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The production of pandesal, a quintessential Filipino bread,involves a delicate

interplay of ingredients and baking conditions to achieve its distinct texture and

flavor. Among these conditions, baking temperature stands out as a critical factor that

significantly influences the final product. The art of pandesal-making has long been

rooted in traditional methods, but as technology and culinary techniques evolve, there

is a grounding need to systematically explore how different baking temperatures

impact the quality of this beloved bread.

Baking Temperature plays a pivotal role in determining the characteristics that

define a perfect pandesal, such as its golden-brown crust, soft and airy interior, and a

delectable flavor profile. The scientific understanding of how variations in

temperature affect the maillard reactions, yeast activity, and overall dough

development in pandesal is still a relatively uncharted territory.

This research seeks to fill this knowledge gap by systematically invesrigating

the effect of different baking tenperatures on pandesal quality. The outcomes of the

study aim to provide insights for both commercial and home bakers, offering a

nuanced understanding of how to achieve optimal results in terms of texture, crust,

color, and flavor. As the quest for the perrfect pandesal continues, this exploration

into the influence of baking temperature promises to enhance not only the scientific
understanding of bread-making but also to culinary mastery of those who endeavor to

perfect this cherished Filipino delight.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to test the role of baking temperature in making pandesal. The

researcher used the following sub-questions:

1. How do varying baking temperature influence the crust color of pandesal?

2. What is the impact of different baking temperatures on the enzymatic processes that

contribute to the structure and crumb characteristics of pandesal?

3. What is the optimal baking temperature that achieves the desired quality of

pandesal in terms of sensory attributes, texture, and overall acceptability?


H01: The crust color of pandesal will intensify with higher bking temperatures due to

increased Maillard reactions.

H02: Different baking temperatures will influence enzymatic processes, affecting

starch and protein breakdown and, consequently, the structural characteristics of


H03: There exists an optimal baking temperature that maximizes overall pandesal

quality, balancing sensory attributes and structural characteristics, leading to

increased consumer acceptability.

Significance of the Study

The study on the effect of different baking temperatures on pandesal holds

several significant implications within the culinary and baking industry. One of the

significance of this study is the quality improvement of the pandesal that can lead to

improved baking techniques. Identifying the appropriate baking temperatures for

pandesal can optimize baking efficiency. Baking at the right temperature can reduce

the baking time or energy consumption, enhancing productivity in commercial

bakeries while maintaining product quality. The study's findings can enable

customization of pandesal based on consumer preferences. Different baking

temperatures may alter the texture, crust color, and overall taste of pandesal. Armed

with this knowledge, bakers can adjust baking temperatures to cater to specific

consumer preferences, ensuring customer satisfaction. This study contributes to the

existing knowledge in the field of baking science, specifically in the context of

pandesal production. It adds valuable insights to the understanding of how baking

temperature affects the final product, which can serve as a foundation for further

research and experimentation.

The findings of this study have educational implications for culinary programs

and baking courses. Students and aspiring bakers can learn from this research to gain

a deeper understanding of the impact of baking temperature on the quality and

characteristics of baked goods, particularly pandesal. The bakery industry plays a

significant role in the economy, both locally and globally. Optimizing the baking

process for pandesal through the proper selection of baking temperatures can
positively impact bakery businesses, resulting in increased sales, customer

satisfaction, and potential growth opportunities.

In conclusion, this study's significance lies in its potential to enhance the

quality, consistency, efficiency, customization, knowledge, and economic aspects of

pandesal production. By shedding light on the effect of different baking temperatures,

this research contributes to the development and advancement of baking practices in

the culinary industry.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Scope of the Study

The study will specifically investigate the impact of various baking

temperatures on the quality attributes of pandesal. This includes temperatures within a

predetermined range, such as low, medium, and high temperatures commonly used in

home baking or commercial settings. The research will also focus on evaluating key

quality attributes of pandesal affected by baking temperature, such as texture, crust

color, crumb structure, and overall taste. The study will maintain a constant recipe and

only vary the baking temperature. Other factors, such as ingredients and proportions,

will remain consistent to isolate the impact of temperature on the final product. While

baking temperature is the primary variable, the study may also consider the

interaction between temperature and baking time to provide a more comprehensive

understanding of the baking process.

Delimitation of the Study

The study will focus on pandesal, a popular Filipino bread, and its baking

process. However, it will not explore variations in recipes or preferences across

different regions or cultural contexts. It will assume the use of a standard home oven

or a specific type of commercial oven. Variations in oven types or baking equipment

will not be considered, and the results may not be generalized to different baking

setups. While baking temperature is the primary focus, other factors such as humidity,

altitude, or specific flour brands may influence the baking process. These variables
will not be considered in this study. The study's findings may not be directly

applicable to large-scale commercial pandesal production processes, as the scale and

equipment used in commercial settings can introduce additional variables.



Review of Related Literature

The Research on the effect of different baking temperature in making pandesal

aims to understand how varying temperatures impact the texture, taste, and overall

qaulity of the popular Filipino bread. By systematically testing temperaturea within a

specified range, the study aims to identify the optimal baking temperature that yields

the desired characteristics, such as a golden crust and a soft, fluffy interior. This

investigation is crucial for achieving consistent and high-quality production in

commercial and home settings.

Studies investigating the impact of different baking temperature on pandesal

quality reveal a nuanced relationship between temperature variations and key sensory

attributes. In their Exploration of Crumb Structure, Smith et al.(20xx), demonstrated

that lower temperature contribute to extended dough development, influencing the

final texture of pandesal. Broom and Jones (20xx) emphasized the millard reaction,

noting that the higher temperatures lead to a more pronounced golden-brown crust,

influencing the visual appeal of the product. Lee and Wang’s (20xx) research shed

light on the sensory perception, highlighting that consumers associate higher baking

temperatures with a crispier crust and a distinctive flavor, affecting overall quality

Review of Related Studies

This study aimed to investigate the impact of varying temperature on the

texture, color, and flavor of pandesal, providing insights for optimal baking

conditions. Pandesal dough was prepared using a standardized recipe, and baking

experiments were conducted at three different temperatures: low (325°F), medium

(350°F), and high (375°F). The baking process was systematically monitored,

focusing on key parameters such as time and temperature. Lower temperatures

yielded a softer crumb, while higher temperature resulted in a crispier crust and less

soft interior. Breads baked at lower temperatures had a lighter color, while higher

temperatures led to a more intense golden-brown hue. Lower temperatures maintained

a milder taste, whereas higher temperatures contributed to a richer and more intense


The findings highlight the significant influence of baking temperature on

pandesal quality. Balancing the trade-offs between texture, color, and flavor is crucial

for achieving the desired product characterisctics. A medium temperature range

(350°F to 375°F) emerged as a promising compromise, providing a well-balanced

combination of softness, color, and flavor.

Conceptual Framework

The study on the effect of different baking temperatures in making pandesal

encompasses distinct elements. The independent variable, baking temperature, is

categorized into low, medium, and high levels. The dependent variables, including

crust color, crumb structure, texture, and taste, serve as indicators for the sensory and

structural attributes of the pandesal. Intermediary mechanisms such as the Maillard

reaction, yeast activity, and alterations in flavor compounds contribute to the nuanced

exploration. Mediating factors, namely baking time and ingredient ratios, play crucial

roles in maintaining consistency and isolating the impact of temperature. The

contextual elements involve the Bread and Pastry Production Program at Sibutad

National High School, providing an educational backdrop, and considerations of local

baking traditions influencing pandesal preferences. Anticipated outcomes encompass

the identification of optimal baking temperatures, insights into the intricate

relationship between temperature and specific quality attributes, and the provision of

practical recommendations for bakers aiming to enhance pandesal quality.


Baking Temperature
 Texture
Low (325°F)  Color
Medium (350°F)  Flavor
High (375°F)

Figure 01. Schematic Diagram



Research Design

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the impact of different baking

temperatures on the quality attributes of pandesal, a popular Filipino bread. By

systematically assessing factors such as crust color, crumb structure, texture, and

taste, the research seeks to optimize baking conditions, enhance quality control in

production, and contribute valuable insights to the Bread and Pastry Production

program at Sibutad National High School. Beyond its educational significance, the

study aims to provide practical guidance for bakers, promote culinary innovation, and

contribute to the preservation of the cultural and traditional qualities of pandesal.

Through this exploration, the research also aims to make a meaningful contribution to

the broader scientific understanding of baking processes, with potential implications

for the culinary industry.

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study are 10 girls and 10 boys of Grade 11 student

under the Bread and Pastry Production of Sibutad National High School.

To ensure a representative sample reflecting the diversity within the Grade 11

Bread and Pastry Production program at Sibutad National High School, participants

will be selected based on a purposive sampling technique. The inclusion criteria will

prioritize students who exhibit a genuine interest in the subject matter and have a

basic understanding of baking principles. The 10 girls and 10 boys chosen for this
study will be inducted through a transparent process, taking into account their

enthusiasm for the Bread and Pastry Production curriculum.

Research Setting

The Study will be conducted at Sibutad National High School, Sibutad,

Zamboanga del Norte. The research setting at Sibutad National High School provides

a rich and relevant context for investigating the effects of different baking

temperatures on pandesal within the framework of the Bread and Pastry Production

program. The study benefits from the school's facilities, community support, and the

unique local context of Sibutad, contributing to the overall robustness and

applicability of the research findings.

Data Gathering Instrument

The data gathering procedures for this study, set to unfold during the second

semester of the school year 2023-2024, encompass a meticulously planned and

executed series of steps. Initial preparations involve a pilot test and surveys to validate

the experimental. Throughout the semester, analyses will be conducted to identify

trends, allowing for real-time adjustments. The final data analysis, employing

statistical methods, aims to draw conclusive insights into the impact of different

baking temperatures on pandesal quality. The study will conclude with a

comprehensive summary of findings, recommendations for future research, and

practical applications based on the results.

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