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Rising Action Exposition Resolution

Characters: Lila, mom,

Derek, friends of Lila.
Setting: Middle school, That was the first time Lila
cafeteria. do something just for
protect someone else
feelings. And it could be
Derek used to give Climax call a moment of maturity.
presents or treasures She still felt prouded
to Lila in her desk One day Derek give to Lila a dozen going throught the
many times. Lila's roses with a little note inside that made
her angry and she yelled at him. Lila
corridor with the dozen
friends were teased was vey upset and Derek looked that roses in her hand.
her because of the he wnated to cry because of the angry
presents. attack.

Falling Action

After that day she never

talk to him again and later
Derek moved away, so she
lost track of him.

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