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Monalisa Pereira

Instagram: @encantarte.croche Contact: Padrão developed by
Edna Alcantara
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and or Oeeee....
m Sejam bem vindos (as)...
and Before everything, be very careful to
trust me and not my work!

This is the photo, so I pray to Edna

Alcantara, but I can call myself Edna. I am
31 years old, my breeder

@encantarte.croche and work with amigurumis since

2020. I have worked two years with
orders, raising a lot of love and faith in each
In 2022, I launched my first father, and from then on I shared my
knowledge with other people.
In 2023, you will be able to practice two of my greatest dreams, a
Complete Santinhas Course. My greatest project: or Santinhas que
Monalisa Pereira
enchant. This one you say is written (a).
I hope you enjoy and learn a lot from me. Together we are going to make
Santinhas that we love.

About the use of the father....

This EXCLUSIVE recipe for the Santinhas que Encantam course.
It is a PAID pad, for personal use, it cannot be shared,
transferred, copied, resold or published.
Please RESPECT the directions of the designer and my work.
You can sell the final product made by you giving due credits to
You'll love seeing your work, so there's no need to mark it when you make
these pieces. I want you to sell many pieces.

Use the hashtag #fizcomencantarte

Com Amor
Edna Alcantara
TTooddooss ooss ddi irreei ittooss rreesseerrvvaaddooss aa EEddnnaa AAl lccaannttaarraa ee @@eennccaannttaarr ttee. .ccrroocchhee, 22002233
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Tesoura 5cm acrylic base to place on the base
Alfinetes (this is what it looks like on the right
Tapestry needle side)
silicone glue Needle 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 (You can use
Preta and golden sewing line what you want, or use the tulip, each
Linha Cléa preta brand varies or the size of the
Oils with safety lock nº 7 hook)
Fita crepe or insulation String of rhinestones
pliers Folhas applique
Galvanized arame nº 18 (for supporting Chatons 4mm: green, vermelho and
fish and movements of two arms) blue
Perola 6mm
Enchimento (it is important that it is Rhinestone heart
strong and smooth) Mini meia perola (optional)
Halo with 12 stars

Pereira Difficulty level Intermediate/advanc

Use the materials indicated and use the The

pastorinhos are about 8cm.

Be careful of the materials used, the text of

the fiber and needle (size and brand) may
change the size of your piece.
Approximate execution time: 10 hours.

The value of each piece is in accordance

with your hours worked, profits and expenses.
This piece is for sale for 350.00.

All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023

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Monalisa Pereira

Fio Amigurumi Tex 492 Fio Charm slim Tex 417

Macadamia 3148 Ouro golden 7577

Fio Cléa Tex 151

White 8001
Military green 5358

Fio Amigurumi Glitter Tex 536 Fio Belinha fashion Tex 295

White 8001 Duna Bege 0704

Fio Anne Tex 295

Paixão Board 3635

All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023

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Monalisa Pereira

Fio Beilinha fashion tex 295 Fio Anne Tex 295

Aquarelle 243 Mostarda 7030

White 2
Castanha 7625

Pink Barbie 1352 Royal 2314

Cru 4 Craft 7148

Lavender blue 501 Military green 5368

Duna Bege 704

Cappucino Brown 712

All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023

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Monalisa Pereira


AM - Anel magico
pb - ponto baixo
pbx - ponto baixíssimo
mpa - meio ponto alto
pa - ponto alto
corr - correntinha
aum - increase
dim - diminuição
BLO - Just behind you
Carr - carreira
Pt - point
Between [x] number of points at the end of the race
Only work current when indicated

All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023

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Arms (2x)
Agulha 1.8 and fio amigurumi Macadamia

1- 5sc not AM [5]

2 - inc, 4sc [6] 3
- sc all the way [6]
Die for cor branca:
4- BLO: 6pbx
5- BLO: 2sc, 2 inc, 2sc [8] 6
to 22-sc all the way [8] (17 runs)

Strengthen yourself with your body,

attack and finish with a false point.

Sewing is done with a long length to

sew. Sew between the tracks 43 and 44,
with 10 points of separation.

Monalisa Pereira

All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023

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Agulha 2.0 and fio amigurumi White

1- 9sc non AM
[9] 2- 9sc [18]
3- sc, inc (2sc, inc) 5x, 1sc [24] 4-
(3sc, inc) 6x [30] 5-
2sc, inc (4sc, inc ) 5x, 2sc [36] 6- (5sc,
inc) 6x [42] 7- sc in
relay all over [42] 8 to 10- sc all over
[42] (3 ch)
11- BLO: sc all the way [42] (Photo 4) 12
to 13- sc all the way [42] (2 runs)
Cole a base, wait to dry before
continuing the work.

14- 6sc, dim (12sc, dim) 2x, 6sc [39]

15 to 18- sc all over [39] (4 sc) 19- (11sc,
dim) 3x [36] 20 to 23-
sc all over a volta [36] (4 ch) 24- 5sc, dim
(10sc, dim) 2x, 5 sc [33]
25 to 28- sc all over [33] (4 carr) Monalisa Pereira
29- (9sc, dim) 3x [30]
30 to 32- sc all over [30] (3 carr) 33- 4sc,
dim (8sc, dim) 2x, 4sc [27] 34 to 35-
sc all the way [27] (2 r.)
Place the appliance as you work.

Now we will work hard. 36- sc, (2sc,

dim) 6x, 2sc [21] 37 to 39- sc
all the way [21] (3 ch) 40- sc, (2sc, inc) 6x,
2sc [27] 41 to 42- sc all the way
around [27] (2 rows) 43- 5sc, 4sc (joining
the first arm with the body), 10sc without the body,
If you choose to sew the arms,
4sc (joining the second arm with the body), 4sc
you should disregard race 43 and
[27] 44- 5sc, 4pb no arm (we
44, instead of sewing the arms
point to ficaram without work), 10pb no body, 4pb
together, make two races retas of
no arm (we point to ficaram without work), 4pb[27]
27 sc.
45- (pb, dim) 9x [18]

Die for cord da pele 46-

BLO: sc for the entire volta[18]
47- (sc, dim) 6x [12]
48- (2sc, dim) 3x [9]
All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023
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Waist detail
Agulha 2.0 e fio charm slim gold
Let's do the detail on the waist between the streets 36 and 37.
Work pbx all over the world. Lay down and hide your children.

Agulha 2.0 and fio amigurumi White

Now that we have left on street 10, we will now

work on FLO.

1- Faça 42 pbx. Date with a pbx at the first


2 to 4- sc for the entire voltage [42] (3 carr)

Now we will finish or bar.

Monalisa Pereira
5- Faça pbx dating, gluing a point to
the bar and a point to the base, repeat all over
again. Lash out.

Here, today you introduce the fio slim golden


All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023

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Agulha 2.0 and fio amigurumi Macadamia

sc all the way [9] 58- 7 sc, 57- sc all the way [32] 49-
all the way inc, 8 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 8 sc, inc [36] 50- 9 inc [18] 59 to 62- sc
inc) 6x [30] around
64- (3sc[36]
, (4 sc) 51- (2sc, inc) 6x [24] 63- (4sc, dim) 6x, [30] 52- (3sc,
dim) 6x [18] 54 to 55- dim) 6x [24] 53- (4sc, inc) 6x [36] 65- (2sc,
[12] 56- 15pb, 2dim, sc all the way [36] (2 ch) 66- (1sc, dim) 6x
4pb, 2dim, 9pb [32] 67- 6 dim [6]

These diminuições will give a Date as an inverted magic ring.

bochecha appearance. These
diminuições have to be The eyes with the safety lock will be
centralized on the front. It may be inserted in the low point road after the
necessary to do less or more points
diminuições road (here, between the
before the 2 diminuições. roads 57 and 58), centralize and insert
the eyes to fit between the
diminuições. You will see that the
bochecha ficará bem abaixo dos olhos.
Count 5 sts Place the support on the bottom and insert the second eye.
Monalisa Pereira

Agulha 1.5 and fio amigurumi Marsala

1- not AM: 2corr, 2pa, 2mpa, pa, 2mpa, 2pa, 2corr, pbx, arremate.
Edge with a crown of thorns does not leave the school or heart.

All addresses reserved to Edna Alcantara and @encantarte.croche, 2023

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Cloak 1
Agulha 2.5 e fio amigurumi White

As you knit the mantle, work on the

1- 6sc not piece, always use a larger needle
AM 2- 6sc than what you used to make the
[12] 3- (sc, inc) 6x body. Maybe it is necessary to do
[18] 4- (2sc, inc) 6x more or less races
[24] 5- (3sc, inc) 6x depending on your point, angle and
[30] 6- (4sc, inc ) 6x line.
[36] 7 to 10- sc all the way [36] (4 rows)
11- 18 sc (here we will work just 18 points),
turn or work
12 to 13- 18sc (2 rn)
14- inc, 16sc, inc [20] 15-
inc, 18sc, inc [22] 16-
inc, 20sc, inc [24] 17- inc,
22sc, inc [26] 18 a 20- sc
for the whole way [26] (3 r.) 21- inc, 4sc,
inc, 7sc, inc, 6sc, inc, 4sc, inc [31] 22- sc for the whole
way [31] 23 -4sc , inc, 10sc,
inc, 10sc, inc, 4sc [34] 24- sc for the entire
length [34] 25- 5sc, inc, 22sc,Monalisa Pereira
inc, 5sc [36]
26 to 27- sc for all in turn
[36] (2 ch) 28- 6sc, inc, 22sc, inc, 6sc [38]
29 to 30- sc in all in turn [38] (2 ch)
31- 7sc, inc, 22sc, inc, 7sc, inc [40] 32 to
33- sc all over [40] (2 ch) 34- 8sc, inc,
22sc, inc, 8sc [42] 35 to 36- sc all over [42]
(2 r) 37- 9sc, inc, 22sc, inc, 9sc [44]
38- sc all over [44] 39- 10sc, inc, 22sc, inc,
10sc [46] 40 - sc all over [46] 41-
11sc, inc, 22sc, inc, 11sc [48]
42 - sc all over [48] 43- 12sc, inc,
22sc, inc, 12sc [50] 44 - sc all
over [50] 45- 13sc, inc, 22sc, inc,
13sc [52] 46 - sc all the way
[52] 47- 14sc, inc, 22sc, inc, 14sc [54]
48 - sc all the way [54] 49-
15sc, inc, 22sc, inc, 15sc [56] 50 - sc
all over [56] 51- 16sc, inc,
22sc, inc, 16sc [58] 52- sc all over [58]
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Cloak 2
Agulha 2.5 e fio amigurumi White

1- 1- 6sc not
As you knit the mantle, work on the
AM 2- 6sc
piece, always use a larger needle
[12] 3- (sc, inc) 6x
than what you used to make the
[18] 4- (2sc, inc) 6x
body. It may be necessary to do
[24] 5- (3sc, inc) 6x more or less races
[30] 6- (4sc , inc) 6x
depending on your position.
[36] 7 to 11- sc all the way [36] (5 rr)
12- 10 sc (here we will work just 10 points), turn or
work, now we will work the way back and forth 13- 18 sc
18 sc
15- inc,
16 sc, inc [20] 16- inc,
18 sc, inc [22] 17- inc,
20 sc, inc [24] 18- inc,
22 sc, inc [26] 19 to 20-
sc by all at speed [26] (2 carr)
Monalisa Pereira
21- inc, 4sc, inc, 7sc, inc, 6sc, inc, 4sc, inc [31]
22 to 24- sc all the way [31] (3 ch) 25 -
4sc, inc , 10sc, inc, 10sc, inc, 4sc [34] 26 to
28- sc all over [34] (3 ch) 29- 5sc, inc,
22sc, inc, 5sc [36] 30 to 32- sc all
over in turn [36] (3 ch) 33- 6sc, inc, 22sc,
inc, 6sc [38] 34 to 36- sc in the
entire way [38] (3 ch) 37- 7sc, inc, 22sc,
inc, 7sc [40] 38 to 40- sc for the
entire voltage [40] (3 carr)
Stop here, because I want a fair cloak. Fiz 10 careers
challenges of 40pb. But if you want a looser cloak,
continue your work. (see video for more
41- 8 sc, inc, 22 sc, inc, 8 sc [42]
42 to 43- sc all the way [42] (3 rows) 44-
9 sc, inc, 22 sc, inc, 9 sc [ 44] 45 to
47- sc for the whole row [44] (3 ch) 48- 10
sc, inc, 22 sc, inc, 10 sc [46] 49 to
51 - sc for the whole row [46] (2 ch)

Work a cart of pb em volta de todo o mantle.

Work a career with a slim charm on BLO, dark hair.
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Agulha 2.0 e fio charm slim gold

1- 24 corr, date with pbx, and work 24pb 2 - pb

all the way [24] 3- pb, now we
will work as alças da coroa, it will be 6 no total.
Go up 12 runs, turn the work and turn from the 3rd row on the face 10 sc in the
alcinha inside the point, sc on the point where you went up as run on the face
4 sc (repeat 6x).
After doing 6 attacks, attack. OPTIONAL: Garment or garment on the lower
part of the crown and work 24pbx. Lash out.

Garment or garment on the side of one of the 6 wings and now we are going
to date those wings. Work 2pb in each row.

Now to finish dating the topo da coroa, face 6 dim, and let's do the topo da
coroa. sc, peak point, sc not next point (repeat 6x). Lash out.

Pass or harden the thermoline and model the

coroa Monalisa
Pereira Coroa

Agulha 2.0 and green amigurumi

1- 6 sc not AM
2- 6 inc [12]
3- (sc, inc) 6x [18] 4 to
5- sc all the way [18] (2 ch) 6- (sc, dim) 6x
[12] 7 - bp for all a
volta [12]
8- 12aum
lash out
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Agulha 2.5 e fio amigurumi pelúcia Branco

Agulha 2.5 e fio amigurumi cor Branco

1- 9 runs, from 2nd, 8sc, turn face

uma corr,
2- inc, 6sc, inc [10] 3-
inc, 8sc, inc [12] 4-
11sc, inc [13] 5-
inc, 12sc [14] 6- sc
in volta [14] 7- dim,
12sc [13] 8-
11pb, dim[12]
9- 12pb, up 6corr
10- from 2nd row, 17sc, 11-
16sc, inc [18] 12
to 14- 18sc
15- 16sc, dim [17]
16- dim, 15pb, [16] Monalisa Pereira
outros points without working) 18- inc, 11pb [13] 19-17- 12pb (the
12pb, inc [14] 20-
dim, 10pb, dim [12]
21- dim, 8sc, dim [10]
22- dim, 6sc, dim [8]
23- dim, 6sc [7] 24- sc
in volta [7]

Get ready first, don't get ready second, let's put the pieces together.

Faça pb putting the pieces together. Make sure to strain some paper on
the bottom to make it firmer.
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Pastorinhos de joelhos

Base body

Agulha 1.5 e fio Bella fashion cor escolhida

Let's start with the legs 1- 6sc no

AM 2- 6aum
This is the base
[12] body for
3- BLO: 12pb both the pastorinha
4- 4pb, 2dim, 4pb and the pastorinho
5- BLO: 10PB
6 - sc all the way [10] 7- 4sc,
2sc, 2sc, dim [11] 8- dim, 2sc,
(sc, inc) 2x, 3sc [12] 9- 5sc, dim, 3sc,
dim [10 ] 10- 3sc, BLO: *4sc*,
3sc [10] 11- 3sc, 4sc, 3sc [10] 12-

Arremate on the first leg In the

second we will start the body Monalisa
the second leg, garment in the first leg with sc, 13- 4sc in
more 9sc in the first leg and
in the second leg 14 to 16- make
20sc )


BLO: 20sc 18 -
20sc 19-
(8sc, dim) 2x [18] 20-
18sc 21-
(sc, dim) 6x [12] 22-
(2sc, dim) 3x [9]
start with the head 23- BLO:
9bx 24- BLO:
9sc 25- 9aum

26- (2sc, inc) 6x [24] 27-

24sc 28-
11sc, 2dc, 3sc, 2dm, 2sc [20] 29- 20sc
30- (4sc,
inc) 4x [24] 31- 24sc 32-
(2sc, dim)
6x [18] 33- (sc, dim) 6x
34- 6dim
Lash out.
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Pastorinhos em pé
Base body
Agulha 1.5 e fio Bella fashion cor escolhida

Let's start with the legs 1- 6sc no

AM 2- 6aum This is the base
[12] body for
both the
3- BLO: 12pb
pastorinha and the pastorinho
4- 4pb, 2dim, 4pb
5- BLO: 10PB
6 - sc all the way [10] 7- 4sc,
2sc, 2sc, dim [11] 8- dim, 2sc,
(sc, inc) 2x, 3sc [12] 9- 5sc, dim, 3sc,
dim 10] 10 to 12- 10pb (3

Arremate on the first leg

In the second we will start the body 13- 4sc in
the second leg, garment in the first leg with sc, make more 9sc in
the first leg and 10sc in the second leg 14Monalisa
to 16- 20sc Pereira
(3 rows)
17- BLO: 20sc
18 - 20sc
19- (8sc, dim) 2x [18]
20- 18sc
21- (sc, dim) 6x [12]
22- (2sc, dim) 3x [9]
Let's start head on
23- BLO: 9bx
24- BLO: 9sc
25- 9sc [18] 26-
(2sc, inc) 6x [24] 27- 24sc
28- 11sc,
2dim, 3sc, 2dim, 2sc [20] 29- 20sc 30-
(4sc, inc)
4x [24] 31- 24sc 32- (2sc,
dim) 6x
[18] 33- (sc, dim) 6x [12]

34- 6dim
Lash out.
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Arms (2x)

Agulha 1.5 e fio Bella fashion cor escolhida

1- 5pb non-
AM 2- 5pb
Cor die for shirt cord
3- BLO: 4sc, inc [6]
4 to 9- 6sc (6 sc)
10- date with 2sc
Deixe a long length for sewing

Hair - Pastorinho

Agulha 1.5 e fio Bella fashion cor escolhida

1- 6 sc no
AM 2- 6 inc
[12] 3- (sc, inc) 6x
[18] 4- (2 sc, inc) 6x
[24] 5- 24 sc Monalisa Pereira 6- turn or work, pull
1 st, sc, 7 sc , 15pb 7- turn
the work, polish 1pt, 22pb, pbx on the side of the hair.

Saia - Pastorinhas

Agulha 1.5 e fio Bella fashion cor escolhida

Prenda o fio nas alças livres da r.

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Avental- Pastorinhas

Agulha 1.5 e fio Bella fashion cor escolhida

1- 8run, 7pb
2 to 16- BLO: 7pb (15 run)
In the lower part of the avental work pb, 2corr, pb
até or end of the road. Lash out.

Faça 12corr, garment at the top with sc, and

work at the end, finish with 12corr. Lash out.

Véu Pastorinhas

Agulha 1.75 e fio Bella fashion cor escolhida

1- 2run, turn, inc [2] turn or work at the

end of each run 2- 2inc [4]
3- inc, 2sc,
inc [6] Monalisa Pereira
4- inc, 4sc, inc [8] 5- inc,
6sc, inc [10] 6- 10sc 7-
inc, 8sc,
inc [12] 8- 12sc 9- inc,
inc [14] 10- 14sc 11- inc,
inc [16] 12- 16sc 13- inc,
inc [18] 14- 18sc 15- inc,
inc [20] 16- inc, 18sc, inc
[ 22] 17- inc, 20sc, inc
[24] 18- inc, 22sc, inc [26]
19- inc, 24sc, inc [28]

Pb em volta de todo o véu. lash out

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