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Action Plan The best way to deal with all these problems stated, is Manny Bautista, as the current

production manager, should create a management that is firm on what will be the newly implemented
rules. Regardless if the employees will be shocked or not. It just goes to show who are competent and
reliable enough to stay at the bakery and continue working. Manny Bautista should also develop a
new method in paying the employees, such that employees should have a salary equivalent to how
much they have worked. And add an incentive scheme giving additional salary to the employees if
they reached the quota for the day. In that way, employees will be motivated and it will increase their
willingness to work. And regarding the overtime rate, it should be fixed on an hourly basis.
Matt Rafael
Ang alam ko kasi ang action plan is pipili ka na lang ng isa na magiging resolution mo sa
problems(?) Correct me if I'm wrong haha
Matt Rafael
Kaya ayan, one paragraph ginawa ko, hindi naka bullet type

VIII. Conclusion and Action Plan

The best way to deal with all these problems stated, is Manny Bautista, as the current production
manager, should create a management that is firm on what will be the newly implemented rules.
Regardless of whether the employees will be shocked or not. It just goes to show who are competent and
reliable enough to stay at the bakery and continue working. Manny Bautista should also develop a new
method in paying the employees, such that employees should have a salary equivalent to how much they
have worked. And add an incentive scheme giving additional salary to the employees if they reached the
quota for the day. In that way, employees will be motivated and it will increase their willingness to work.
And regarding the overtime rate, it should be fixed on an hourly basis.

 The employees have a right to a higher pay rate for the overtime they put in, but they also have an
obligation to complete the work for which they were employed because failing to do so could
result in charges of disobedience or insubordination or perhaps even termination.
 The organization should hire new employees with new perspectives and innovative ideas in order
to strengthen the organization’s strategies. To help the workers' skills, they can also send some of
them to a seminar or training.
 When working together, managers and employees who get along better tend to produce better
work. By assisting one another, they can complete the customer order right away.
Communication is also essential for resolving any issues that may arise between them.
 In order to maintain a level of income, the manager must equally share the workload among the
workers. Employees will be paid according to the amount of work they are assigned and how well
they perform.

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