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Project Activity Log

Learner Name TANG MING HONG Learner number 0602

Centre Name Shenzhen College of International Education Centre Number 93884

Unit Name Unit 2: Investigation Unit number P302

Teacher Assessor Mr. Philip Norton

Proposed project title The Connection Between Music and People’s Feelings
This form should be used to record the process of your project and be submitted as evidence with the
final piece of work.

You may want to discuss:

what you have done (eg, from one week to the next)
if you are working in a group, what discussions you have had
any changes that you have or will need to make to your plans
what resources you have found or hope to find
what problems you are encountering and how you are solving them
what you are going to do next

Date Comments

- Brainstorm the topic of investigation, took quite a long time struggling.

Aug 31, 2023 When I was stressed out, I put on my headset, and listened to some
music to calm myself down, and the idea of this topic popped up.

- Made sure what my investigation topic was about and brainstormed

Sep 7, 2023 about what do I want to nd out (Project Objectives)
- Started on the reasons for choosing this project

- Initiated the research on the relationship between music and the feelings of people.
- Coming through the rst phase, I have conducted the initial literature review to obtain the
pertinent information.
Sep 9, 2023 - Identi ed the main questions for research and objectives.
- Developed a project schedule and look forward to accomplish the project within the next few
- Literature review continuation to get into the topic in details.
- Identi ed earlier research devoted to music and emotions.
Sep 13, 2023 - Struggles when I could not nd accurate and updated material.
- I got in touch with the tutor of the course, Mr. Alirio Melendez-Romero who
directed me to the proper research articles.
- Received the help of the lecturer in following the guidelines for accessing information through academic
Sep 19, 2023 - Working in cooperation with librarians, getting access to necessary academic articles and publications.
- Analyze and read the publications, extracting the main ndings and the applied research techniques.
- Encounter di culties in grasping some technical words and concepts that are mentioned in the outlined
Pearson Edexcel Project Qualifications – Activity Log Issue 2 – December 2020
Date Comments
- On going reading and especially writing down key concepts in the research articles.
- Started working on the review of literature segment of the research essay.
- To overcome this problem I have put together a literature review with speci c aims and a
Sep 26, 2023 narrative feature.
- Having encountered complications in arranging the literature review, I had to contact the tutor
for assistance.
- Received a consult from the tutor as to how the review of literature should be structured.
- Improved the literature review on the need for the renovation of the training center focusing on its
coherence and clarity.
Oct 11, 2023 - To keep the reader interested and read on, I did further research using more examples and supporting data.
- Met di culties when trying to nd studies of particular type concerning the e ect of music on psychological

- Looked at the music into several di erent research methodologies like qualitative and quantitative research
for nding the accurate data.
- Consider the chance of carrying out surveys, experiments, and more formal discussions with the
Oct 13, 2023 participants.
- Explored data collection challenges and ethical issues that may relates to the sort of methods we will use.
- Have just completed drafting my research methodology section.

-Continued outlining the research methodology section.

-Explored di erent approaches for selecting participants.
Oct 22, 2023 -Considered the inclusion criteria and sample size for the study.
-Faced challenges in determining the most appropriate selection criteria

- Along with the tutor we mapped out the criteria for selecting the participants.
- Received instructions to choose the participants would form an age group and of
Oct 29, 2023 same education.
- Adjusted the research methodology to the selection process of participants.
- Initiated writing for measuring data collection methods.
- Employed diverse data collection techniques that meet the research objective.
- Proposed the application of surveys, experiments, and talks as potential tools.
Nov 8, 2023 - Analyzing both the positive and negative sides of the techniques.
- The hardest decision was to deal with the challenge of choosing which data
collection methods to employ.
- Design the survey form, with the questions revised and for the nal stage.
- Performed a pretest of the surveys to discover likely questions or unclear points.
Nov 12, 2023 - Adapted the teaching material according to the response from the pilot study.
- I started developing the experimental setup for the research about the e ects music
can have on mental health.
- Surveyed and conducted the rst of the data collection exercises.
- Teenagers from the target age group (16-18 years old)--mostly high school students
Nov 26, 2023 were recruited participants.
- Consistency of ethical considerations were kept during data collection, which
include the inclusion of informed consent and con dentiality.

- Performed supplementary data analysis and used statistic programs.

Nov 30, 2023 - The relationship between music's attributes and emotional responses was

- It slowly begun with the writing up of the results and ndings section of the research essay.
- I have illustrated the main ndings concerning how particular music features are associated with speci c
Dec 1, 2023 - Presenting data in tables, charts, and graphs formats is mainly intended to help viewers interpret information
more easily.
- Dealing with issues involved in providing easy-to-understand encapsulation of complex statistic information.

Pearson Edexcel Project Qualifications – Activity Log Issue 2 – December 2020

Date Comments
- Based on the guidance of the tutor I reframed and rewrote the ndings and results section to
meet the requirement.
- Performing a detailed literature review has led to the veri cation of the validity and congruence
Dec 2, 2023 of the given information.
- In addition to that, in the discussion, the overall ndings were analyzed along with the similar
ideas represented in the previous literatures.
- Another aspect that will be covered is an elaboration of the discussion and analysis section of the essay.
- Through the study conducted, point out the import of the ndings in this case relationship between music and
Dec 5, 2023 emotions.
- Music interventions for emotional well-being appicalcations were explored.
- Struggling with the combining of complex concepts and theories into one constructive discussion.

- I did all my nal discussion and analysis chapter which basically included all discussion points.
- Started writing conclusion, outlining the major arguments, and showing its importance.
Dec 13, 2023 - Conducted a study project analysis to evaluate the project and critic the module.
- Submitted my rst full draft.

- Utilised the teacher's advice while writing the rst draft of the research essay.
- Made adjustments in the introduction and ensured it is nicely organized and clear enough.
- The introduction was su ciently revised which provides a more interesting starting point to
Jan 8, 2024 present the research topic.
- Explained the concepts and importance articulately.

- Revised the literature review section based on the teacher's comments.

- Strengthened the coherence and logical ow of ideas in the literature review.
Jan 14, 2024
- Incorporated additional references and expanded on key concepts.
- Ensured proper citation and adherence to academic referencing guidelines.

- Revised the ndings and results section based on the teacher's comments.
Feb 3, 2024 - Clari ed the presentation of data and statistical analysis methods used.
- Improved the interpretation of ndings and their implications.
- Ensured the ndings were well-supported by evidence from the collected data.

- Revised the conclusion section based on the teacher's comments.

Feb 26, 2024 - Summarized the key ndings concisely and emphasized their signi cance.
- Highlighted the implications for future research and potential applications of the study.
- Ensured the conclusion e ectively wrapped up the research essay.

Mar 18, 2024 -Finished my evaluation and re ection of this project

Mar 19, 2024

-Collecting and rearranging my citations and doing my bibliography

Mar 20, 2024 -Kept on nishing my bibliography and ready for submission

Pearson Edexcel Project Qualifications – Activity Log Issue 2 – December 2020

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