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Topic No.

4: Functions of Arts
Art Appreciation
Date: February 27, 2024

Tinsley, Ivory

Functions of Arts
Communicate thoughts – We all know that art speaks a universal language by using
its visuals and symbols it convey powerful ideas, emotions, and messages which
resonate with everyone and this artistic language can speak feelings, challenge
viewpoints, and even inspire fresh ideas that’s why I pick this artwork to showcase that
kind of communication.
Promote Cohesion within social groups - art acts as a social bond in uniting diverse
individuals it also provides a shared experience and sense of identity whether
celebrating traditions, remembering history, or striving for change, art becomes a
common ground for connection and community building.
Record the likeness of individual and its context – It also acts like a time capsule
capturing individual experiences, cultural values, and the social environment of its

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