

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