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Darren 11E
The logistic function was first introduced by the Belgian mathematician Pierre Francois Verhulst
in 1838. Verhulst was studying the population growth of certain species and observed that,
while exponential growth could occur in a limited environment, there would eventually be
constraints on this growth due to limited resources, competition, and other factors.
Verhulst proposed a model that accounted for these constraints and predicted a sigmoidal or S-
shaped curve of growth, which he called the logistic curve. He derived an equation to describe
this curve, which came to be known as the logistic function.
The logistic function became widely used in many scientific fields, including biology, ecology,
economics, and sociology. It provides a versatile framework for modeling growth and change
processes that are subject to constraints or saturation, and has proven particularly useful in
forecasting population dynamics, technological adoption, and consumer behavior.
Template of the equation of logistic formula :
The equation for a logistic function is: f(x) = L / (1 + e^(-k(x - a)))
Where :
- L is the function's maximum value (also called carrying capacity)
- k is the growth rate or steepness of the function
- a is the x-value of the sigmoid's midpoint (also called the inflection point)
- e is Euler's number (approximately 2.71828)
- x is the input variable (usually time)
This equation plots an S-shaped curve that starts off slowly, then accelerates, and finally levels
off as it approaches the function's maximum value L. It is often used to model growth or change
over time, as well as for predicting outcomes based on past trends.
Investigation on the shape of the logistic graph :
The shape of the graph of the logistic formula depends on the values of the parameters L, k,
and a. In general, the logistic function generates an S-shaped curve that starts slowly, then
accelerates rapidly, and eventually levels off at the maximum value L.
When a = 0, the inflection point is at the origin, and the curve is symmetric. As K increases, the
curve becomes steeper and approaches a step function. When L is small, the curve reaches its
maximum quickly and remains flat, while at high values of L, it takes longer to reach the

Asymptotes at the top and bottom of the curve represent the upper and lower limits of the
system being modeled. Overall, the shape of the graph of the logistic formula is distinctive and
easily recognizable, making it a popular tool for modeling real-world phenomena that exhibit
sigmoidal growth or change patterns.
What Is the usage of logistic formula?
The logistic formula graph is used to model and analyze physical and social phenomena that
exhibit S-shaped growth or change patterns. Some of the common applications of the logistic
formula graph are listed below:
1. Population growth: The logistic formula graph is frequently used in ecology and biology to
model populations that experience logistic growth. The graph helps to forecast the carrying
capacity of the environment and how the population will reach that capacity.
2. Technology diffusion: The logistic formula graph is used in technology adoption models to
predict the uptake of a new technology in a market. The model considers factors such as the
rate of adoption and the market saturation point.
3. Marketing research: The logistic formula graph helps to predict the response of consumers to
a new product or service. It can also be used to forecast the sales and market penetration of a
product in a particular market.
4. Spread of diseases: The logistic formula graph is used in epidemiology to model the spread of
an infectious disease. The graph helps to estimate the total number of infections and the time it
will take for the outbreak to peak and decline.
Overall, the logistic formula graph is a valuable tool for predicting and analyzing various real-
world phenomena that exhibit sigmoidal growth or change patterns.
How and why logistic function is so applicable in real life?
The logistic function is highly applicable in real life because it can be used to model a wide
range of natural and social phenomena that exhibit S-shaped growth or change patterns. There
are several reasons why the logistic function is such a useful tool for modeling such
1. Real-world systems often exhibit S-shaped growth: Many natural and social systems exhibit
S-shaped growth or change patterns, where an initial slow growth period is followed by a rapid
acceleration, which then levels off as the system approaches a maximum value or carrying
capacity. Examples include population growth, technological adoption curves, and the spread of
2. Robustness and flexibility: The logistic function is a relatively simple mathematical model, but
it is highly adaptable to different scenarios and can be adjusted to fit a wide range of real-world

phenomena. It can be used as a starting point for more complex models while still providing
useful insights.
3. Predictive power: The logistic function can be used to model and predict individual behavior
as well as aggregate behavior, making it useful for predicting market trends, estimated capacity,
and demand forecasts.
4. Easy interpretation: The S-shape of the logistic function is easy to understand and interpret,
making it useful for decision-making processes and strategic planning.
Overall, the logistic function has proven to be a highly useful tool for modeling and
understanding a wide range of real-world phenomena.
Does it have any asymptotes? How many? Why?
Yes, the logistic function has two asymptotes. They are the horizontal lines that the curve
approaches but never touches as the input variable gets infinitely large or small.
In the logistic function, the upper asymptote is the value of the function when x approaches
positive infinity. This value is equal to the carrying capacity of the system being modeled. The
lower asymptote is the value of the function when x approaches negative infinity. This value is
always zero because the logistic function is positive only for positive values of the input
The reason for these asymptotes is that as the input variable approaches positive or negative
infinity, the exponential term in the logistic formula becomes much larger than the
denominator. This means that the denominator becomes relatively insignificant, and the value
of the logistic function approaches the upper or lower asymptote depending on the direction of
infinity approached.
In practical terms, the asymptotes of the logistic function are important in understanding the
ultimate limits and constraints of a system being modeled. For example, in population growth
models, the upper asymptote represents the maximum population size that an ecosystem can
support, while the lower asymptote represents the extinction level. Understanding the
asymptotes of the logistic function helps to identify the carrying capacity and constraints of
such systems and predict their long-term behavior.
The variables that make up the function, what is their significance?

As we know, the formula of logistic function is :

f(x) = L / (1 + e^(-k(x - a)))
- f(x): the output of the function, which describes the growth or decline of the system being

- x: the input variable, which represents time or some other independent factor that affects the
growth of the system
- L: the upper limit or carrying capacity of the system, representing the maximum size or value
that the system can sustain
- k: the growth rate or steepness of the curve, representing how quickly the system approaches
its carrying capacity
- x0: the value of the input variable at which the curve has its point of maximum curvature or
inflection point, indicating where the rate of growth begins to slow down.
Each of these variables plays a critical role in shaping the behavior of the logistic function:
- The output variable, f(x), represents the growth or decline of the system being modeled. It is
shaped by the values of the other variables, which help to determine the maximum size or
carrying capacity of the system, the rate at which it grows, and the point at which the rate of
growth begins to slow down.
- The input variable, x, represents the independent factor that affects the growth of the system
over time. It could be time itself, or some other variable such as temperature, population size,
or investment level.
- The carrying capacity, L, is the upper limit or maximum size of the system being modeled. It
represents the point at which the system can no longer sustain further growth, and is
determined by factors such as available resources, environmental constraints, or market
- The growth rate or steepness of the curve, k, determines how quickly the system approaches
its carrying capacity. Higher values of k correspond to steeper growth curves, while lower
values of k lead to a slower rate of growth.
- The inflection point, x0, is the value of the input variable at which the curve has its point of
maximum curvature. It represents the point at which the system's rate of growth begins to slow
down, due to factors such as competition for resources or diminishing returns on investment.
Together, these variables help to define the behavior of the logistic function and provide a
powerful tool for modeling complex systems and predicting their growth or decline over time.
Overall, the logistic function is used for parameter estimation, decision-making, and
understanding complex systems.
The logistic function's mathematical simplicity and adaptability make it accessible for a wide
range of audiences, including students, researchers, and practitioners. It is an essential tool for
understanding complex systems in natural and social sciences and has significant implications
for theoretical and practical applications.

Logistic function question and answer sample :
Question: A population of rabbits is growing exponentially with a growth rate of 0.5 per month.
However, the carrying capacity of the environment is only 500 rabbits. Create a logistic function
that models this situation.
Answer: The logistic function that models this situation is:
P(t) = (500 / (1 + e^(-0.5t)))
Where P(t) is the population of rabbits at time t in months. The growth rate of 0.5 is used to
determine the constant k in the function, which is k = 0.5 * 500 = 250. At t = 0, the population is
assumed to be 100 rabbits. As time passes, the population grows towards its carrying capacity
of 500 rabbits. As t approaches infinity, P(t) approaches the carrying capacity of 500 rabbits.
Here is a visual look at the logistic graph :

While the theoretical logistic function is based on ideal assumptions, real-world logistic
functions may have some differences due to various factors. Here are some differences
between the logistic function in real life and theory:
1. Assumptions vs. Reality: The theoretical logistic function assumes that the environment is
constant and the population grows at a constant rate. However, in the real world, the
environment, resources, and other factors that affect growth may change over time, causing
population growth to be more dynamic.
2. Variability: The theoretical logistic function assumes that all individuals in the population
have the same characteristics and contribute equally to growth. In reality, there could be
variability in the population due to age, health, genetics, and other factors that can affect

3. Accuracy: The theoretical logistic function is based on mathematical models, which may not
always accurately reflect the real-world situation. Data collection errors, incomplete data, and
other factors can cause real-world logistic functions to deviate from theory.
4. External Factors: The theoretical logistic function assumes that only intrinsic factors affect
population growth. In reality, there are often external factors like natural disasters, disease
outbreaks, and human intervention that can significantly impact population growth.
In summary, the logistic function is a useful theoretical model, but it may not always accurately
reflect the real-world situation due to various factors that affect population growth, because in
the real life there is always limiting factors.

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