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Candidate #
Name of school: Belair High
Name of Teacher: Mrs.
Year of Exam: 2024
Theme; Air Pollution
Table of content

Plan of investigation 1
Artefacts 2-5
Reflection 1 6
Reflection 2 7
Reflection 3 8
Group Report 9
Plan of Oral presentation 10
References 11
Plan of investigation

I selected the topic, Causes of Air Pollution in Jamaica.

By identifying the key sources and factors contributing
to air pollution, this study aims to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the problem and
support the development of effective mitigation
strategies. I plan to read blogs and newspaper articles,
view YouTube videos, listen to poems and songs to
collect appropriate artefacts. And, through identifying
and comparing the main ideas, the purposes for writing
and the language findings while reflecting my growth
as a person, as a student and as a member of a group. I
also hope to increase my understanding of the different
of language and to more readily associate different
language techniques to this purpose. Finally, I hope to
be able to use the techniques more appropriate in
speaking and writing.

Observe the traffic and pollution,
Where is its solution?
I see in my own neighborhood this sight,
it’s not a matter to be taken light.
I see the leave and trees crying,
and the burnt fallen leaves lying.
I wish that it stops soon,
Otherwise, we’ll have to take refuge on the moon.
Plant trees and take care of them,
so that our lives don’t go in vain.

Fg.1 showing fumes emitted by factories

Fg.2 showing fumes emitted by factories


words and by Tom Lehrer

If you visit Kingston city.
You will find it pretty.
Just the things of which you must beware;
Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air!
Pollution, Pollution!
They got smug and sewage and mud
Turn on your tap
And get hot and cold running crud;
see the halibuts and the sturgeons
Being wiped out by detergents
Fish got to swim, and birds got to fly.
But they don't last long if they try.
Pollution, pollution!
You and use the latest toothpaste,
And rinse your mouth.
with industrial waste
Just go out for a breath of air
And you'll be ready for Medicare
The city streets really quiet a trill
If the hood doesn't get you, the monoxide will
Pollution, Pollution!
Wear a gas mask and veil
Then you can breathe
Long as you don't inhale!
Lots of things there that you can drink
But stay away from the kitchen sink!
The breakfast garbage that you throw into the bay

They drink at lunch in Runaway Bay

So go to the city
See the crazy people there
Like lambs to the slaughter
They're drinking the water
And breathing [cough) the air!

Reflection 1

My first artefact was an article from The Champact titled "Pollution

dated in 2013. After reading this article I have realized that pollution has
a detrimental effect on the environment cases animals to lose their
natural habitats. It causes human to become ill and possible lead to
My second artefact was written by the Gleaner and titled Pollution
damage. From this article I learnt that the leading causes of Air pollution
are fumes from passing vehicles.
My third artifact is a song by clicking on en.m.wikisource.
ag/wiki/page. Tom - Lehrer- Song lyrics (website).pdf/64 uploaded in
2022. After listening to this song, I have learnt the effects of air
pollution on humans. I have learnt that the disposing of unwanted
garbage in the drains will end up in another person's food or water.
These artefacts have caused my thoughts on the causes of Air
pollution in Jamaica to remain the same. The knowledge that I have
acquired has further peak my interest in further pushing further research
on this topic.

Reflection 2

I think language devices were used effectively in all three pieces.

Firstly, in the poem, the writer uses repetition, rhyme and rhythm to
make their massage more acceptable with in as the sound was pleasing
to the ear. Presenting this defiant message more acceptable and more
Secondly, in the article post, the Gleaner used language devices such
as capitalization and emotive language to persuade the audience that air
pollution had a detrimental effect to the body. They capitalized the
works Pollution danger to emphasize the risk of harm associated with
Finally, the use of excerpts in the song added authenticity to the news
story as well in the songs we were given a better understanding of the
effects of air pollution.

Reflection 3

Engaging in this SBA process has helped me in many ways. In the

first instance, it has allowed me to understand that instead of living with
my personal confusions, I can use the inquiry-based approach to learning
to resolve them. I do not have to rely on my own understanding. This
approach can also be used when I do not fully understand topics in
classes. Rather than remain ignorant or confused in those areas, I could
research on my own.
The process has also helped me to organize and present my ideas to
my peers. I usually shy away from that because I was afraid of appearing
stupid. However, engaging in repeated and constructive peer and self-
assessment has helped me to more readily accept criticism of my work
and more critically assess my own work. It has also helped me to more
readily accept that I am not perfect. Therefore, my first or even my third
attempt may not be the best, so I should not be afraid to share my
thoughts and be prepared to refine them.
Finally, the process has helped me to work better with people. Working
in a group was not always easy, but having to do it helped me to accept
and work with different personality. I am sure this is something I will
have to do in the world of work, so I am thankful for the practice.

Group Report
In our comprehensive group report on air pollution, we meticulously examined the multifaceted
nature of this global issue. Identifying various sources, we found that industrial process,
transportation, and agricultural activities significantly contribute to the release of harmful
pollutants into the atmosphere. This contamination, often comprised of particulate matter and
noxious gases, not only degrades air quality but also permeates ecosystems, affecting both flora
and fauna.
Furthermore, our research delved into the cascading impacts of air pollution on human health.
The inhalation of polluted air has been linked to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems,
and even adverse effects on cognitive function. Vulnerable populations, such as children and the
elderly, are particularly at risk.
As we conclude our report, it becomes evident that a concerted effort, encompassing regulatory
measures, sustainable practices, and public awareness campaigns, is imperative to address the
far-reaching consequences of air pollution and safeguard the well-being of the environment and


Theme: Air pollution

Topic: Causes of Air Pollution in Jamaica
Genre: Speech
Sources: Gyankaksh Educational Institute
Language: Standard English and dialect
Main Idea: To combat the effects of air pollution


Aditi, 13 years Jharkhand

Pictures from

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