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Describe a job you have now.

You should say:

- how you got the job
- what the job involves
- why you wanted the job
and explain how you feel when you do the job

Describe a person/something that made you laugh.

You should say:
• What made you laugh
• Where you were when it happened
• Who you were with
• and explain why it made you laugh

Describe an interesting advertisement that you have seen.

You should say: • where you saw it
• what it was about
• who was in the advertisement
and explain why you think it was an interesting advertisement.

Describe some bad weather you have experienced.

You should say: • What type of weather it was
• When it happened
• What happened at that time
and explain what did you do at that time

Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event

You should say • What the food is
• On what special occasion do people eat it
• The special meaning of the food (if any)
and explain why that food is chosen for a special event

​Describe a house you would like to build in water area

You should say • what it would look like
• what features it would have
• where it would be situated
and explain why you think it would be suitable for this area

Describe a story /piece of information about space (real or

fictitious) that you have read about or seen in a film or on TV.
You should say • when you read or saw the story
• what happened in the story
• whether the story has any significance today
and explain how you felt about reading or seeing this story.

Describe a piece of art you know.

You should say • What the work of art is
• When you first saw/ knew it
• What it is about
and explain why you like it.

Describe a wild animal you know.

You should say
• what the animal is
• what it looks like
• where it lives
and explain how people feel about this animal.

Describe your favorite way to communicate with someone.

You should say
• what way it is
• how you use it to communicate with others
• for how long you have been using this method
and explain why you prefer to use this way of communication.

Wild animal
- động vật ăn thịt (carnivore) và động vật ăn cỏ (herbivore)
- endangered (adj) /ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd/ at risk of no longer existing (có nguy cơ
tuyệt chủng)
- poaching (n) - poach (v) /pəʊtʃ/ to illegally hunt birds, animals or fish on
somebody else’s property or without permission (săn bắt trái phép)
- habitat loss (n) /ˈhæbɪtæt lɔːs/ mất môi trường sống
- mammal (n) /ˈmæml/ any animal that gives birth to live young, not eggs,
and feeds its young on milk (động vật có vú)
- Extinct (a): tuyệt chủng
- Impose (punishment on): đặt ra (hình phạt đối với)
- illegal hunting: săn bắn trái phép
- reservation : khu bảo tồn
- slow to reproduce: sinh sản chậm/ slow-breeding mammal: động vật có
vú sinh sản chậm ( panda, elephant…)

● To keep in touch (v): giữ liên lạc
● Tactic screen (n): màn hình cảm ứng
● Accessible (adj): có thể truy cập, sử dụng
● Effective (adj): hiệu quả
● Portable (adj): có thể xách tay, mang đi được
● Personal matter (n): việc tư
● Official matter (n): việc công
● transfer information: truyền thông tin
● Instantly: ngay lập tức
● face-to-face communication: giao tiếp trực tiếp
● bring down geographical and language boundaries: giảm bớt các rào cản
về địa lý & ngôn ngữ
● See the emotions and expression
● Show the emotions while communicating f2f

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