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MS ACADEMY Lesson Plan 2023 -24

(MYJO) Activity:

Quiz Game: Divide the class into teams and conduct a quiz game based on the lesson. Ask questions
Class: 1st Lesson/ Unit:
related to self-introduction, Mesense
body parts, and organs,
My Body and hygiene.
Subject: EVS Concept: Me and My Body (Warmup activity let us start)
Example questions:
What are the five sense organs?
Learning Outcome: Students will learn to identify
How do you introduce yourself to someone new?
Skills acquired: Improve the ability to ask
parts of the body, grasp the significance of maintaining good questions, Knowledge application writing, reasoning
Name three body parts that help us move.
personal hygiene, and appreciate the concept of and notice important details to think
Why is it important to wash your hands before eating?
uniqueness while respecting individual differences. better and communicate effectively.
Award points for correct answers and encourage teamwork and participation.

Tick Mark Activity: Provide each student with a checklist or worksheet with tasks related to the lesson
TLM: Utilize picture books or flashcards for body parts, Teaching Methodology: aids and interactive
for hygiene
can include:activities, and whiteboards with discussions, students will identify body parts and their
chart paper for interactive learning. Incorporate
Introducing themselves to a classmate using their name and functions. Real-life examples and role-playing scenarios
one hobby.
storybooks or videos.
Identifying and labeling body parts on a diagram. enhance understanding of cleanliness and hygiene.
Describing the function of one sense organ.
Warm Listing
Up: three hygiene habits they will practice daily.
Students can tick mark each task as they complete it, providing a visual representation of their
Begin by asking students what they already know about their bodies and with a short discussion
understanding and progress.
about nicknames and ask students if they have any nicknames like Ayesha's "Aish" Allow a few students to
share their nicknames and the stories behind them.
Comprehensive Review Discussion: Facilitate a group discussion where students reflect on what they
have learned in the lesson and ask open-ended questions to encourage critical thinking and deeper
Start the lesson by displaying a poster or a picture of the human body. Ask students to identify and name
parts of the body that they
discussion points: recognize. Use this as an opportunity to introduce the topic of "Me and My
Body" andWhatexplain thatmost
was the today they will thing
interesting learn you
about their own bodies.
How do you think understanding our body parts and senses helps us in daily life?
Share one new hygiene habit you will start practicing after today's lesson.
Explanation / Presentation:
Encourage students to listen to each other's responses and build upon ideas, fostering a supportive learning
Body Parts Identification:
In the lesson, present images or flashcards depicting various body parts for
student identification. Proceed to discuss the functions of each part briefly,
like eyes for vision and ears for hearing. Then, engage the class in
collaborative learning by using the whiteboard to draw a basic body outline
and labeling its parts together.

Hygiene Practices:
Discuss the importance of keeping the body clean for good health and Hand
out simple hygiene-related activities like coloring sheets or fill-in-the-blank
worksheets where students can match hygiene practices with the body part
they relate to (e.g., brushing teeth for mouth, washing hands for hands).
Emphasize the importance of washing hands before eating and after using the

Understanding Uniqueness:
Read a story or show a video that celebrates diversity and uniqueness among
individuals and facilitate a discussion about how everyone is different and
special in their own way. Use the chart paper to list down qualities or talents
that make each student unique and encourage them to share.
Summarize the key points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of self-introduction, understanding body
parts and sense organs, and maintaining personal hygiene. Encourage students to practice good hygiene habits
and appreciate the uniqueness of themselves and others.

Reflection of teacher: _______________________________________________________________________


Signature of HM / Principal Teacher Signature

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